Table of contents
Problem Statement
Sample Examples
Implementation in C++
Time Complexity
Space Complexity
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is tree called a non-linear data structure?
What is a node in a tree data structure?
What is the degree of a tree?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Print All Leaf Nodes of a Binary Tree from Left to Right

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This blog covers a tree problem. Trees are one of the most important and often asked data structures in programming contests and technical interviews. There are various standard tree problems and techniques. 

This blog tackles a coding task that involves printing all leaf nodes of a binary tree in a left to right manner.

Problem Statement

Ninja is given a binary tree and told that his algorithm Bootcamp assignment is to develop a program that prints all of the binary tree's leaf nodes from left to right. That is, the nodes should be written in the order in which they occur in the supplied tree, from left to right. Can you assist Ninja with his assignment?

Sample Examples

Example 1



5 6 8 9 10


The leaf nodes starting from the left side of the binary tree are 5, 6, 8, 9, and 10 and are printed in their order of occurrence from left to right.


Example 2



5 4 6 7


The leaf nodes starting from the left side of the binary tree are 5, 4, 6, and 10 and are printed in their order of occurrence from left to right.


The approach for the above problem is quite simple and straightforward. We will check if the node is null or a leaf node. In the case of a leaf node, we will print it otherwise, if null, we will return from that point of the function. If either of the above two cases is not present, we will recursively call the method for the node's left and right children.


1. Start traversing the tree.

2. Determine whether or not the given node is null. Return from the function if it returns null.

3. Check if it's a leaf node. Print the data of the node if it is a leaf node.

4. If the node is not a leaf node in the previous step, verify if the node's left and right children exist. If yes, recursively call the function for the node's left and right children.

Implementation in C++

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// Declaring Binary Tree Node Structure
struct Node
    int x;
    struct Node *leftChild, *rightChild;

// function to print all of the leaf
// nodes in a left-to-right manner
void printNodes(Node *root)
    // if the current node is a null, return from the function
    if (!root)

    // if the current node is a leaf node, print its data
    if (!root->leftChild && !root->rightChild)
        cout << root->x << " ";

    // if left or right child exists, check for leaf
    // recursively
    if (root->leftChild)

    if (root->rightChild)

// Utility functions
Node *newNode(int x)
    Node *temp = new Node;
    temp->x = x;
    temp->leftChild = temp->rightChild = NULL;
    return temp;

// Driver program
int main()
    // create binary tree
    Node *root = newNode(1);
    root->leftChild = newNode(2);
    root->rightChild = newNode(3);
    root->leftChild->leftChild = newNode(11);
    root->rightChild->leftChild = newNode(5);
    root->rightChild->rightChild = newNode(8);
    root->rightChild->leftChild->leftChild = newNode(12);
    root->rightChild->leftChild->rightChild = newNode(13);
    root->rightChild->rightChild->leftChild = newNode(4);
    root->rightChild->rightChild->rightChild = newNode(6);

    // printing leaf nodes

    cout << "The leaf nodes in left to right manner are: " << endl;


    return 0;
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The leaf nodes in left to right manner are: 
11 12 13 4 6

Time Complexity

The Time Complexity of the given approach is O(n), where n is the number of nodes as we traverse through each tree node only once.

Space Complexity

The program's auxiliary space is O(1) because no additional data structure is involved.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is tree called a non-linear data structure?

As it does not sequentially store data, a tree data structure is non-linear. Since the elements of a Tree are grouped at numerous levels, it is a hierarchical structure.

What is a node in a tree data structure?

A tree is constructed up of nodes, which are individual entities. Edges link nodes together. Each node has a value or piece of data and may or may not have a child node. The root refers to the tree's first node.

What is the degree of a tree?

The number of children of a node determines its degree. The maximum degree of any of a tree's nodes is its degree.


This article extensively discussed the problem of printing all the leaf nodes of a binary tree in a left-to-right manner and its time and space complexities.
Cheers, you have reached the end. Hope you liked the blog and it has added some knowledge to your life. Please look at these similar topics to learn more: Binary TreeBinary Search TreeBinary Tree to BST, and All Binary Trees.

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