The producer-consumer problem illustrates a multi-process synchronization challenge involving two key processes: the producer and the consumer. These processes collaborate using a shared, fixed-size buffer that acts as a queue. The producer's role is to create data, place it into the buffer, and then repeat this process.

In the producer-consumer problem, there is one Producer who produces things, and there is one Consumer who consumes the products which are produced by the producer. The producers and consumers share the same fixed-size memory buffer.
The Producer's role is to produce data, store it in the buffer, and then generate data again. The Consumer's task is to consume the data from the buffer.
The Producer-Consumer problem is a classic multi-process synchronization problem, which implies we're aiming to synchronize many processes.
When the consumer is consuming an item from the buffer, the producer should not add items into the buffer, and vice versa. As a result, only one producer or consumer should access the buffer at a time. This scenario seems to be a problem, let’s discuss all the scenarios which can cause problems to the system.
What's the problem here?
Let's consider that there are n slots in the buffer, and each slot may store one unit of data. On the buffer, there are two processes running: producer and consumer.
A producer tries to fill an empty space in the buffer with data. A consumer attempts to retrieve data from that buffer slot. If those two processes run concurrently, as you may have anticipated, they will not give the desired outcome.
There must be a method to make both the producer and the customer operate independently.
The following are some of the issues that might arise in the Producer-Consumer:
- The producer should generate data only if the buffer is not full. When the buffer is filled, the producer should not be able to add any more data to it.
- When the buffer is not empty, the consumer can consume the data. The consumer should not be able to take any data from the buffer if it is empty.
- The buffer should not be used by both the producer and the consumer at the same time.
Solution of Producer-Consumer Problem Using Semaphores
Semaphores can be used to solve the three difficulties listed above. A semaphore S is an integer variable with just two standard operations: wait() and signal().
The signal() method increases the value of semaphore by one, whereas the wait() operation decreases it by one.
while(S<=0); // busy waiting in the while loop
S--; // decreasing S by one
S++; // increasing S by one
There are two types of semaphores:
Binary Semaphore - This is related to, but not the same as, a mutex lock. It can only have two possible values: 0 and 1. Its value is set to 1 at the start. It is used to implement a solution to a critical section problem including multiple processes.
Counting Semaphore - Its value can traverse an unbounded domain. It's used to limit who has access to a resource with numerous instances.
To solve this problem, We employ three semaphore variables:-
- mutex - The lock is acquired and released using a mutex, a binary semaphore.
- empty - empty is a counting semaphore that is initialized on the basis of the number of slots present in the buffer, at first all the slots are empty.
- full - a counting semaphore with a value of zero as its starting value.
At any particular time, the current value of empty denotes the number of vacant slots in the buffer, while full denotes the number of occupied slots.
Solution of Producer Problem
The pseudocode for the producer function will look like this:
// process will wait until the empty > 0 and further decrement of 'empty'
// To acquire the lock
/* Here we will perform the insert operation in a particular slot */
// To release the lock
// increment of 'full'
- When we look at the above code for a producer, we can see that it first waits until at least one slot is vacant.
- wait(empty) decreases the value of the semaphore variable "empty" by one, indicating that when the producer produces anything, the value of the empty space in the buffer decreases. If the buffer is full, or the value of the semaphore variable "empty" is 0, the program will stop and no production will take place.
- wait(mutex) sets the semaphore variable "mutex" to zero, preventing any other process from entering the critical section.
- The buffer is then locked, preventing the consumer from accessing it until the producer completes its function.
- signal(mutex) is being used to mark the semaphore variable "mutex" to "1" so that other processes can arrive into the critical section though because the production is finished and the insert operation is also done.
- So, After the producer has filled a slot in the buffer, the lock is released.
- signal(full) is utilized to increase the semaphore variable "full" by one because after inserting the data into the buffer, one slot is filled in the buffer and the variable "full" must be updated.
This is how we address the producer section of the producer-consumer problem.
Solution of Consumer Problem
The pseudocode for the producer function will look like this:
// need to wait until full > 0 and then decrement the 'full'
// To acquire the lock
/* Here we will perform the remove operation in a particular slot */
// To release the lock
// increment of 'empty'
- The consumer waits until the buffer has at least one full slot.
- wait(full) is used to reduce the semaphore variable "full" by one since the variable "full" must be reduced by one of the consumers consuming some data.
- wait(mutex) sets the semaphore variable "mutex" to "0", preventing any other processes from entering the critical section.
- And soon after that, the consumer then acquires a lock on the buffer.
- The consumer then completes the data removal operation by removing data from one of the filled slots.
- So because the consumption and remove operations are complete, signal(mutex) is being used to set the semaphore variable "mutex" to "1" so that other processes can enter the critical section now.
- The lock is then released by the consumer.
- Because one slot space in the buffer is released after extracting the data from the buffer, signal(empty) is used to raise the variable "empty" by one.
This is how we overcome the producer-consumer problem.