Table of contents
When to Use Predicates?
Predicate Syntax in Java
Java Predicate Interface Methods
and( Predicate other )
or( Predicate other )
isEqual( Object targetRef )
Java Predicate Interface Examples
Basic Predicate Example
Combining Predicates
Using Predicates with Streams
Predicate as Method References
Writing Clean Predicates in Java
Use Descriptive Names
Avoid Complex Lambda Expressions
Compose Predicates for Clarity
Use Static Import for Readability
Reuse Predicates
Frequently Asked Questions
Can predicates be used with any type of object?
How do predicates enhance code readability?
Is it possible to combine multiple predicates?
What is the difference between function and predicate in Java?
Last Updated: Sep 4, 2024

Predicate in Java 8

Author Ravi Khorwal
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In the dynamic field of programming, Java continues to stand out as a versatile and powerful language. Among its various features, Java 8 introduced a functional approach with lambda expressions and functional interfaces, revolutionizing how we write Java code. Predicates, a part of this functional arsenal, play a pivotal role in making code more readable and efficient. Understanding predicates is crucial for any budding Java programmer, as they are widely used in stream processing and conditional logic. 

Predicate in Java 8

This article aims to demystify predicates in Java 8. We will explore when and how to use predicates, delve into their syntax, understand the interface methods, and see them in action through examples. By the end of this article, you'll have a solid grasp of writing clean and efficient predicates in your Java programs.

When to Use Predicates?

Predicates in Java 8 are a boon for scenarios requiring conditional checks. These functional interfaces are often used in filtering operations or when you need to define a simple boolean condition. Think of predicates as a tool for deciding whether an object meets certain criteria. They're particularly useful in streams for concise and clear code. For example, when working with a list of objects, you might want to filter out those that don't meet specific conditions. Instead of writing lengthy conditional logic, you can neatly encapsulate the condition within a predicate. This not only makes your code more readable but also reusable. Predicates shine in scenarios like validating user input, processing collections, and implementing business logic where conditional checks are frequent.

Predicate Syntax in Java

The Predicate<T> interface in Java 8 is a functional interface, meaning it can be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or a method reference. Its primary abstract method is test(T t), which evaluates the predicate on the given argument. The syntax is quite straightforward:

Predicate<Type> predicateName = (argument) -> expression;

Here, Type is the type of the input to the predicate, and expression is a boolean expression that defines the condition. The lambda expression (argument) -> expression succinctly implements the test method.

Java Predicate Interface Methods

The Predicate interface in Java 8 is not limited to the test method alone. It includes several default and static methods that enhance its functionality and provide more flexibility:

and( Predicate other )

This default method allows chaining of another predicate to form a compound statement. It's akin to a logical AND operation. If both predicates evaluate to true, the compound predicate returns true.

Predicate<String> nonEmptyStringPredicate = (String s) -> !s.isEmpty();
Predicate<String> longStringPredicate = (String s) -> s.length() > 10;
Predicate<String> compoundPredicate = nonEmptyStringPredicate.and(longStringPredicate);

or( Predicate other )

Similar to and, this method performs a logical OR operation. If either of the predicates returns true, the compound predicate evaluates to true.

// Using the previously defined predicates

Predicate<String> compoundOrPredicate = nonEmptyStringPredicate.or(longStringPredicate);


This default method inverts the logic of the predicate. If the predicate returns true, negate() will return false, and vice versa.

Predicate<String> negatePredicate = nonEmptyStringPredicate.negate();

isEqual( Object targetRef )

 This static method returns a predicate that tests whether the object reference being tested is equal to the target reference, based on the equals method.

Predicate<Object> equalsPredicate = Predicate.isEqual("SomeString");

These additional methods make the Predicate interface a powerful tool for creating complex logical expressions in a clean and readable manner.

Java Predicate Interface Examples

To see predicates in action, let's dive into some code examples that illustrate their power and versatility in Java 8.

Basic Predicate Example

Here's a simple example of using a predicate to check if a number is greater than 5:

Predicate<Integer> greaterThanFive = (number) -> number > 5;
System.out.println(greaterThanFive.test(10));  // Output: true
System.out.println(greaterThanFive.test(3));   // Output: false

Combining Predicates

We can combine multiple predicates using default methods like and, or, and negate:

Predicate<String> startsWithA = (str) -> str.startsWith("A");
Predicate<String> endsWithX = (str) -> str.endsWith("X");

// Combining predicates

Predicate<String> startsWithAAndEndsWithX = startsWithA.and(endsWithX);
System.out.println(startsWithAAndEndsWithX.test("AX"));  // Output: true
System.out.println(startsWithAAndEndsWithX.test("AB"));  // Output: false

Using Predicates with Streams

Predicates are often used with Streams for operations like filtering:

List<String> names = Arrays.asList("Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David");
     .filter((name) -> name.startsWith("A"))
     .forEach(System.out::println);  // Output: Alice

Predicate as Method References

If you have a method that matches the predicate's signature, you can use a method reference:

class StringUtil {
    static boolean isUpperCase(String s) {
        return s.equals(s.toUpperCase());
List<String> strings = Arrays.asList("abc", "ABC", "Abc");
       .forEach(System.out::println);  // Output: ABC

These examples demonstrate the practicality and elegance of predicates in Java 8, making your code more concise and expressive.

Writing Clean Predicates in Java

Creating clean and maintainable predicates is key to enhancing the readability and efficiency of your code. Here are some tips to achieve this:

Use Descriptive Names

Choose predicate names that clearly describe their purpose. For instance, isValidEmail is more descriptive than testEmail.

Predicate<String> isValidEmail = (email) -> email.contains("@") && email.endsWith(".com");

Avoid Complex Lambda Expressions

If your lambda expression becomes too complex, consider refactoring it into a separate method. This improves readability and makes your code easier to test and debug.

Predicate<String> hasValidLength = (str) -> {
    int length = str.length();
    return length > 8 && length < 20;

Compose Predicates for Clarity

Instead of writing lengthy and complex predicates, break them down into simpler ones and combine them using methods like and, or, and negate.

Predicate<String> isNotEmpty = (str) -> !str.isEmpty();
Predicate<String> containsDigit = (str) -> str.matches(".*\\d.*");
Predicate<String> isValidPassword = isNotEmpty.and(containsDigit);

Use Static Import for Readability

Static importing the Predicate interface methods can make your predicates look cleaner and more readable.

import static java.util.function.Predicate.isEqual;
Predicate<String> isHello = isEqual("Hello");

Reuse Predicates

Identify common predicate patterns in your code and extract them as reusable components. This not only reduces code duplication but also enhances maintainability.

public static final Predicate<String> NOT_BLANK_STRING = (str) -> str != null && !str.trim().isEmpty();

By following these practices, you can write predicates that are not only functional but also clear and maintainable, making your Java code stand out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can predicates be used with any type of object?

Yes, predicates in Java are generic and can be used with any type of object. They are defined as Predicate<T>, where T is the type of the input to the predicate.

How do predicates enhance code readability?

Predicates encapsulate conditional logic, making the code more concise and readable. They replace verbose conditional statements, leading to cleaner code.

Is it possible to combine multiple predicates?

Absolutely, predicates can be combined using methods like and, or, and negate, allowing for complex logical expressions in a clean and readable manner.

What is the difference between function and predicate in Java?

In Java, a Function is a functional interface that takes one argument and returns a result, while a Predicate is a functional interface that takes one argument and returns a boolean value, typically used for filtering or conditions.


Predicates in Java 8 are a powerful feature that significantly enhances the language's functional programming capabilities. They allow for writing concise, readable, and reusable conditional logic. Understanding and effectively using predicates, especially in stream processing, can lead to cleaner and more efficient Java code. The ability to combine predicates and the use of descriptive names further improve code clarity and maintainability. As a college student venturing into the world of Java programming, mastering predicates will undoubtedly add a valuable tool to your coding arsenal.

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