Last updated: Apr 26, 2022

Problems in Java

In this blog series, we’ll practice different problems based on concepts that we learn so far. The best way we learn anything is by practicing questions. So what you are waiting for let’s get started. Hope, these problems help you to improve your Java programming coding skills.
Java Hello World Program EASY
In this blog, we will learn how to write a simple hello world program in Java.
Prime Number Program in Java EASY
In this article, we will discuss what prime numbers are and different methods through which we can find if a number is prime in Java.
Menu Driven Program in Java EASY
A Menu-Driven Program in Java allows users to choose options from a menu. Based on input, it performs corresponding actions using conditional statements. This article discusses Menu Driven programs and their implementation in Java in detail
Palindrome Program in Java
This blog mainly focuses on the problem to find out whether a given number is palindrome or not. You will learn to solve the problem with different approaches and implementation in Java with proper program flow diagrams and complexity analysis.
Factorial of a Number in Java EASY
This blog mainly covers how to find out the factorial of a number in Java. You will learn different approaches to find out the factorial of a number in Java with proper explanation and program flow diagram.
Java Program to Check Armstrong Number
Armstrong numbers are positive n-digit numbers that are equal to the sum of their digits’ nth powers.
Printing Pattern in Java EASY
Java Pattern Programs 1. Simple Pyramid Pattern 2. Left Triangle Star Pattern 3. Right Triangle Star Pattern 4. Downward Triangle Star Pattern
Java Program to Check if a String is Palindrome EASY
A string palindrome in Java checks if a string reads the same forward and backward. It can be done by reversing the string and comparing it to the original.
Reverse a String in Java
This blog explains about the different methods used to reverse a string.
Swapping of Two Numbers in Java EASY
This article covers the different techniques for swapping two numbers in Java. Also check out the frequently asked questions.
Int to String Conversion in Java MEDIUM
This article will discuss all the possible ways to convert an int Data Type to the String Data type in Java. We will further look at examples to understand the implementation of int to String conversion in Java.
Java Program to Check if Two Strings are Anagrams EASY
This article covers an anagram program in Java with Java arrays and Java strings. Understand check whether two strings are anagrams of each other in Java.
Number of Characters in a String
In this blog, we have discussed the program to count the total number of characters in a string using the java programming language.
Duplicate Characters in a String EASY
This blog mainly focuses on the problem of finding out the duplicate characters in a string in Java. You will learn to solve the problem with different approaches and implementation in Java with proper program flow diagrams and complexity analysis.
Program to Print the Elements of an Array
In this article, we'll be discussing one of the very basic concepts of Java arrays, i.e. Printing elements in Java.
Largest Element in an Array
In this article, We will discuss the Java Programme to find the Largest Element in an array.
Smallest Element in an Array
In this article, We will discuss the Java Programme to find the Smallest Element in an array.
Program to find Sum of Natural Numbers
In this article, we will discuss the java programme to find the Sum of Natural Numbers.
Java Program to Display Even Numbers from 1 to 100 EASY
In this article, we will learn various ways to display even numbers in the range of 1 to 100 by writing a program in Java.
Java Program to Find the Largest of Three Numbers EASY
In this article, we will learn various ways to find the largest of three numbers by writing a program in Java.
How to Sort List in Java
In this article, we will learn how to sort a list in Java. Explore Java list sort with examples of sorting different types of lists using the Collections. sort() method.
Print Duplicate Elements in Array EASY
In Java, an array is index-based. The array's first element is placed at the 0th index, the second element at the 1st index, etc.
Program to find all Punctuations in a String
In this article, We will discuss the Java Programme to find the total number of punctuations in a string.
Java program to find transpose of a matrix EASY
Transposing a matrix in Java involves swapping the rows with columns. Here's a simple Java program to transpose a matrix
Tribonacci Series in Java EASY
Tribonacci series in java : Learn about the tribonacci series, Tribonacci Series in Java Program and Nth Term of the Tribonacci Series with the help of examples.
Hybrid Inheritance in Java EASY
Inheritance is an important topic from an interview perspective. This blog discusses hybrid inheritance in Java in detail.
Duck Number in Java MEDIUM
Duck number in java is an integer that has at least one "0" in it but not in the beginning. In this blog, we will learn more about duck number in java.
Nuts and Bolts Problem | Set 1
This article discusses the nuts and bolts problem using various techniques.
Author Alisha
Bubble Sort in Java EASY
Exception handling in C++ is a mechanism to handle runtime errors using try, catch, and throw keywords.
Author Alisha
What is Linear Search? EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Linear search with an example. Also, linear search algorithm, code implementation, advantages and disadvantages.