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The C++ STL (Standard Template Library) supports several data structures that play a crucial role in solving any problem. One such data container is the "Priority queue in C++". STL priority_queue is the implementation of the Heap Data structure. By default, it’s a max heap and we can easily use it for primitive datatypes.
This blog covers the concept of the priority queue, its syntax, methods, time complexity, and space complexity, and their examples. It also covers the idea of a priority queue for structure and class.
This blog delves into the implementation and usage of C++ priority queues
What is Priority Queue in C++
A priority queue in C++ is a type of container adapter specially designed. The first element present in the queue is the largest element among the queue, and the elements are sorted in non-descending order.
Syntax of the C++ Priority queue
The syntax for initializing a priority queue in C++ that generates max-heap is given below:
priority_queue<datatype> name_of_priority_queue;
The following example depicts how to declare a priority queue in C++ using the standard library in C++.
priority_queue<int> pq;
Since C++ generates max-heap for priority queue in C++ by default, the syntax given above is for the same. But, if we want to use a priority queue in C++, which can help to use min-heap, then we can use the following syntax:
The following example depicts how to declare a priority queue in C++ using the standard library in C++, which can help use the min-heap of the standard library in C++.
Priority Queue in C++ using Standard Template Library (STL)
In C++ STL (Standard Template Library), the std::priority_queue is a container adapter that provides an efficient implementation of a priority queue. It uses a heap data structure internally to ensure that elements are always processed in order of their priority, with the highest priority element accessible through the top() function. Operations like insertion (push()), removal (pop()), and access (top()) are logarithmic in complexity, making it suitable for applications requiring efficient prioritization of elements.
By default, a max priority queue is created in C++.
The priority queue pq is : 1 5 10 20
pq.empty() : 0
pq.size() : 4 : 1
After using pq.pop(), our priority queue is : 5 10 20
It is essential to know about the time and space complexity of the STL functions we will use. Let us learn about them for the priority queue in C++.
Time complexity for Priority queue
Following are the time complexity of some functions of the priority queue.
Space Complexities
Space complexity for Priority queue
Following are the space complexity of some functions of the priority queue.
Space Complexities
C++ Priority queue for Structure or Class
So far, we have seen how we can use the priority queue in C++ for primitive data types. Now, we will see what happens when data types are customs, such as structure or class.
Priority Queue for structure
A structure Book having variables price and pages are shown below.
struct Book{
float price;
int pages;
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If we declare a priority queue with data type Book in a priority queue, it will not work. Since the structure Book consists of two variables. The priority queue will not compare two Books because of this if priority queue bpq is declared as shown below.
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For solving this issue, we are going to use operator overloading. It will help the priority queue decide which structure object should be kept first.
The following code shows how a structure data type is handled in priority queue STL in c++.
Here, there is a structure book that should be ordered in the priority queue concerning the price of the Book. So, the ComparePrice function made it easy.
// Program to use priority_queue STL with structure in c++
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
struct Book {
float price;
int pages;
//For initializing variables of the structure
Book(float price, int pages)
: price(price), pages(pages)
// This is a structure for implementing the operator overloading
struct ComparePrice {
bool operator()(Book const& b1, Book const& b2)
// return "true" if "b1" is ordered
// before "b2", for example:
return b1.price < b2.price;
int main()
priority_queue<Book, vector<Book>, ComparePrice> Pq;
// While using priority_queue with structure
// we need this kind of syntax where
// ComparePrice is the comparison function
int ROW= 5;
int COL= 2;
float arr[ROW][COL] = { { 300.6, 200 }, { 425.3, 500 },
{ 200.4, 260 }, { 333.0, 600 }, { 523.7, 560 } };
for (int i = 0; i < ROW; ++i) {
Pq.push(Book(arr[i][0], arr[i][1]));
// Pushing an object in priority_queue by using
// the Book structure constructor
while (!Pq.empty()) {
Book b =;
cout << b.price << " " << b.pages << "\n";
return 0;
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The following code shows how a class data type is handled in the STL priority queue in C++.
Here, there is a class Book that should be ordered in the priority queue in C++ concerning the price of the Book. So, the ComparePrice function made it easy.
// Program in c++ to use priority_queue with class
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
class Book {
float price;
int pages;
// This will used to initialize the variables
// of the class
Book(float price, int pages)
: price(price), pages(pages)
// Operator overloading is implemented here
bool operator<(const Book & b1, const Book & b2)
// This will return true when second book
// has greater price. Suppose we have b1.price=500.5
// and p2.height=550.5 then the object which
// have max price will be at the top(or
// max priority)
return b1.price < b2.price;
int main()
priority_queue<Book> Pq;
// When we use priority_queue with class
// then we need this kind of syntax where
// ComparePrice is the functor or comparison function
int ROW= 5;
int COL= 2;
float arr[ROW][COL] = { { 300.6, 200 }, { 425.3, 500 },
{ 200.4, 260 }, { 333.0, 600 }, { 523.7, 560 } };
for (int i = 0; i < ROW; ++i) {
Pq.push(Book(arr[i][0], arr[i][1]));
// Insert an object in priority_queue by using
// the Book class constructor
while (!Pq.empty()) {
Book b =;
cout << b.price << " " << b.pages << "\n";
return 0;
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In this section, we will learn about the methods present in the STL priority queue in C++.
It returns the reference to the top element in the priority queue.
It helps to insert the element at the end of the priority queue.
It helps to delete or remove the first element of the priority queue.
This return the current size of priority queue.
It returns 0 or 1. 1 if the priority queue is empty and 0 if it is not empty.
It helps insert a new element in the priority queue.
It helps to swap the values present between two priority queues having the same data types.
Operations on Priority Queue in C++
1. Insert Element to a Priority Queue
To insert an element, we have a push() function. Let's see how it works.
Example: push()
// Header-file for queue.
using namespace std;
int main()
priority_queue<int> p1;
// Status of p1: empty.
// Inserting elements in a queue.
// Status of p1: 95 40 35
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Time Complexity of push() : O(logN), where ‘N’ is the size of the priority queue.
2. Access the Top Element of the Priority Queue
We can access the top element of the priority queue easily by the top() function provided in STL. Let’s understand it better using the following example.
Example: top()
// Header-file for queue.
using namespace std;
int main(){
priority_queue<int> p1;
// Fetching element of highest priority, i.e., 95.
cout <<;
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swap() – It is used to exchange the contents of two priority queues but the queues must be of the same type, although sizes may differ. It takes one parameter, i.e., the priority queue whose values need to be swapped.
Time Complexity of swap() : O(N), where ‘N’ is the number of elements.
7. Value Type Representation in a Priority Queue
priority_queue :: value_type: This method represents the type of object that is stored in our priority queue. It acts as a synonym for the template parameter.
8. Emplace a new element into the priority queue container
emplace() – The emplace() function adds a new element in a container at the top of the priority queue. It takes the value that needs to be added as a parameter.
Time Complexity of emplacing: O(logN), where ‘N’ is the size of the priority queue.Frequently Asked Questions
Difference Between Priority Queue and Queue
Priority Queue
A queue is a data structure that follows the FIFO (First In First Out) principle.
A priority queue is a data structure that stores elements based on their priority.
Order of Processing
Elements are processed in the order they arrive.
Elements are processed based on priority, not arrival order.
New elements are added at the back of the queue.
New elements can be inserted at any position based on their priority.
The element removed is always the one at the front.
The element removed is the one with the highest priority.
Use Cases
Useful for scheduling tasks in the order they are received, such as print jobs.
Useful for scenarios where certain tasks need to be prioritized, such as job scheduling in operating systems.
Typically O(1) for insertion and O(1) for removal.
Insertion can be O(log n) and removal can also be O(log n) depending on the implementation.
Usually implemented using arrays or linked lists.
Often implemented using heaps or binary trees.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can the priority queue in C++ store duplicate elements?
Yes, the priority queue standard library in C++ allows duplicate elements.
How does the priority queue in C++ sort the elements?
The priority queue returns the largest element while popping in the general case. So, each time it gives the largest element, sorting happens.
Is priority queue in C++ stable?
No, std::priority_queue in C++ is not stable. It does not preserve the order of elements with equal priority during insertion or removal.
State two applications of the priority queue in C++.
Prim's algorithm and Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm are two applications of the priority queue.
What is the insertion complexity for an element in the priority queue using a heap?
The insertion complexity for an element in the priority queue is O(logN) where N is the size of the priority queue.
In this article, we learned the concept of priority queues in C++. We began by understanding the fundamental principles behind priority queues and their differences from standard queues. We examined various implementations, including how to use the C++ Standard Library's priority queue functionality effectively.
Some Important Practice Problems on Priority Queue