Last updated: Feb 15, 2022


Pointers are variables that store the address of other variables. Every variable is stored in the memory and each memory location has its own memory address. It enables us to pass variables by reference.
Array of pointers
This article discusses an array of pointers.
NaN in C++ EASY
This article aims to describe NaN in C++.
Function Pointers in C EASY
This article describes about the function pointer.
Reference in C++ EASY
This article discusses Reference, reference vs. pointers.
Difference between Pointers and References EASY
This article will discuss the characteristics of the concept between pointers and references.
Pointers in C++ EASY
This article discusses Pointers in C++ with its types i.e. null pointer, void pointer, array name as a pointer, wild pointer, and dangling pointer.
Opaque Pointer MEDIUM
In this article, we shall discuss the opaque pointers. We will see the syntax to define opaque pointers and why we use opaque pointers with an example.
Can references refer to invalid location?
In this article, we will learn what a reference variable is, its syntax and example, and whether it can point to invalid references.
‘this’ pointer in C++ EASY
Learn about the "this" pointer in C++ with usage examples, code, output, and detailed explanations in this comprehensive article
Delete this in C++ EASY
This blog contains the delete this concept of the C++ programming language. Various examples are presented in the blog to explain the concept in detail.
auto_ptr unique_ptr shared_ptr and weak_ptr
This blog discusses auto_ptr, unique_ptr, shared_ptr and weak_ptr. It briefly explains the use of these special pointers in C++ with examples.
Dangling, Void, Null and Wild Pointers
This blog offers a detailed guide on understanding what dangling, void, null and wild pointers are in C++ programming languages, with examples of each. To know more about it, read on!
What is Pointer to Object in C++ EASY
In this article, we will discuss about pointer to object in C++. We will also discuss how data members and member functions are accessed.