Table of contents
PowerShell Interview Questions for Freshers
1. What is PowerShell?
2. What are the key characteristics of PowerShell?
3. What are the functions in PowerShell?
4. What is the variable in PowerShell?
5. What do variables hold in PowerShell?
6. Mention the essential differences between Bash and PowerShell?
7. What does cmdlet's mean in Powershell?
8. What do you mean by get-command in PowerShell?
9. Explain the importance of PowerShell brackets?
10. What is a pipeline in PowerShell?
11. What is Try, Catch, and finally in PowerShell?
12. Describe the various types of execution policies in PowerShell?
13. Name the methods by which the input of the pipeline works?
14. Enlist the two ways of extending PowerShell?
15. Why is scripting debugging important?
PowerShell Interview Questions for Experienced
16. What is your opinion on Variable Interpolation?
17. What is the benefit of the hashtable in PowerShell?
18. Explain PowerShell’s comparison operators?
19. What are the types of PowerShell operators?
20. Could you explain about set a registry value with PowerShell?
21. How do you know about the methods to ‘Select’ query in PowerShell?
22. What is PowerShell’s Get-ServiceStatus function?
23. What are the types of format commands?
24. Could you explain about ping a remote computer with 5 packets using PowerShell?
25. How to get Powershell session in local/remote system?
26. What is the difference between a cmdlet and a function in PowerShell?
27. What are PowerShell profiles and their types?
28. How can we handle errors in PowerShell scripts?
29. What is the difference between ForEach-Object and Where-Object cmdlets?
30. How can we optimize PowerShell script performance?
PowerShell MCQ Questions
What does the 'Get-Process' cmdlet do?
Which of the following is NOT a valid PowerShell comparison operator?
What is the correct way to create an empty array in PowerShell?
Which cmdlet is used to create a new file in PowerShell?
What does the 'Select-Object' cmdlet do?
Which of the following is used to declare a variable in PowerShell?
What is the purpose of the 'ConvertTo-Json' cmdlet?
Which cmdlet is used to measure the execution time of a command in PowerShell?
What does the '-WhatIf' parameter do when used with a cmdlet?
Which of the following is NOT a valid PowerShell loop?
Frequently Asked Questions
What is PowerShell?
What is the variable in PowerShell?
What is a pipeline in PowerShell?
What does cmdlet's mean in Powershell?
How to check the default path for PowerShell modules?
Last Updated: Sep 6, 2024

Powershell interview questions

Author Alok Pandey
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PowerShell has become an indispensable tool for system administrators, DevOps engineers, and IT professionals. As organizations increasingly rely on automation and scripting to manage their infrastructure, the demand for skilled PowerShell practitioners continues to grow. In this blog, we will guide you through some of the most common and crucial PowerShell interview questions.

PowerShell Interview Questions for Freshers

Here are some of the important Powershell Interview Questions.

1. What is PowerShell?

PowerShell is a task automation system that includes a scripting language, a command-line shell, and a configuration management framework. It is a scripting language and an extendable/scalable command shell for Windows machines/computers.

2. What are the key characteristics of PowerShell?

The key characteristics of PowerShell are Commands in PowerShell are customizable.
PowerShell is object-based and not text-based.
It acts as a command-line interpreter and scripting environment.

3. What are the functions in PowerShell?

In PowerShell, a function is a collection of code with optional input and output. It's a means of gathering a bunch of code to run one or many times by simply pointing to it rather than copying it repeatedly.

4. What is the variable in PowerShell?

A variable is a type of memory that stores values. Variables are represented in PowerShell by text strings beginning with a dollar symbol ($), such as $a, $process, or $my var.
The names of variables are not case-sensitive and can contain spaces and unusual characters.

5. What do variables hold in PowerShell?

Variables in PowerShell can hold any form of data. Store the outcomes of commands and elements such as names, paths, settings, and values used in commands and expressions.

6. Mention the essential differences between Bash and PowerShell?

One of the most important differences between the two is that PowerShell is object-oriented and bash is text-oriented. In PowerShell, input and output are treated as objects, whereas in Bash, input and output are always treated as text structures.

Bash's user interface shell is a text-based command-line interface, whereas PowerShell's user interface is a graphical command-line interface CLI.

PowerShell is compatible with all versions of Windows, from Windows 97 through Windows 11. Bash was created with Linux and Unix operating systems in mind.

7. What does cmdlet's mean in Powershell?

A cmdlet is a small command that can be used in the PowerShell environment. The PowerShell runtime invokes these cmdlets in the context of automation scripts provided at the command line. The PowerShell runtime also uses PowerShell APIs to call them programmatically.

8. What do you mean by get-command in PowerShell?

The get-command in PowerShell is used to fetch cmdlets. For example, if someone is looking for a cmdlet between A and K, the "get-command" would be –

>[A–K]* get-command

9. Explain the importance of PowerShell brackets?

Square Brackets[]: These sorts of brackets are used to specify the optional items.
Parenthesis Brackets(): These brackets are utilized for required arguments.
Braces Brackets{}: These kinds of brackets are utilized in blocked statements

10. What is a pipeline in PowerShell?

A pipeline is a set of commands that are linked together by pipeline operators (|). The results of the previous command are sent to the following command by each pipeline operator.

The first command's output can be used as input to the second command for processing. That output can then be passed on to another command. 


Command-1 | Command-2 | Command-3  


The objects that Command-1 emits are transmitted to Command-2. The objects are processed by Command-2 and sent to Command-3. The objects are processed by Command-3 and sent down the pipeline. The results are displayed at the terminal because there are no more commands in the pipeline.

11. What is Try, Catch, and finally in PowerShell?

Try: A try statement consists of one try block, one or more catch blocks, and one or more finally blocks. At least one catch or finallly block must be present in a try statement.


try {<statement list>}


Catch: The catch keyword is followed by a statement list and an optional list of error type definitions. PowerShell looks for an appropriate catch block if the try block encounters a terminating error. If one is discovered, the catch block's statements are executed. The catch block can specify one or more than one error type.


catch [[<error type>][',' <error type>]*] {<statement list>}


Finally: The finally keyword is followed by a statement list that executes every time the script is run, even if they try statement failed or a catch statement caught an error.


finally {<statement list>}


12. Describe the various types of execution policies in PowerShell?


  • Sets the default execution policy.
  • Restricted for Windows clients.
  • RemoteSigned for Windows servers.


  • Nothing is blocked, and there are prompts or no warnings.
  • This execution policy for Powershell is designed for configurations in which a PowerShell script is built into a big application or for configurations in which PowerShell is the foundation for a program that has its own security model.


  • In this policy, Scripts can run.
  • It Requires that all scripts and configuration files be signed by a trusted publisher, including scripts that you write on the local system.
  • This Prompts you before running scripts from publishers that you haven't yet classified as trusted or untrusted.
  • Risks running signed but malicious scripts.


  • For Windows server systems, this is the default execution policy.
  • Scripts can be executed.
  • On scripts and configuration files downloaded via the internet, including email and instant messaging systems, a digital signature from a trusted publisher is required.
  • Digital signatures are not required for scripts that are written locally and not downloaded from the internet.
  • If the scripts are unblocked, such as by using the Unblock-File cmdlet, it runs unsigned scripts downloaded from the internet.
  • It runs the risk of running malicious signed scripts and unsigned programs from sources other than the internet.


  • It is impossible to change the default execution policy on non-Windows computers.
  • Unsigned scripts are allowed to run. There's a chance you'll launch harmful scripts.
  • Before running scripts or configuration files that are not from the local intranet zone, the user is warned.


  • In the current scope, no execution policy has been defined.
  • This effective execution policy is Restricted for Windows clients and RemoteSigned for Windows Server if the execution policy in all scopes is Undefined.


  • Individual commands are allowed, but scripts are not.
  • This is the default execution policy for Windows client computers.
  • All script files in this policy, including formatting and configuration files (.ps1xml), PowerShell profiles, and module script files (.psm1) are prevented from running (.ps1).

13. Name the methods by which the input of the pipeline works?

  1. ByValue
  2. ByPropertyName

14. Enlist the two ways of extending PowerShell?

  1. PSSnapins
  2. Modules


15. Why is scripting debugging important?

Understanding how to utilize PowerShell requires an understanding of scripting debugging. Consider how scripting debugging can improve your process and the whole project.
Scripting debugging is required because it allows IT professionals to scan scripts, functions, expressions, and instructions while they are being executed. This helps us to see any issues, update model scripts, and boost performance.

PowerShell Interview Questions for Experienced

16. What is your opinion on Variable Interpolation?

When a variable is used in double-quoted strings, PowerShell changes the variable's name by changing its value. Variable interpolation is the name given to this capability in PowerShell. It creates a formatted string with a more readable, easier-to-read, and convenient syntax.

17. What is the benefit of the hashtable in PowerShell?

The dictionary is another name for a hash table. It's a collection that allows you to store data in a "key-value" pair relationship. The "key" and "value" can contain any type of data and be of any length. You'll need to use @ followed by curly brackets to display a hash table.


@{ <name> = <value>; [<name> = <value> ] ...}


18. Explain PowerShell’s comparison operators?

In PowerShell, comparison operators compare values. There are four different types of comparison operators: equality, match, containment, and replace. One of the most important comparison operators in PowerShell is –eq, which is used in place of the "=" sign when declaring variables. Other operators include –ne (not equal), -gt (greater than), and –lt (less than) (less than).

19. What are the types of PowerShell operators?

  1. Arithmetic Operators 
  2. Assignment Operators
  3. Logical Operators
  4. Comparison Operators
  5. Redirection Operators
  6. Split and Join Operators
  7. Type Operators
  8. Unary Operators
  9. Special Operators


20. Could you explain about set a registry value with PowerShell?

I'll need to use the registry provider and the <Set-ItemProperty> command.

Because the registry is a fundamental aspect of Windows, it isn't exactly specialized expertise. Any scripter has most certainly completed this chore at least once, if not on a regular basis.

21. How do you know about the methods to ‘Select’ query in PowerShell?

The WQL (WMI Query Language) statement in PowerShell is the easiest way. In order to query/introduce 'Select * from,' this query technique employs the '-query'.
In the PowerShell command, Select-String is the next option after 'Select.' The cmdlet checks the matching pattern, idiom, and word in this scenario/scope.
The final option is to use Select-Object.

22. What is PowerShell’s Get-ServiceStatus function?

The "Get-ServiceStatus" methods allow window services to be filtered. Through scripting, PowerShell displays the services that are 'Running' and 'Stopped.'

23. What are the types of format commands?

  1. Format-Wide
  2. Format-List
  3. Format-Table
  4. Format-Custom

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24. Could you explain about ping a remote computer with 5 packets using PowerShell?

This is fundamental information. I'm not going to get sucked by ideology, the good old ping. As long as the candidate is aware of the option to specify 5 packets, Exe is perfectly valid. If you actually want the "PowerShell" Test-Connection>, all you need is for the command to return $True> if the ping is successfully connected and $False> if it isn't.

25. How to get Powershell session in local/remote system?

<Get-PSSession> retrieves user-managed sessions (PSSessions) from PowerShell on both local and distant machines.



26. What is the difference between a cmdlet and a function in PowerShell?

A cmdlet is a lightweight command used in the PowerShell environment. It's compiled in a .NET language and follows a specific naming convention (Verb-Noun). Functions, on the other hand, are written in the PowerShell scripting language and can be more easily customized or extended by users.

27. What are PowerShell profiles and their types?

PowerShell profiles are scripts that run when PowerShell starts. They allow you to customize your PowerShell environment. There are four types of profiles:

  1. All Users, All Hosts
  2. All Users, Current Host
  3. Current User, All Hosts
  4. Current User, Current Host

Each profile has a specific scope and load order.

28. How can we handle errors in PowerShell scripts?

We can handle errors in PowerShell by using:

  1. Try-Catch-Finally blocks
  2. $ErrorActionPreference variable
  3. -ErrorAction parameter
  4. $Error automatic variable
  5. Write-Error cmdlet

These methods allow for graceful error handling and logging in scripts.

29. What is the difference between ForEach-Object and Where-Object cmdlets?

ForEach-Object processes each item in a collection individually, allowing you to perform actions on each item. Where-Object filters a collection based on specified criteria, returning only the items that meet those criteria.

30. How can we optimize PowerShell script performance?

We can optimize the PowerShell script performance by:

  1. Using the Pipeline efficiently
  2. Avoiding unnecessary type conversions
  3. Using .NET methods when possible
  4. Leveraging parallel processing with jobs or runspaces
  5. Using appropriate data structures (e.g., HashSet for large datasets)
  6. Minimizing the use of Write-Host for output

PowerShell MCQ Questions

What does the 'Get-Process' cmdlet do?

a) Lists all running processes 

b) Creates a new process 

c) Stops a process 

d) Modifies a process

Answer: a) Lists all running processes

Which of the following is NOT a valid PowerShell comparison operator?

a) -eq 

b) -ne 

c) -gt 

d) -equal

Answer: d) -equal

What is the correct way to create an empty array in PowerShell?

a) $array = [] 

b) $array = new-array 

c) $array = @() 

d) $array = array()

Answer: c) $array = @()

Which cmdlet is used to create a new file in PowerShell?

a) New-Item 

b) Add-Content 

c) Set-Content 

d) Create-File

Answer: a) New-Item

What does the 'Select-Object' cmdlet do?

a) Selects specific properties of an object 

b) Selects all properties of an object 

c) Creates a new object 

d) Deletes an object

Answer: a) Selects specific properties of an object

Which of the following is used to declare a variable in PowerShell?

a) var 

b) dim 

c) $ 

d) let

Answer: c) $

What is the purpose of the 'ConvertTo-Json' cmdlet?

a) Converts a PowerShell object to a JSON string 

b) Converts a JSON string to a PowerShell object 

c) Creates a JSON file 

d) Validates JSON syntax

Answer: a) Converts a PowerShell object to a JSON string

Which cmdlet is used to measure the execution time of a command in PowerShell?

a) Measure-Command 

b) Get-ExecutionTime 

c) Test-Performance 

d) Time-Command

Answer: a) Measure-Command

What does the '-WhatIf' parameter do when used with a cmdlet?

a) Executes the command 

b) Shows what would happen if the command were to run 

c) Asks for confirmation before running 

d) Skips the command entirely

Answer: b) Shows what would happen if the command were to run

Which of the following is NOT a valid PowerShell loop?

a) for 

b) foreach 

c) while 

d) repeat

Answer: d) repeat

Frequently Asked Questions

What is PowerShell?

PowerShell is a task automation system that includes a scripting language, a command-line shell, and a configuration management framework. It is a scripting language and an extendable/scalable command shell for Windows machines/computers.

What is the variable in PowerShell?

A variable is a type of memory that stores values. Variables are represented in PowerShell by text strings beginning with a dollar symbol ($), such as $a, $process, or $my var.

What is a pipeline in PowerShell?

A pipeline is a set of commands that are linked together by pipeline operators (|). The results of the previous command are sent to the following command by each pipeline operator.

What does cmdlet's mean in Powershell?

A cmdlet is a small command that can be used in the PowerShell environment. The PowerShell runtime invokes these cmdlets in the context of automation scripts provided at the command line. 

How to check the default path for PowerShell modules?

We can check by using the following command. The command is as follows:

Get-Content env:psmodulepath


In this blog, we have discussed the Powershell interview questions. PowerShell proficiency is a valuable skill in today's IT landscape. The questions covered in this blog touch on key areas you might encounter in an interview or your daily work. 

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