Last updated: Feb 15, 2022

Object Oriented Programming

Object-Oriented Programming is a programming style that is associated with the concept of class, objects, and various other concepts revolving around these two, like Inheritance, Polymorphism Abstraction, Encapsulation, etc. The main aim of OOP is to bind together the data and the functions that operate on them so that no other part of the code can access this data except that function.
Characteristics of Object Oriented Programming EASY
Top Characteristics of OOPS 1. Classes 2. Objects 3. Encapsulation 4. Abstraction 5. Inheritance 6. Polymorphism
Data Hiding in C++ EASY
In this article, we will discuss the concept of data hiding in C++, its relationship with data abstraction and encapsulation, access specifiers, and the benefits and applications of data hiding in software development.
Benefits of OOPs EASY
In this article, we will learn about the benefits of OOPS, including encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and modular design for efficient software development.
Features of Object Oriented Programming MEDIUM
Top features of oops: 1. Classes and Objects 2. Abstraction 3. Inheritance 4. Polymorphism 6. Method Overloading
C++ Classes and Objects EASY
Discover C++ classes & objects: learn class creation, object declaration, access specifiers, member functions, constructors, & destructors.
Difference between Structure and Class in C++ EASY
In this article, we will discuss what is structure, syntax, and what is classes, syntax and what are the differences and similarities between class and structure.
Nested Class in C++ EASY
In this article, we will look into the concept of nested classes in C++ with the help of examples for a better understanding.
Static data members in C++ EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Static data members in C++.
Difference Between Constructor and Destructor in C++ MEDIUM
This blog will cover what constructors and destructors are and what are the different types of constructors in C++ with examples.
Access specifiers in C++
Explore access specifiers in c++ with syntax and examples. Check out the types of access modifiers i.e. public, private, and protected access modifiers.
xor operation EASY
In this blog, we will learn about xor operation. We will further learn about how XOR Operation Works with Negative numbers and Positive numbers with examples.
Local Class EASY
In this article, we will learn what local classes are with the help of codes and also their characteristics. This article will help you understand the concept better and escalate your pre-existing knowledge.
Parameterized Constructors in C++ EASY
Parameterized constructors in C++ are constructors that accept parameters. They enable programmers to create objects with specific properties and attributes by passing arguments.
Get to know Abstract Class in C++ EASY
This article will discuss Abstract Class in C++ and code implementation with examples.Such classes are mainly used for Upcasting.
Operators Overloading in C++ MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about Operators Overloading in C++ in complete detail with examples.
Lvalue and Rvalue References in C++ MEDIUM
This article demonstrates Lvalue and Rvalue references in C++.

OOPs Pillars

In this section, we’ll learn four different pillars of object-oriented programming like abstraction, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.
Abstraction in OOPS EASY
Abstraction in OOPS: Learn about the abstraction in c++ with its examples, advantages and types of abstraction in oops. Check out abstraction using various methods.
Encapsulation in C++ EASY
Encapsulation in C++ involves bundling data and methods into a single unit, providing abstraction and protection, enhancing code modularity and security.In this blog we will learn about Encapsulation in C++ in detail.
Four Pillars of Object-Oriented Programming (OOPS) EASY
The four pillars of OOPS are Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation and Abstraction. Object-oriented programming mainly focuses on objects
What is polymorphism? MEDIUM
Polymorphism is a principle that allows objects to take on many forms, making it possible to use a single interface to represent different types of entities.
Inheritance in C++ EASY
In this article, we will discuss Inheritance in C++
Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Inheritance Object Oriented Programming. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, and much more for better understanding.
Encapsulation in OOPs EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Encapsulation in OOPS in complete detail.
Polymorphism in C++ EASY
In this article, we will discuss polymorphism in C++
Single Inheritance in C++ EASY
In this article, we have discussed what Single Inheritance is, how to implement it in C++ and finally, we will look at an example of Single Inheritance in C++.
Multiple Inheritance in C++ EASY
This blog will cover what multiple inheritance is, how to declare a class using multiple inheritance, what is the ambiguity problem and how to resolve it.
What is Hybrid Inheritance C++? EASY
Hybrid inheritance in C++ is a combination of multiple inheritance and hierarchical inheritance. Hybrid inheritance is also known as multipath inheritance.

Function Overloading in C++

Method overloading is the process of overloading the method that has the same name but different parameters. C++ provides this method of overloading features. Method overloading allows users to use the same name for another method, but the parameters passed to the methods should be different. The return type of methods can be the same or different. Let’s learn more about Method overloading.
Functions that can’t be overloaded EASY
This blog will help you understand more about the aspects of Function Overloading in C++. Function overloading is one of the essential features that OOPs offer, but there are certain cases where we cannot implement it here. We shall be discussing those particular cases.
Function overloading and return type
In this article, we will discuss the function overloading and return type in C++ in detail.
Override Keyword in C++ EASY
This article discusses override keyword in c++ with examples. Explore, advantages, disadvantages, limitations of c++ override keyword.
Overloading With Inheritance EASY
This blog offers a detailed guide on understanding whether overloading works with inheritance in different programming languages with examples of each. To know more about it, read on!
Overloading in main() function
This blog discusses the possibilities of overloading the main() function in C++. We will go through different examples to see under what conditions can the main() be overloaded.
Function Overloading and float in C++ EASY
This blog discusses the Ambiguity in Function Overloading due to floating-point values in C++. It also suggests ways to overcome this ambiguity.

Virtual Functions

A virtual function is a member function within the base class that we redefine in a derived class. It is declared using the virtual keyword. When a class containing a virtual function is inherited, the derived class redefines the virtual function to suit its own needs. Basically, a virtual function is used in the base class in order to ensure that the function is overridden. This especially applies to cases where a pointer of the base class points to an object of a derived class.
Difference in default virtual functions and pure virtual functions in C++
In this article, we have discussed the differences between virtual functions and pure virtual functions in c++, where the base number and power are given or entered by the user.
Virtual Constructor and Destructor EASY
In this article, we will learn about virtual constructors and destructors. We will discuss the creation of virtual constructors and destructors.
Virtual Copy Constructor EASY
In this blog, we shall discuss the working and use of a Virtual Copy Constructor in C++ with the help of various examples.
Run-Time Type Information (RTTI)
In this blog, we will be having a detailed discussion on Run-Time Type Information with the help of relatable example codes.
Can virtual functions be private? EASY
In this article, we will learn about virtual functions and if virtual functions can be private with the help of codes.
Pure Virtual Function in C++ EASY
Explore the concept of pure virtual functions in C++, their role in creating abstract base classes, and its advantages. Learn more in our comprehensive article.
Pure virtual destructor
In this blog, you will learn about Pure virtual destructor.