Last updated: Feb 22, 2022


Operators are used for performing operations on variables and values. There are many types of operators in Java-like Unary Operator, Arithmetic Operator, Shift Operator, Relational Operator, Bitwise Operator, Logical Operator, Ternary Operator, and Assignment Operator.
Arithmetic Operator in Java
In this post, We will learn about Arithmetic operators in Java and various types of operators and expressions allowed by Java and how to use them using examples.
Unary Operator
This article will discuss the various unary operators and their examples in the Java programming language.
Java OR Operator EASY
In this article, we will discuss the functionality and usage of the Java "or" operator, with code examples to clear any doubt.
Operator Overloading in Java EASY
In this article, we'll discuss what operator overloading is, its advantages, and why Java doesn't support it.
Increment and Decrement Operators in Java EASY
In this article, we will discuss the different types of increment and decrement operators in Java, understand their syntax, and see how they can be implemented in our codes.
Conditional Operator in Java EASY
In this article, we'll discuss the conditional operator in Java, its types, usage, examples, and benefits.
What is the Difference Between i++ and ++i in Java? EASY
This blog covers all the concepts of increment operators. Also, differences between post-increment and pre-increment operators along with some examples.
Java Operators MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about the different types of operators available in Java, which include arithmetic, unary, assignment, relational, logical, ternary, bitwise, & shift operators.
Logical AND operator && EASY
This article will discuss the Logical AND operator && in a detailed manner, along with code examples in various programming languages.
Bitwise Operators in Java EASY
Master Bitwise Operators in Java: Examples, Symbols, Syntax, and Functionalities. Explore All Types of Bitwise Operators in Java Programming.
Shift Operators in Java EASY
Shift operators in Java (<<, >>, >>>) shift bits of a number left or right, with << shifting left, >> shifting right (preserving sign), and >>> performing an unsigned right shift. This blog will cover the types and working of Shift Operators in Java.
Java Error “bad operand types for binary operator MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about bad operand types for binary operator in Java.