Table of contents
PopUp Widget In Kivy
Basic Method
Frequently Asked Questions
What are Kivy widgets?
What is Kivy Uix, exactly?
Is Kivy good for Android?
What is Kivy's relative layout?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

PopUp Widget in KIvy

Author Aman Thakur
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One must be thinking that I am  python developer but I also want to develop apps for Android and I don’t want to learn any other framework or library such as flutter, Android Native or swift fro developing IOS applications. No worries, pal; we'll be studying the Kivy framework supplied by Python, which will take you on a tour of constructing applications in Python quickly and effortlessly.

In this article we will be covering PopUp Widget in Kivy is a Python using GUI tool that works on any platform provided by Kivy module python. We will also see how to use the .kv file in Kivy for developing the layout of the application. This article assumes that you have been somewhat familiar with Basics of Python otherwise it will be bit difficult to understand it in first glance however you can still go through this article.

PopUp Widget In Kivy

Popups are made with the Popup widget. The popup will cover the whole "parent" window by default. Popup.title and Popup.content must be set at the very least when generating a popup.

One thing to keep in mind is that a widget's default size is size hint =. (1, 1). If you don't want your popup to take across the entire screen, use size hints with values smaller than 1 (for example, size hint=(.8,.8)) or disable the size hint and use fixed size properties instead.

Popup is a one-of-a-kind widget. Try not to make it a child of any other widget. If you do, Popup will be treated like any other widget, rather than being produced in the background, as in:


The first step to get started with ScrollView Widget is that you need to first import it.

from kivy.uix.popup import Popup
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Note that Popup is a unique widget. Try not to make it a child of any other widget. If you do, Popup will be treated like any other widget, rather than being produced in the background, as in:

Basic Method

After importing the module you have to follow the basic algorithm given below:

1. import kivy
2. import kivyApp
3. import Widget
4. import Floatlayout
5. import Label
6. import popup
7. Create widget class
8. Create Layout class :
9. create App class
10.create .kv file (name same as the app class):

        10.1 create Widget
        10.2  create popup
        10.3  Give label to popup
        10.4  create button to close popup

11.return Layout/widget/Class(according to requirement)
13.define popup function(Which shows the popup on press the button)
14. Run an instance of the class



from import App
from kivy.uix.widget import Widget
from kivy.lang import Builder
from kivy.uix.floatlayout import FloatLayout
from kivy.uix.popup import Popup

# Designate our .kv file

# Creating a widget class through this we add button the commands of the
# class is in .kv file
class Widgets(Widget):
   def btn(self):
       # calling of the show popup function

# Popup class is defined, The command of the class is in .kv file
class Popups(FloatLayout):

class AwesomePopUpApp(App):
   def build(self):
       return Widgets()

# define popup function in this we create the popup
def show_popup():
   show = Popups()

   popupWindow = Popup(title="Popup Window", content=show,
                       size_hint=(None, None), size=(200, 200))

   # open popup window

if __name__ == '__main__':
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# popup.kv

# Adding Button widget
       text: "Press me"
       on_release: root.btn()

# Adding Label, Button to popup
       text: "You pressed the button"
       size_hint: 0.6, 0.2
       pos_hint: {"x":0.2, "top":1}

       text: "Close the popup"
       # set size of the button
       size_hint: 1, 0.4
       # set position of the button
       pos_hint: {"x":0, "y":0.1}

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are Kivy widgets?

A Widget is the base building block of GUI interfaces in Kivy. It provides a Canvas that can be used to draw on screen. It receives events and reacts to them.


What is Kivy Uix, exactly?

kivy.uix is a module. Widgets are graphical user interface components that are part of the User Experience. Classes for building and maintaining Widgets may be found in the kivy. uix module.


Is Kivy good for Android?

Kivy is a great tool for developing Android Apps. The best advantage of using kivy is that it is cross platform and the same project can be used to publish apps on iOS , Android , windows , OS x... However , it has some performance related disadvantages(as do most cross-platform tools like unity , cocos etc).


What is Kivy's relative layout?

Relative Layout: This layout allows you to assign children relative coordinates. Use the FloatLayout if you want absolute placement. The RelativeLayout class is similar to the FloatLayout class, with the exception that its child widgets are positioned relative to the layout.


If you have reached till here that means, you really enjoyed this article. This article covers the implementation of popup widget in kivy with code snippets and their use cases. You might be interested in articles such as Floating Layout in KivyCarousel Layout in KivyButton Action in Kivy, Button Color in Kivy and Slider widget in Kivy.

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