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Parameterized constructors in C++ are constructors that accept parameters. They enable programmers to create objects with specific properties and attributes by passing arguments. Multiple parameterized constructors can be defined in a class, offering flexibility in object initialization. Unlike Java, the compiler in C++ doesn't create a default constructor when a programmer defines their own constructor.
In C++, when we create an object using a parameterized constructor, we provide it with specific information or values. The constructor then uses this information to initialize the object with the desired features or configurations. It allows us to create objects tailored to our requirements by passing relevant parameters.
What is Parameterized Constructor?
Parameterized constructors in C++ are constructors that accept parameters. They enable programmers to create objects with specific properties and attributes by passing arguments. Multiple parameterized constructors can be defined in a class, offering flexibility in object initialization. Unlike Java, the compiler in C++ doesn't create a default constructor when a programmer defines their own constructor.
How Parameterized Constructor Works in C++?
In C++, a parameterized constructor is a special type of constructor that takes parameters during the creation of an object. Here's how it works:
1. Declaration: You declare a parameterized constructor within a class, specifying parameters that it will accept. For example:
2. Definition: In the class implementation, you define the parameterized constructor, initializing the object's attributes with the provided parameters. For instance:
3. Object Creation: When you create an object of the class, you provide values for the parameters:
int main() {
// Create an object with specific values
MyClass obj(42, 3.14);
// ...
4. Initialization: The parameterized constructor is called automatically during object creation, initializing the object's attributes with the provided values. In the example, obj is created with param1 set to 42 and param2 set to 3.14.
Examples of Parameterized Constructor
Example 1
#include <iostream> #include <string>
using namespace std;
// Create a class. class Birdhouse { private: int numHoles; string color;
Enter number of holes: 2
Enter color: Red
Number of holes: 2
Color: Red
The code defines a `Birdhouse` class in C++ with a parameterized constructor that takes the number of holes and color as arguments. It also includes a `displayInfo()` method to show the birdhouse's details. In the `main()` function, user input for the number of holes and color is taken and used to create a `Birdhouse` object. The `displayInfo()` method is then called to display the birdhouse's information.
Example 2
#include <iostream>
class ExamResult { private: int eng, science, maths, obtained; int max = 300; float result;
public: ExamResult(int a, int b, int c) { maths = a; eng = b; science = c; obtained = eng + science + maths;
// Perform division using float. result = (static_cast<float>(obtained) / max) * 100; std::cout << result; } };
int main() { ExamResult x1(90, 80, 99); return 0; }
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The code defines a class ExamResult to represent an exam result. It has private variables for scores and the result. The constructor takes scores as parameters, calculates the total obtained marks and the result using floating-point division, and prints the result. In main(), an ExamResult object is created with scores 90, 80, and 99, displaying the calculated result.
In this example, the Point class represents a point in a 2D space with x and y coordinates. The class has a parameterized constructor that initializes the x and y attributes with the provided values during object creation. In the main function, a Point object (point1) is created with coordinates (3, 7) using the parameterized constructor. The display member function is called to showcase the coordinates of the created point.
Example 4
#include<iostream> #include<string>
class Employee { private: std::string name; int age;
In this example, the Employee class represents an employee with a name and age. The class has a parameterized constructor that initializes the name and age attributes with the provided values during object creation. In the main function, an Employee object (emp1) is created with the name "John Doe" and age 30 using the parameterized constructor. The display member function is called to showcase the details of the created employee.
Difference between Default and Parametrized Constructor
Default Constructor
Parameterized Constructor
Provided by the compiler if no other constructor is defined.
Constructor with one or more parameters.
NO parameters.
One or more parameters.
The purpose is to initialize instance variables with default values.
The purpose of a parameterized constructor is to assign user-wanted specific values to the instance variables of different objects.
In C++, a parameterized constructor is a constructor that takes parameters during the creation of an object. Unlike a default constructor, which has no parameters, a parameterized constructor allows you to initialize the object's properties with specific values provided as arguments.
What is parameterized constructor advantage?
The advantage of a parameterized constructor lies in its ability to customize object initialization. By accepting parameters, the constructor enables the creation of objects with specific attributes, providing flexibility and reusability in the code. This customization is particularly useful when different instances of the same class need to be initialized with distinct values.
In this article, we have discussed about the Parametrized Constructors in C++. We have discussed how does it works. We have also considered some examples to understand the concept of parameterized constructor. Then we have explained the differences between default and parameterized constructors for better understanding.
If you want to know more about “Parametrized Constructors in C++” and topics like this. In that case, refer to the following articles: