Table of contents
Postman Private  API
Establishing the private API
Options and Elements
Folder Organisation
API Overview Page
API Versions
Easy Filtering
API landscape governance
Frequently Asked Questions
How does someone access private API in Postman?
What is the difference between private and public API?
When should one use private API?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Private API Network on Postman

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Private APIs in Postman can be handy for businesses. They make an organisation's existing resources available for internal teams to repurpose, and they can significantly reduce the time and resources required to develop new features. However, organisations may only benefit from these advantages if developers are aware of their private APIs. It seems very clear. However, as private APIs within organisations multiply, it becomes more difficult for users to locate the API they are trying to find.

Postman Private API Network

Postman Private  API

Developers searching for existing private APIs frequently have little choice except to scour Slack archives, look for a specific Confluence page, or ping the appropriate person. Finding a suitable API might be complicated, which hinders productivity. Teams may waste time and money developing the same capabilities if they cannot find an existing resource.

Postman's brand-new Private API Network, created to address these issues, now makes it easier for developers to find pertinent private APIs in Postman. Before developing their solutions, the teams can check what is accessible using the Private API Network on Postman, which acts as a single directory of all internal APIs within the company.

Establishing the private API

Once we open the Postman application, we aim to look for the "API Network" button in the top bar. Then click the "Private API Network" option from there. We can also click the "Private API Network"  option on the left side of the window.

Private API Network Option

Once in the Private API Network, we aim to create a file. We have created a folder called "Coding Ninjas Private Test API." We can see it below.

Created a folder called "Coding Ninjas Private Test API

After folder creation, we click on the "Add APIs" option highlighted and available. This action will pop up a small window which will give us to choose the API we want to add to our Private API Network on Postman.

Add APIs option highlighted and available

We chose the "testing" API and clicked the "Add API". We can see that the API has been added. A message confirming the addition of the API gets shown in the bottom corner of the new window. 

the API has been added. A message confirming the addition of the API shown

Options and Elements

Let us examine five crucial elements of the brand-new Private API Network on Postman that make it simpler to find private APIs in Postman:

Folder Organisation

By classifying APIs in the Private API Network on Postman into multi-level folders, we can improve API discovery even more. We can add markdown-compatible descriptions to folders so that users can learn more about the APIs.

Folder Organisation

API Overview Page

The brand-new API Overview page gives users all the necessary details about an API so they can decide whether to use it or not. On the API Overview page, we can find out who created the API, its editors, and whom users may contact by leaving comments in Postman.

API Overview Page

API Versions

The Private API Network on Postman only displays the API versions intended for customer use. Within the Private API Network on Postman, users can access API documentation, schema, and a summary of the API version.

Private API Network Version

Easy Filtering

We may filter APIs in our Private API Network on Postman using various criteria, including name, summary, and schema type, to easily find them. When we search the title, we see that the relevant API with a similar name gets suggested.

Filtering Name of API

API landscape governance

By offering details about the APIs in the Private API Network on Postman, Private API Network on Postman reports make it simpler to manage our internal API landscape.

API landscape governance

We can look at the reports and details as needed by clicking the "Reports" button in the window's top right corner. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How does someone access private API in Postman?

The Private API Network can be accessed in two ways: Choose Home from the Postman header, then Private API Network from the team details on the left. Select Private API Network from the Postman header, then API Network.

What is the difference between private and public API?

The API might be made available through a home improvement store, allowing customers to select the goods they need to finish their tasks without calculating expenses. Private API differs from public API, a service provided by a third party that allows outside access to internal resources.

When should one use private API?

A private API programme lets internal developers create new apps that leverage current systems. As a result, business managers and interface developers implementing the programme should base their judgments on the demands and preferences of these developers.


The Private API Network acts as a centralised directory for all of your team's internal APIs. The unit can immediately have access to these APIs and begin using them. APIs in the Private API Network are visible to logged-in Postman team members. Users who are not team members cannot find or access these APIs. The world of APIs is a fascinating one. Have a look at our blogs on APIs and API Testing to explore. You can discover all about web testing too. Explore Coding Ninjas Studio to find more exciting stuff. Happy Coding!

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