Last updated: Aug 7, 2022

Other Algorithms

So far we have discussed various Data Structures and Algorithms in this category and covered almost every topic that'll help you understand the depth of this subject and will guide you in your journey of becoming a ninja coder. Now we'll go one step ahead and look into various algorithms that are often asked in interviews and how to analyze these algorithms, happy learning !!
Types of Algorithms EASY
The knowledge of data structure and types of algorithms can be beneficial to test the efficiency of both the freshers’ and the professionals.
Sorting Algorithms In Data Structures MEDIUM
Sorting is the process of arranging items in a specific order or sequence. It is a common algorithmic problem in computer science and is used in various applications.
Aho Corasick Algorithm
In this blog, we will discuss the Aho Corasick Algorithm.
Bitwise Algorithms
This article explains all about how bitwise algorithms are used to perform operations at the bit level.
Zhu-Takaoka String Matching Algorithm
In this blog, we will learn about Zhu-Takaoka String Matching Algorithm. We will understand what it means, its basics, how it works, and how to implement this algorithm.
Hyperlink Induced Topic Search (HITS) Algorithm EASY
In this article, we will discuss what the HITS algorithm is, how it works, & its advantages. Finally, we will see the code implementation in python.
Lamport's Algorithm in Distributed System MEDIUM
In this article, we'll understand the workings of Lamport's Algorithm in Distributed System, its advantages & disadvantages.
Mutation in Genetic Algorithm MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss different mutation in genetic algorithms like bit flip mutation, random resetting mutation, swap mutation, scramble mutation, & inversion mutation.
Sweep Line Algorithm MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the concept of the sweep line algorithm and its applications in different problems.
Randomized Algorithms EASY
Randomized algorithms are a class of algorithms in computer science that use randomness or randomness in combination with deterministic steps to solve computational problems.
Expectation-Maximization Algorithm EASY
This article will mainly give an overview of Expectation-Maximization, how it works, and why it is going to be used in different applications. We will also discuss the math included in it.
Hamiltonian Path MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about the definitions of Hamiltonian paths & cycles, see illustrations of them, implement an algorithm to find Hamiltonian cycles using backtracking and analyze the time & space complexity.
Raft Consensus Algorithm MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the main concepts of the Raft consensus algorithm, like leader election, log replication, and safety. We will also discuss its advantages, alternatives, and limitations.
Partition Algorithm in Data Mining EASY
In this article, we will discuss the Partition Algorithm in Data Mining, their key characteristics, and some common methods used in data mining.
Flajolet Martin Algorithm EASY
In this article, we'll learn how the Flajolet-Martin algorithm works, look at the steps involved, & see how to implement it in Python. We'll also discuss the advantages & limitations of this algorithm.
SHA-1 Algorithm MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss how SHA-1 algorithm works, its components & process flow, and provide code examples in different languages.
Priority Scheduling Program in C EASY
Priority scheduling is a method used by operating systems to manage how processes are handled based on their importance.
Branch and Bound Algorithm MEDIUM
This article will go Branch and Bound Algorithm with an example and advantages and disadvantages.
Author akscrv
Cyrus Beck Line Clipping Algorithm EASY
In this article, we'll discuss the background of the algorithm, its working principle, different cases, pseudocode, & implementation of this algorithm in different languages
0-1 Knapsack
This article will discuss the 0-1 Knapsack problem and various ways to solve this problem.
Unbounded Knapsack MEDIUM
This article will explain the various knapsack problems and especially illustrate the Unbounded Knapsack while explaining its working with the help of a code snippet and algorithm. The blog will further discuss time and space complexity for Unbounded Knapsack.