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The compiler is software that converts high-level language code into machine-readable language code. Multiple intermediate processes are required when converting code from one language to another.
In this article, we will learn about the Phases of a Compiler. So without any further ado, let's get started!
What is a compiler?
A compiler is a software tool that translates code written in a high-level programming language into machine code that a computer's hardware can understand. It performs this translation in several stages, including lexical analysis, parsing, semantic analysis, optimization, and code generation. The primary goal of a compiler is to convert the source code into an executable program, optimizing the code for performance and efficiency along the way. This allows programmers to write in human-readable languages while still producing fast, efficient machine-level code.
Phases of Compiler
The phases of Compiler are as follows:
Lexical Analysis
Syntax Analysis
Semantic Analysis
Intermediate Code Generator
Code optimisation
Target Code Generator
1. Lexical Analysis
The lexical analyser phase reads the character stream from the source programme and groups them into meaningful sequences by identifying tokens. Scanning is another term for it. In the next phase, it adds the corresponding token to the symbol table and sends the tokens to the syntax analyser.
This phase is also known as parsing. The tokens from the previous phase are used to create an intermediate tree-like data structure known as the syntax tree in this phase. Each node has an operator, and the operator's operands are the node's children. This is primarily done to ensure that the syntax of the given statements is correct and adheres to the language's pre-defined rules. If the syntax is incorrect, it generates a syntax error.
For e.g.: x = y+z; (Correct)
y+z = x; (Produce an error)
3. Semantic Analysis
The semantic analyser checks if the source code is semantically consistent, that is, if it conveys the intended meaning, using the syntax tree from the previous phase and the symbol table.
Type-checking is one of the most important functions of the semantic analyser. The semantic analyser will also perform this task if the language allows for type conversions known as type coercions. It throws the semantic error if there is a type mismatch and no type coercion rules to satisfy the desired operation.
E.g. The semantic analysers give an error in semantics when an integer and a string are added.
4. Intermediate Code Generation
After performing semantic analysis, the compiler generates an intermediate code of the source code for the target machine. It's a programme for some kind of abstract machine. It's a cross between a high-level and a machine language. This intermediate code should be written in a way that makes translating it into the target machine code easier.
5. Code Optimization
The intermediate code is optimised in the next phase. Optimisation can be defined as removing unnecessary code lines and rearranging statement sequences to speed up programme execution without wasting resources.
6. Target Code Generator
The code generator maps the optimised representation of the intermediate code to the target machine language in this phase. The code generator converts the intermediate code into a re-locatable sequence of machine code. A machine code sequence of instructions performs the same task as intermediate code.
What is a Symbol Table?
• A symbol table contains a record for each variable name and fields for the name's attributes.
• The data structure should be created so that the compiler can quickly locate the record for each name and store or retrieve data from that record.
• These attributes may provide information about the name's storage allocation, type, scope, and, in the case of procedure names, the number and types of the procedure's arguments, the method of passing each argument, and the type returned.
to allocate a new empty table
to remove all entries and free storage of the symbol table
to search for a name and return a pointer to its entry
to insert a name in a symbol table and return a pointer to its entry
to associate an attribute with a given entry
to get an attribute associated with a given entry
Error Handling Routine
An Error Handling Routine is a set of instructions implemented within a compiler to detect and handle errors during compilation. An error is a blank entry in the symbol table. The Errors may occur in all phases of the compiler. Whenever a phase of the compiler discovers an error, it must report it to the error handler, which issues an appropriate diagnostic message. The main components of the Error Handling Routine include Error Detection and Error Reporting.
Error Detection
This component identifies an error during the compilation process. It checks the input source code at various stages, including lexical analysis, parsing, or semantic analysis, to detect lexical errors and verify the correctness of the source code in terms of semantic rules.
Error Reporting
The Error Handling Routine generates an error report to convey information about the error to the user. This error report begins by specifying the error and includes a concise description. It usually includes the location of the error in the source code and some suggestions for resolving it.
The compilation process typically consists of several stages: lexical analysis (scanning), syntax analysis (parsing), semantic analysis, code generation, and optimization. Lexical analysis breaks the source code into tokens, syntax analysis verifies the syntax structure, semantic analysis checks for semantic correctness, code generation creates machine code, and optimization improves code efficiency.
What are the two reasons as to why phases of compiler should be grouped?
The phases of a compiler are grouped for two main reasons: modularity and efficiency. Modularity allows for easier development, testing, and maintenance of individual phases, while efficiency ensures that the compilation process can be optimized by combining related phases and minimizing redundant processing.
How phases are grouped in compiler?
Phases in compilers are grouped together so that it can reduce the number of passes. The compilers can be grouped from any phase, the front end as well as the back end. The lexical, syntax, semantic analysis, and intermediate code can be grouped together to read the input files.
What are the three types of compilers?
There are three major types of compilers. These are single-pass compilers, two-pass compilers, and multi-pass compilers.
What are the 5 steps of the compilation process?
The compilation process involves five steps: lexical analysis converts source code into tokens, syntax analysis forms a syntax tree, semantic analysis checks for errors, optimization enhances performance, and code generation translates the optimized code into machine code.
In conclusion, the phases of a compiler are lexical analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis. Code Generation work together to transform high-level source code into efficient machine code. Each phase plays a vital role in ensuring the accuracy, efficiency, and functionality of the final executable program, making the compilation process essential for software development.