Last updated: Feb 6, 2022

Process Synchronization

Process Synchronisation is basically a way to coordinate processes that use shared resources or data. It is very much essential to ensure synchronized execution of cooperating processes so that it will maintain data consistency. Its main purpose is to share resources without any interference using mutual exclusion.
Introduction to Process Synchronization
This article revolves around the discussion of process synchronization along with the producer consumer problem with the help of various examples.
Author Alisha
Inter-Process Communication
This article will discuss inter-process communication and various methods of inter-process communication, along with their examples.
IPC through Shared Memory MEDIUM
This article will discuss the shared memory method for inter-process communication. We shall see the various system calls involved and the code implementation of it.
IPC using Message Queues MEDIUM
This article will discuss inter-process communication using message queues. We shall analyse the various system calls involved in it.
Communication between Two Processes using Signals EASY
This blog covers the communication between two processes using signals and the introduction of signal handlers with the help of code in C language.
Semaphores in OS
This blog's objective is to understand the term semaphores used in process synchronization in detail.
Difference between Spinlock and Semaphore
This article will discuss the difference between spinlock and semaphore in detail.
Mutex in OS MEDIUM
A mutex is like a special tool for making sure that when different parts of a computer program want to use the same thing, only one part can use it at a time. Read on to learn nore about mutex in os (operating system).
Semaphores v/s Mutex
This blog's objective is to understand the difference between semaphores and mutex in operating systems and which one is better in both of them.
Peterson’s Solution in OS MEDIUM
Peterson's algorithm enables two processes to share a single-use resource without conflict where all communication takes place in shared memory. Learn more!
Dekker's Algoirthm MEDIUM
This article discusses Dekker’s Algorithm that is used to solve the critical section problem.
Author Alisha
Printer Spooler Problem EASY
The printer spooler problem is a standard process synchronization problem. As we know, a printer's job is to print documents on paper.
Producer-Consumer Problem in OS EASY
Learn how to solve the producer-consumer problem using semaphores. This is a common problem in computer science, and semaphores are a common way to solve it.
Dining Philosophers Problem in OS MEDIUM
Explore the Dining Philosophers Problem (DPP) in Operating Systems, a classical synchronization issue. Discover the Dining Philosophers Problem in C with a comprehensive implementation guide.
Dining Philosopher Solution Using Monitors MEDIUM
In this post, we will cover the Dining Philosopher Problem and its Solution using Monitors. We will see how this solution is free from deadlock and starvation. We will also see its code.
Readers-Writers Problem EASY
Readers-Writers Problem is a classic synchronization problem in computer science. This problem deals with managing multiple readers and writers' access to a shared resource.
Sleeping Barber Problem in OS MEDIUM
Sleeping barber problem in OS is a classic process synchronization problem. Learn more about the Sleeping barber problem and how to solve it using semaphores.
Lock Variable Synchronization EASY
This post will cover the Lock Variable Synchronization mechanism in process synchronization. We will learn its usage, implementation, and its drawbacks.
Mutex Lock MEDIUM
This post will cover the concept of Mutex Lock in process synchronization. We will learn about its requirement, definition, working with an example.
Test Set Lock Mechanism
This article discusses the test set lock mechanism with the modification in the assembly code. Read more about TSL lock instructions with execution steps.
Author akscrv
Priority Inversion
In this article, we will discuss the concept of priority inversion in operating systems.
Difference between Priority Inversion and Priority Inheritance
In this article, we will discuss the difference between priority inversion and priority inheritance in detail.
Interprocess Communication
In this article, we will discuss how interprocess communication provides a framework for the processes to communicate with one another.