Last updated: Feb 25, 2022


Pointer is a special variable that is capable of storing some addresses. It points to a memory location where the first byte is stored. Pointers are used in multiple scenarios like file handling or to allocate memory dynamically. Let us start playing with pointers!
Void Pointer
In this blog, We will learn about void pointers, their syntax, and applications.
Dangling Pointer in C
In this blog, We will learn about dangling pointers. We will also discuss the cases where dangling pointers in c can occur and see how to solve this problem.
Wild Pointer in C EASY
In this article, we will grasp knowledge on the Wild Pointer in C programming language along with its features and many other details.
Array and pointers
This article discusses Array and pointers, dynamic allocation, pointer to the array.
Types of Pointers in C MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about Types of Pointers in C. We will learn about different types of pointers with syntax and examples.
Declare a Pointer in C EASY
In this article, we will explore how to declare pointers in C, their syntax, and their uses. By the end, you'll have a solid understanding of pointers and how to use them in your programs.
Function Pointer
This article discusses Function Pointer, its syntax, declaration,examples.
Pointer Arithmetics
This article will discuss pointer arithmetics in the C programming language along with their code implementation.
Advantages of Pointers in C EASY
In this article, we will discuss the benefits/advantages of using pointers in C programming.
Dereference Pointers EASY
This article shall discuss dereferencing pointers along with their code implementation.
Difference between Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation in C EASY
Static memory allocation is done at compile-time, fixed size. Dynamic memory allocation is done at runtime, size can change. Read on to learn more about Static and Dynamic Memory Allocation in C.
Why does C treat array parameters as pointers? EASY
In this article, we will discuss in detail why C treats array parameters as pointers along with some examples.
Near, Far and Huge Pointers EASY
This article discusses the Near, Far and Huge Pointer in C with syntax, examples and important points to remember.
Author Aditi
What is a Size of a Pointer in C? EASY
The word size is the same for a particular computer system, the size of the pointer in C will also be the same, irrespective of the variable’s data type whose address it’s storing.
Restrict keyword in C EASY
In this article, we will discuss the restrict keyword in C language in detail with a code example and output.