Pega is a low-code platform that enables businesses to unify their processes and customer experiences from start to finish. Low code is a relatively recent term in the application business. It usually refers to a program that allows you to develop code using a simple interface rather than writing it yourself. These applications assist you in writing code by doing so for you. Instead of learning a programming language, you merely know how to utilize the software, and it does the rest. Drag and drop graphic interfaces make learning how to use the software simple.

Pega addresses one of the modern business's most significant roadblocks: the proliferation of applications and systems. Pega provides a customized platform to allow organizations to get a single view of the client, workflow, and data. Its platform enables the development of totally configurable user interfaces. Because no software installation is necessary, its browser-based apps make it convenient. It enables adaptive analytics to learn from prior behavior.
This blog covers some of the most important and frequently asked Pega interview questions and their answers. This article is intended to help you get a hang of essential questions that will help you to come out with flying colors after your interview with Pega!
To help you understand better, we have divided this article into three sections: Easy level, Medium level, and Hard level. Let’s get started.
Pega Interview Questions for Freshers
This section contains the basic Pega interview questions to build a solid foundation. To establish a strong foundation, we first take up the easy questions.
1. What do you mean by workspace or studio in the context of Pega?
Ans:A workspace is an environment that provides specific tools and features. By using different workspaces to develop and manage your application, you can help team members focus on the tasks that align with their expertise.
Pega Platform™ provides four role-based authoring workspaces, known as studios:
- App Studio
- Dev Studio
- Prediction Studio
- Admin Studio
2. Explain about classes in Pega
Ans: Pega Platform groups rules into classes according to their capacity for reuse. Each grouping is a class. Each application consists of three class types.
- The Work class contains the rules that describe how to process a case or cases, such as processes, data elements, and user interfaces.
- The Integration class contains the rules that describe how the application interacts with other systems, such as the integration assets that connect the application to a customer database or a third-party web server.
- The Data class contains the rules describing the data objects used in the application, such as a customer or order items data type.
3. What do you mean by a work object in the context of Pega?
Ans: A work object is the primary unit of work completion in an application and the primary collection of data that a flow operates on. Workers using an application create, update, and eventually resolve and close work objects. Every work object has a unique ID (property pyID), an urgency value, and a status (property pyStatusWork).
4. What do you understand about DCO in Pega?
Ans: Directly Capture Objectives (DCO) is the Pega Express™ way of collaborating from beginning to end. DCO encourages alignment between stakeholders and drives high-quality engagement between business and IT. DCO is a discipline — a way of working that forms a continuous cycle of collaboration, iteration, and validation.
5. What do you know about SLA in the context of Pega?
Ans: A service-level agreement (SLA) establishes a work completion deadline. Organizations often establish service-level agreements to enforce on-time performance. These obligations range from informal response-time promises to negotiated contracts. It is a mechanism used to define and enforce the expected response or resolution time for a particular task or case. SLAs help in measuring and managing the performance and timeliness of various processes in an application.
6. What are the different types of SLA?
Ans: There are three basic types of SLAs: customer, internal and multilevel service-level agreements.
- A customer service-level agreement is between a service provider and its external customers. It is sometimes called an external service agreement.
- An internal SLA is between an organization and its internal customer -- this could be another organization, department or site.
- A multilevel SLA will divide the agreement into various levels that are specific to a series of customers using the service.
7. Explain the Page-Validate and Property-Validate methods in Pega. What distinguishes them from one another?
Ans: Page-Validate: Use this method to validate all of the properties on a page. If a page has embedded pages, this method recursively validates all of the properties. This method takes a long time and consumes a lot of system resources. To validate specified properties, use the Obj-Validate method in conjunction with the Rule-Obj-Validate rule.
Property-Validate: This method is used to impose restrictions on a property's value. Use the Edit validate rule in conjunction with the Property-Validate method to implement constraints. Multiple properties can be validated using the Property-Validate method.
8. What is the distinction between Edit validate and Edit Input rules?
Ans: Edit Validate: Use the edit validate rule in Java code to validate the property value. To change validate rules, use Property-validate, Rule-Obj-Validate, or Property rules.
Edit Input Rules: Use input rules to convert data the user enters into the appropriate format. If a user enters a date in MM/DD/YYYY format, the edit input rule changes it to DD-MM-YYYY (needed format). We must write java code once more for this transition.
9. How can I store five different work objects in 5 tables in my application?
Ans: For each class, open/create a Data-Admin-DB-Table object and specify the table name. As a result, individual work objects will be placed in the new table you described in the Data-Admin-DB-Table instance. This is a good approach if there are too many object instances for each class.
10. What is the inheritance concept in Pega (rules, class)?
Ans: Inheritance concept in Pega for Rules and Class:
Rules: Inheritance that can maximize rule reuse while allowing for localized overriding as needed. Inheritance, often known as polymorphism, allows a rule written for one class (perhaps an abstract class) to be applied to multiple classes that inherit from it.
Class: To identify available rules, class inheritance searches for rules from a concrete, lower class up the class hierarchy. Class inheritance is classified into two types: directed inheritance and pattern inheritance.
11. How can we connect several Pega applications?
Ans: SOAP(Simple Object Access protocol), HTTP (Hypertext transfer protocol), JMS(Java Message Service) , and MQ (Message Queue) is used.
12. How do I store a class instance in a specific database?
Ans: Within the DB, create a separate DB table for that working class or map to an external DB, and all future saves will be directed to that DB.
13. How can I see the values of the activity's local variables?
Ans: Log message is used to see the values of the activity’s local variables.
14. What is the Pega ruleset?
Ans: In Pega, a RuleSet is a collection of business rules that define an instance. The ruleset is a subset of PegaRULES required to refer to instances in the database.
15. What are the various developer tools utilized by Pega?
Ans: Pega's development tools are Designer and Pega Express.
16. What are the various debugging tools offered by Pega?
Ans: Tracer, Clipboard, SMA(Service Management Agreement), and PLA (Programmable Logic Array) are some of the debugging tools provided in Pega.
17. What are StepStatusGood, StepStatusFail rules?
"StepStatusGood" means a particular step or action has been completed successfully and without problems. It indicates that things are going as planned, and there are no issues to worry about.
"StepStatusFail" means a step or action has not been completed successfully. It indicates a problem, error, or failure during that step, needing attention or correction to proceed with the task or process.
18. How to import rules using PZinsky?
To include or bring in rules using PZinsky (assuming you meant Python's z3 library, as "PZinsky" is not recognized), you follow these steps:
Import the Library: Import the z3 library into your Python script. You do this with the import z3 statement.
Define Rules: Create your logical rules using the functions provided by z3. These rules describe constraints, equations, or logical relationships.
Check Satisfiability: Use z3 to check if your rules are satisfiable, meaning they can be true under certain conditions.
- Solve or Analyze: Depending on your use case, you can solve equations, analyze constraints, or find valid solutions based on the rules you've defined.
19. What workspaces are supported in the most recent Pega release?
Ans: Pega's most recent release supports the four workspace types listed below:
App Studio: Helps to build an application without any line of code, it is multichannel and helps in UI development.
Prediction Studio: Its built-in AI power and Decisioning help to Pega find the next best decision.
Admin Studio: It basically manages security, users, the runtime status, and cloud performance for all your apps
- Dev Studio: Helps developers to go deeper into Pega’s advanced features.
20. What are the many classes that PRPC (Pega Rules Proccess Commander) supports?
Ans: PRPC is a framework for developing and deploying business process management, customer relationship management (CRM), decision management, and case management systems. Pega PRPC is a Java-based automated backend tool from Pega.
The following are the various classes that PRPC supports:
Base Class: It is the ultimate base class, and its child classes include work-, Data-, Rule-, Assign-, History-, and so on. Pega only supports two kinds of classes: abstract classes and concrete classes.
Abstract Classes: Abstract classes are those that terminate in '-,' and they cannot create any work object instances.
- Concrete Classes: Concrete Classes do not terminate in '-' and will generate work object instances.