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Table of contents
Syntax of operator overloading
Rules for operator overloading
Operator Overloading in Unary Operators
Operator Overloading in binary Operators
C++ Operators that can not be Overloaded
Frequently asked questions
Why is it called operator overloading?
What is operator overloading and its rules?
What is meant by overloading?
Last Updated: Jun 26, 2024

Operators Overloading

Author Shivam Verma


Operator overloading provides us a flexible option for the creation of new definitions for most C++ operators. In C++, we can make an operator work for user-defined classes. In simple words, C++ has the ability to provide the operators with special meaning for a data type. This mechanism of giving such special meaning to an operator is known as operator overloading. Operator overloading is a compile-time polymorphism. The main advantage of using operator overloading is to perform different operations on the same operand.

Operators Overloading

Syntax of operator overloading

return_type class_name operator symbol(arg_list)
    function body // body of the function 

In the above syntax, 

  • The return_type is the return type of the function.
  • Next, the class_name is the name of the class.
  • The operator is a keyword. 
  • The symbol is preceded by the keyword operator, and the operator symbol is the function name. Operator functions must be either member function or friend function.
  • arg_list is the arguments passed by the function.

Also see, Literals in C.Fibonacci Series in C++

Rules for operator overloading

While operator overloading, we keep in mind the following measures

  1. The only existing operator can be overloaded. New operators can not be overloaded.
  2. Every overloaded operator must contain at least one operand of user-defined datatype.
  3. During operator overloading, we can not change the basic meaning of operators.
  4. If unary operators are overloaded by a member function, then they take no explicit arguments. But if they are overloaded through a friend function, then take one argument.
  5. If binary operators are overloaded by a member function, then they take one explicit argument. But, if they are overloaded through a friend function, then take two arguments.

Operator Overloading in Unary Operators

Unary operators operate on only one operand. The unary operator's examples are increment operator -- and decrement operator ++.


using namespace std;
class A
    int x,y;
    A() {}
    void setdata(int a,int b)
    void operator ++() {
    void operator --()
    void print()
        cout<<x<<" "<<y<<endl;
int main()
    A op;
    cout << "Incremented numbers are "<<endl;
    cout << "Decremented numbers are "<<endl;
    return 0;
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Incremented numbers are 
11 17
Decremented numbers are 
10 15

Here, In the above code, when we use ++op, the void operator ++() is called. This increases the 'x' attribute for the object op by one and the 'y' attribute for the object op by 2. when we use --op, the void operator --() is called. This decreases the 'x' attribute for the object op by one and the 'y' attribute for the object op by 2.

Try and compile with online c++ compiler.

Operator Overloading in binary Operators

Binary operators operate on two operands. Let’s understand the operator overloading in the binary operators by the code.


#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
class Complex
    int re;
    int im;
    void setdata(int x,int y)
    // Overload the + operator
    Complex operator+(const Complex& obj){
        Complex temp;;;
        return temp;
    void print()
        if (im<0)
int main()
    Complex comp1,comp2,res;
    cout<<"The first complex number is"<<endl;
    cout<<"The second complex number is"<<endl;
   // comp1 calls the operator function
   // comp2 is passed as an argument to the function
    cout<<"The sum of the complex number is"<<endl;
    return 0;
You can also try this code with Online C++ Compiler
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The first complex number is
The second complex number is
The sum of the complex number is


Check out this article - Compile Time Polymorphism

Know What is Object in OOPs here in detail.

C++ Operators that can not be Overloaded

Some C++ operators can't be overloaded as follows.

Frequently asked questions

Why is it called operator overloading?

It's called operator overloading because operators like +, -, etc., can behave differently based on the context of operands, allowing custom behaviors in programming languages.

What is operator overloading and its rules?

Operator overloading allows operators to perform different computations based on the operands' types. Rules include maintaining operator arity and type compatibility for meaningful operations.

What is meant by overloading?

Overloading refers to defining multiple functions or methods with the same name but different parameters or types, enabling different behaviors based on how they are called or used.


We learned about the syntax and the rules of operator overloading in this blog. This blog also discussed the operator overloading in unary and binary operators with the help of the program.

Recommended Reading:

Four Pillars of OOPS

This blog is over, but learning never stops. You can learn more about such programming concepts here. Happy Learning!

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