What is a Polymorphic Function?
A function is said to be a Polymorphic function if it can work with multiple types of data or objects. We can also describe it as a function that can be used to perform the same type of operation on different types of input.
Types of Polymorphic Functions in Compiler Design
There are two types of polymorphic functions that are used in compiler design.
1. Ad-hoc Polymorphism:
It is also known as “Overloading Ad-hoc Polymorphism”, which allows functions that have the same name to act differently for different data types. For example, The plus operator will add two numbers but perform a concatenation operation on two strings.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int add(int x, int y)
int z = x + y;
return z;
string add(const char* x, const char* y)
string addition(x);
addition += y;
return addition;
int main()
cout << add(71, 72)
<< " is Integer addition Output\n";
cout << add("Coding", " Ninjas")
<< " is String Concatenation Output\n";
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143 is Integer addition Output
Coding Ninjas is String Concatenation Output
So, we are calling two different functions (which differ in the type of arguments), and both of them have the same name to execute multiple operations. We have successfully achieved Ad-hoc Polymorphism.
Advantages of Ad-hoc Polymorphism:
It allows the functions to be more versatile and handle different data types and different ways.
It provides a simpler Interface to the programmer.
It will group all the related functions under a single name. And this will improve the readability.
2. Parametric Polymorphism:
It is also known as "Early Binding Parametric Polymorphism.” It opens a way to use the same code for different data types. It is implemented by using Templates. For example: To develop an understanding of this sort of Polymorphism, let us execute a program to find the greater of two Integers or two Strings.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
template <class temp>
temp greater(temp a, temp b)
if (a > b)
return a;
return b;
int main()
cout <<:: greater(96, 69) << endl;
string str1("Coding"), str2("Ninja");
cout <<:: greater(str1, str2) << endl;
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Using Templates, the same function can be parameterized with different types of data, but this needs to be decided at compile-time itself, and hence, this Polymorphism is named so. If we wish to achieve such Polymorphism for pointers, it turns into Ad-hoc Polymorphism.
Advantages of parametric Polymorphism
It helps developers in reducing code duplication. And it also increases the code maintainability.
It also enables more data abstraction in the code design.
- By allowing the compiler to optimize the code for some specific data types, it will improve the performance of the system.
How to Implement Polymorphic Functions in Different Languages?
Example 1:
In the first example, We will see how we can implement or use Polymorphic functions in C++ language.
#include <iostream>
Using namespace std:
class A {
void show() {
cout << "A class method is called/n";
class B: public A {
void show() {
cout << "B class method is called/n";
int main() {
A x; // Base class object
B y; // Derived class object
x.show(); // A class method is called
y.show(); // B class method is called
return 0;
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There are two classes present in the code "A" AND "B". And we are using "A" to derive "B".
And both of these classes have a member function known as "show()". But "B" will override the implementation of functions "show()" in "A".
Then show function will be called on "A" and "B". The appropriate implementation of "show()" function will be called depending on the type of object, demonstrating Polymorphism.
A class method is called
B class method is called
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Example 2:
In the second example, we will see how we can use a Polymorphic function in Python language.
class A(object):
def show(self):
print "A class method is called."
class B(A):
def show(self):
print "B class method is called."
def whichmethod(clasmethod):
AObj = A()
BObj = B()
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There are two classes present in the code "A" AND "B". And "B" inherits from "A". And both of these classes have a member function known as "show()". A function “whichmethod” is defined which takes an argument “classmethod” and calls the show method on the object passed as the argument. Two objects AObj and BObj, are created, one of each class. Then, “whichmethod” is called twice with AObj and BObj as the arguments, respectively.
When “whichmethod” is called with AObj, it calls A's show method, which prints "A class method is called". When it is called with BObj, it calls B's show method, which prints "B class method is called".
Overall, this code snippet demonstrates that a subclass can override a method defined in its superclass with its own implementation.
A class method is called.
B class method is called.
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Example 3:
In the third example, we will see how we can use the Polymorphic function in C#.
class Animal // Base class (parent)
public void animalSound()
Console.WriteLine("The animal is making a sound.");
class Lion: Animal // Derived class (child)
public void animalSound()
Console.WriteLine("The Lion says: Roar Roar");
class Element : Animal // Derived class (child)
public void animalSound()
Console.WriteLine("The Elephant says: oog oog");
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Animal myAnimal = new Animal(); // Creating an Animal object
Animal myLion = new Lion(); // Creating a Lion object
Animal myLion = new Lion(); // Creating an Elephant object
This code defines three classes: Animal, Lion, and Element. Lion and Element are derived classes that inherit from the Animal class. The Animal class has a method called animalSound(), while the Lion and Element classes override this method to write specific messages to the console. In the Main method, objects of each class are created, and their animalSound() methods are called, resulting in different messages being printed to the console depending on the type of object.
The animal is making a sound.
The animal is making a sound.
The animal is making a sound.
Also check out - Phases of Compiler and cousins of compiler
Frequently asked question
Can a function act as both ad-hoc and parametric Polymorphic?
Yes, It is possible that a function can act as both. And we can achieve this through the use of generic functions that are overloaded with different parameter types and numbers.
How does Polymorphism improve code reusability?
Polymorphism permits one function to operate on multiple types of values. Due to this, we do not have to write extra code for different data types. Due to this, the code reusability improves.
What are the uses of the keyword ‘super’ in Java?
It can be used to invoke the method for the immediate parent class. It can be used to call the constructor of the immediate parent class. It can also be used to refer to the instance variable for the immediate parent class.
Write all the ways to achieve overloading a method.
If you want to overload a method, then you should make sure that the argument lists of the methods should differ in either of these cases: A sequence of Data types of parameters, the number of parameters and the data type of parameters.
Polymorphic functions in compiler design allow functions to work on multiple data types or objects. They make the code more flexible and reusable. On the plus side, it can improve code reusability and type safety. But on the bad side, it also brings some challenges, but careful testing can help ensure the high reliability of these functions.
You can refer to our article if you want to learn more about Polymorphism.
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