In this Redis tutorial, we'll go through how to create channels, subscribe and unsubscribe to them, and get a list of all accessible channels.
The Publish & Subscribe (Pub/Sub) transaction architecture in Redis allows us to transmit messages to many clients. It enables the sender to deliver a message without knowing how many people would receive it.
Consider it similar to following someone on Twitter. When a person (Publisher) tweets a message, it is sent to all of their followers (Subscribers), who may access it on Twitter (Channel).
A client can subscribe to a channel in Redis, and a publisher can deliver messages to all of the channel's subscribers.
Check our tool article to understand better.
Redis Pub-Sub commands
When using the publish-subscribe paradigm in Redis, there are two major commands to use:
These instructions are simple to understand and define the task they do. The SUBSCRIBE command, for example, is used to subscribe a client to a certain channel or channel group.
A sender or publisher can use the PUBLISH command to broadcast a message to a defined number of channels.
Subscribes to channels that match the patterns specified.
PUBSUB subcommand
Indicates the current condition of the Pub/Sub system. For instance, which clients are currently connected to the server.
PUBLISH channel message
Sends a message to a certain channel.
Stops listening for messages on channels that meet the specified patterns.
Monitors messages sent to the specified channels.
Turns off the listening for messages on the specified channels.