Think about some values you want to operate on and get results. We can do this by using operators. To get a specific outcome, the condition is specified on something.
Compilers/interpreters know what operators to use to perform certain operations by interpreting symbols. Whenever an operator operates on some values, those values are called operands, and the whole combined thing is known as an expression.
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Types of operators
Arithmetic Operators
For doing mathematical calculations on some operands, arithmetic operators are used.
Comparison Operators
They are used to compare the operands and give results in the form of True(1) or False(0).
Bitwise Operators
It means manipulating a bit string, a bit array, or a binary number (also referred to as a bit string) at the bit level by Bitwise operation. There are no special skills needed.
The result is obtained by comparing each bit of the first operand with its corresponding bit on the second operand. As we know, everything is in the form of bits, i.e., 1 or 0 combinations.
In this first, the operands are converted into the binary form:
34 - 100010
54 - 110110
Therefore if we use AND operation then:
1 0 0 0 1 0
1 1 0 1 1 0
1 0 0 0 1 0 => 34
Must Read SQL Clauses and SQL EXCEPT
Logical Operators
These expressions combine two or more Boolean expressions so that the result of the compound expression will depend on the result of the original expression and the meaning of the operators. These expressions result in True(1) or False(0).
There are many operators in SQL. Let’s have a look at some of them.
Some more LIKE Operators :
- %N: Searches for a value that ends with ‘N.’
- N%: Searches for a value that starts with ‘N.’
- N_____: Searches for a value that starts with ‘N’ and has a length of 5 characters.
- N%s: Searches for a value that begins with ‘N’ and ends with ‘s.’
- %in%: Searches for a value that has ‘in’ at someplace.
Let’s see other Logical operators using the Database.
Read about Bitwise Operators in C here.
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