Last updated: Sep 5, 2022


Hello Ninjas, Let’s learn about Java Framework-Play. Play is a high-productivity web application framework for programming languages whose code is compiled and run on the JVM, mainly Java and Scala. It integrates the components and APIs we need for modern web application development. So what are you waiting for let's explore the Play Framework and figure out how we can create a web application with it.

Basics to Play

Hello Ninjas, In this blog series we’ll get a basic idea of Play Framework. Play is an open-source web application framework that follows the model view controller (MVC) architectural pattern. It is written in Scala and usable from other programming languages that are compiled to JVM bytecode, e.g. Java. Let’s get started.
What is Play? EASY
In this article, we will discuss the introduction to the Play, what is play, what is play requirement, and example to deeply understand the play.
Anatomy of a play application MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the introduction to the Play application, its layout, directories, typical gitignore file, and default sbt layout.
Using the Play Console MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the introduction to sbt console, single commands, interactive mode, development mode, compilation, testing options, launch the scala console, debugging, sbt features, play commands.
Setting-up Your Preferred IDE EASY
This article will give insight into Setting-up your preferred IDE(Integrated Development Environment). We will learn about Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, Netbeans, and ENSIME.
Play Application Overview MEDIUM
This article will give insight into the Play Application Overview. Play Application provides us with a very simple framework for modern-day web and mobile application development.

Play for Java Developers

Hi Ninjas, In this blog series we’ll introduce you to the most common aspects of writing a Play application in Java. You’ll learn about handling HTTP requests, sending HTTP responses, working with different types of data, using databases, and much more. Here we’ll also learn some advanced techniques for writing Play applications in Java. Let’s start.
Java developers-HTTP programming
In this article, we will have a brief overview of Java developers and how is it used in HTTP programming. We shall also look at Actions, Controllers and Results, HTTP Routing, Manipulating HTTP results, Session and Flash scopes, Body parsers, Actions composition and Action Creators.
Java developers-Asynchronous HTTP programming
This blog explains the Asynchronous HTTP programming for Java developers. In detail, we will discuss asynchronous results, streaming HTTP responses, comet, WebSockets, and many more.
Author Aditi
Java developers-Form submission and validation MEDIUM
In this article, we will talk about the process of submitting and validating forms in Java with the help of the Play framework. We will learn different types of handling methods, protection against CSRF, and working with template helpers. In the end, we will see some advanced concepts of handling forms also.
Java developers- Working with JSON
The given article gives an overview of working with JSON as a JAVA developer. It talks about how to use jackson to convert objects to and fro from java, map JAVA objects in JSON, handle a JSON response, and how to serve a JSON request.
Java Developers-Working with XML MEDIUM
In this article, we'll talk about java developers working with XML and handling serving XML requests.
Java Developers-Handling File upload EASY
In this article, we'll talk about Java developers-Handling file upload with deletion of temporary files.
Author akscrv
Java Developers-Integration with Akka EASY
This blog helps you clear your understanding of Integration with Akka and its employment as an Actor Model/System.
Java Developers-Testing your Application MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn how testing of applications is performed in java by developers.
Java Developers-Advanced Routing for Java MEDIUM
This blog will discuss Java developers-Advanced routing for Java.
Java Developers-Extending Play EASY
This blog will discuss Java developers-Extending Play
Java developers-Embedding Play EASY
This blog helps you clear your understanding of Embedding Play Framework and general Play framework uses.

Play for Scala Developers

Hi Ninjas, In this blog series we’ll introduce you to the most common aspects of writing a Play application in Scala. You’ll learn about handling HTTP requests, sending HTTP responses, working with different types of data, using databases, and much more. Here we’ll also learn some advanced techniques for writing Play applications in Scala.
Scala Developers - The Configuration API MEDIUM
In this article, we will briefly discuss The Scala Configuration API followed by some frequently asked questions.
Scala developers-HTTP programming
In this article, we will have a brief overview of Scala developers and how is it used in HTTP programming. We shall also look at Actions, Controllers and Results, HTTP Routing, Manipulating HTTP results, Session and Flash scopes, Body parsers, Actions composition and Handling errors.
Scala Developers-Asynchronous HTTP programming MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss Asynchronous HTTP programming including Asynchronous Results, Streaming HTTP Responses, Comet, and WebSockets.
Scala Developers - The Twirl Template Engine MEDIUM
We will discuss all about the twirl template engine. We will also discuss the various dependencies, and use cases in the twirl template engine.
Scala Developers-Form Submission and Validation MEDIUM
We will understand Handling form submission with form basics and validation.
Scala developers-Working with JSON MEDIUM
This article will be an overview of how Scala developers work with JSON in Play.
Scala developers-Working with XML MEDIUM
In this article, we are going to work with XML as a scala developer.
Scala developers-Handling File upload MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss Scala File Handling techniques to upload files. We will jump on to the knowledge of methods to upload files in Scala.
Scala Developers- Accessing a SQL Database MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss all about creating a SQL Database connection using Scala. We will also discuss the various ways of accessing a SQL database using Scala.
Scala developers - Integration with Akka MEDIUM
This article will discuss Integration with Akka for Scala Developers.
Scala Developers - Application Settings MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss application settings for Scala developers. We will also discuss HTTP request handlers, Essential actions, and HTTP filters.
Scala developers-Testing your Application MEDIUM
In this blog, we will get to know about the Scala developers-Testing your Application in detail with topics like Matchers and Mockito.
Scala developers-Advanced routing for Scala MEDIUM
In this article, we are going to understand the advanced routing for scala.
Scala developers-Extending Play
In this blog, we will discuss some basics about Scala, writing play modules, module registration, testing play modules, overriding built-in modules, and writing plugins.
Scala developers-Embedding Play MEDIUM
This blog explains the details of Embedding Play in Scala developers along with the details of Embedding an Akka Http server and Embedding a Netty server in your application.

The Build System

Hello Ninjas, In this blog series we’ll learn the Play Build system. Following are the concepts we’ll go through Overview of the build system, Manage library dependencies, Working with sub-projects, Aggregating reverse routers, Improving Compilation Times, Cookbook, and Debugging your build. So Ninjas let’s start with building a system without wasting time.
Overview of the Build System & About sbt Settings
This article describes the Overview of the build system & About sbt settings, including the Build System, sbt, and Directory structure and their types, along with sbt settings.
Manage Library Dependencies EASY
In this article, we will discuss the "Manage Library Dependencies," including the different types of dependencies, Scala version, Ivy Revision, and Resolvers.
Working with Sub-Projects EASY
This article will discuss the topic of Working with sub-projects in the Play framework, including the topics of how to add a library, share common codes and variables, and steps to split the web app.
Aggregating Reverse Routers EASY
In this blog, we will discuss Aggregating Reverse Routers in Play framework to generate the reverse router for projects.
Improving Compilation Times EASY
In this blog, we will discuss various methods of improving compilation times in the play framework to increase the speed of compilation.
Cookbook EASY
In this blog, we will look at the Sbt Cookbook to build the Play application system with its methods, compiler, additional assets, etc.
Debugging Your Build EASY
In this blog, we will learn how to debug the build in the play framework.


Hello Ninjas, In this blog series we’ll learn the Play Configuration. Following are the concepts we’ll go through: Configuration file syntax and its features, Configuring the application secret, Configuring the session cookie, Configuring the JDBC connection pool, Configuring Play's thread pools, Configuring Akka HTTP Server Backend, Configuring Netty Server Backend and logging. So Ninjas let’s start with Play Configuration without wasting much time.
Configuration File Syntax and Features EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Configuration file syntax and features in the Play framework.
Configuring the Application Secret EASY
In this article, we will be learning to configure the application secret in play.
Configuring the Session Cookie EASY
In this article, we will be learning a way to configure a session cookie in play.
Configuring the JDBC Connection Pool MEDIUM
This article will learn about JDBC, its configuration, and its necessity.
Configuring Play Thread Pools EASY
In this blog, we have seen the configuration of Play Thread pool.
Configuring Netty Server Backend EASY
This article discusses the configuration of the Netty server.
Configuring Logging EASY
This article discusses the various types of logging in Play and their configuration, Custom configuration, Akka logging configuration.

Working with Databases

Hello Ninjas, In this blog series we’ll learn how to work with databases. Following are the concepts we’ll go through How to Access an SQL Database, Managing database evolutions, Deploying your application, Production configuration, Setting up a front-end HTTP server, Configure HTTPS, and Deploying a play application to a cloud service. So Ninjas let’s start without wasting further time.
Accessing an SQL Database MEDIUM
This article discusses the ways to access SQL database in Play. JDBC and JDNI are discussed. Configuration of the database is discussed.
Managing Database Evolutions MEDIUM
Evolutions in a database can be handled easily if you know the right methods. The following article gives an insight into handling database evolutions.
Deploying Your Application EASY
The following article explains the procedure on how to deploy your application in play.
Production Configuration MEDIUM
This blog explains several configuration types that may be configured in production.
Configuring HTTPS EASY
In this article, we will learn how to configure HTTPS in your applications.
Deploying a Play Application to a Cloud Service MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn how to deploy a Play Application to a Cloud Service and also cover the key points such as Deploying to Heroku, Deploying to Cloud Foundry, Deploying to Clever Cloud, and Deploying to Cloud Captain and AWS.
Coordinated Shutdown EASY
In this article, we will discuss the Coordinated Shutdown, which is responsible for the complete shutdown of Play.
Integrating with Akka Typed & Cluster Sharding MEDIUM
This article will discuss Integrating with Akka Typed and Cluster Sharding with the help of some examples.