Last updated: Feb 14, 2022

Python Exclusive

Learn about simple and versatile data types such as Tuples and Dictionary, as well as method implementations and useful Python packages that can be used to reduce complexity.
Create Command Line Argument using Python Argparse MEDIUM
This article covers the introduction to CLIs, concepts about python argparse, along with the prerequisites required to use it and how to use it.
Python Operators EASY
Python operators are symbols for performing operations like arithmetic, comparison, logical, and bitwise actions on variables or values.
Agglomerative Clustering EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Agglomerative Clustering. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, and much more for better understanding.
Python Remove Duplicates from List EASY
Methods to to remove duplicates from list in python 1. Using set() Method 2. Using List Comprehension 3. Using collections.OrderedDict.fromkeys()
Modulo Operator in Python EASY
Modulo Operator in Python is used to find the remainder while dividing the dividend by the divisor.
Fruitful Functions in Python EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Fruitful Functions in Python. We will understand its core concepts, syntax, parameters, and much more for better understanding.
Open a File in Python EASY
In this article, we'll discuss the basics of opening files in Python, including the different modes available & how to use them effectively.
Set symmetric_difference() in Python EASY
The set.symmetric_difference() method in Python returns a new set containing elements that are in either of the sets but not in both.
Python Program for Simple Interest EASY
A Python program to calculate Simple Interest uses the formula SI=(P×R×T)/100, where P is principal, R is rate, and T is time.
Easy Python Programs EASY
In this article, we'll see some basic Python programs that are perfect for begineerswho are starting their programming journey. These programs are designed to help you understand fundamental concepts such as loops, conditions, and functions.
Identity Operator in Python MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss identity operators in Python, their syntax, usage, and examples to help you understand them better.
List to Tuple in Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss different methods to convert a list to a tuple and explain the uses of each approach. 
Python Arithmetic Operators EASY
This article discusses the python arithmetic operators along with various examples to elaborate on it. It also discusses some faqs based on the same.
Author Alisha
Iterate Over a Dictionary in Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss different ways to iterate over a dictionary in Python. We will talk about the techniques like using the keys() method, values() method, items() method, and more.
Python Frameworks List MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss some of the most commonly used Python frameworks & their features.
Python Http Server EASY
In this article, we will discuss a Python HTTP server and how to set it up with the help of proper examples.
Introduction to Pywhatkit Module MEDIUM
In this article, we will explain the features of the pywhatkit module & learn how to use them with the help of examples.
Hamming Code in Python EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Hamming Code in Python. We will learn about its implementation, and will understand about its code in C for better understanding.
What is Tensorflow in Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss the basics of TensorFlow, like installation, computational graphs, variables, placeholders & building a simple linear regression model.
Python Data Types EASY
In this article, we will learn about data types of Python like: Numeric, Sequence Type, Boolean, Set, Dictionary, Binary Types in detailed explanations with examples
A* Search Algorithm Python MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn how the A* algorithm works, its step-by-step implementation in Python, & analyze its time & space complexity.
Python String join() Method EASY
In this article, we'll learn different techniques to join lists in Python, like using the + operator, the extend() method, and the * operator.
Time Series Analysis in Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss the basics of time series analysis, like key concepts, types of data, and visualization techniques using Python.
PIL Library Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss the basic operations you can perform with the help of the PIL library, like opening images, displaying them, obtaining image information, rotating, resizing, and saving images.
Convert Text to Speech in Python EASY
In this article, we will learn how to convert text to speech using Python, a popular programming language known for its simplicity & versatility.
String Comparison in Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss different methods to compare strings in Python, like using relational operators, regular expressions, the "is" operator, & creating user-defined functions.
Remove Key from Dictionary in Python EASY
In this article, we'll discuss different ways to remove keys from a Python dictionary, like using the pop() method, del keyword, and many more.
Python Network Programming EASY
In this article, we will talk about the fundamentals of Python networking, like sockets, socket programming, & creating simple server-client programs.
Carriage Return in Python EASY
In this article, we'll discuss the syntax, it’s examples, & the difference between carriage returns & newline characters in Python.
PEP 8 Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss the key aspects of PEP 8, which includes naming conventions, code layout, comments, & programming recommendations.
Iterate over a list in Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss various methods to iterate over a list in Python, like using loops, list comprehension, & built-in functions.
OrderedDict in Python EASY
In this article, we'll learn about what OrderedDict is, how it's different from a regular dictionary, and how to use it in Python.
Python Readlines EASY
Python File readlines() Method reads until end-of-file (EOF) using readline() and returns a list containing the lines.
Python Beautifulsoup MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the basics of Beautiful Soup, like- learning how to install it, & examples of how to use it for web scraping.
Script Mode in Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss the basics of script mode in Python, like how to create, save & run Python scripts. We will also discuss the advantages of using script mode.
What is Triple Quotes in Python? EASY
In this article, we will explore the syntax of triple quotes, their uses, and the advantages and disadvantages of using them in Python programming.
Python String rstrip() Method EASY
In this article, we'll talk about the syntax, it’s parameters, & use of the rstrip() method, along with examples which will help you understand how to apply it effectively in your Python programs.
Python Comprehension EASY
In this blog, we will get familiar with the concept of Python comprehension in which we make use of an existing sequence to make a new sequence.
Legb Rule in Python EASY
In this article, we'll learn what the LEGB rule is, how it works, & see some examples to understand this properly.
Sentiment Analysis Using Python EASY
In this article, we will learn what sentiment analysis is, its various use cases, and how to perform sentiment analysis using Python.
Membership Operators in Python EASY
Explore membership operators in python! Learn how 'in' and 'not in' check if values exist in sequences like lists, tuples, and strings with clear examples.
Identifiers and Keywords
In this blog, we will learn about keywords and identifiers in Python.
Python Lowercase EASY
The str.lower() method is a straightforward way to convert all uppercase characters in a string to lowercase.
Natural Language Processing with Python EASY
In this article, we will learn the basics of NLP, like -  its history, the main parts of NLP, how it's used, the steps involved, helpful Python libraries for NLP, and different ways to approach NLP problems.
Python Program to Check Leap Year EASY
In this article, you will learn how to code the lPython Program to Check Leap Year using the if-else statement and the calendar module.
Python Data Analytics EASY
In this article, we'll explore how Python is used in data analytics, diving into numerical data analysis with NumPy and data manipulation with Pandas, accompanied by practical code examples.
Python Classmethod EASY
A @classmethod is a method that receives the class as an implicit first argument, rather than the instance of the class.
Sep() parameter in Python EASY
The 'sep' parameter in the print() function is utilized to define the separator between the values being printed.
Author Alisha
ceil() and floor() in Python EASY
This article gives a detailed overview of how to use ceil and floor in Python.
Author Komal
What is the Difference Between del, pop and remove in Python? EASY
In this article, you will learn about the del and pop and remove functions, the difference between pop and remove in Python, difference between pop(), remove() and the del keyword and when to use them.
Python List Index() EASY
In this article, we will talk about the Python list index() method in detail, like its syntax, parameters, and different examples.
Difference Between Mutable and Immutable in Python EASY
In this article, we will discuss mutable and immutable objects in Python and see the difference between them.
String Manipulation in Python EASY
A string is a data type commonly used in programming. In this article, we will learn about various built-in functions in the standard Python library to analyze and modify strings.
String Reverse in Python
This article will discuss various ways of reversing a string in Python, and in the end, we will also discuss some of the FAQs.
How to Reverse a String in Python (7 Different Ways) EASY
Learn how to reverse a string in Python with various methods, detailed explanations, and FAQs in this comprehensive guide.
F-Strings in Python
In this article, we will learn the uses of f-string in Python.
Python len() Function EASY
In this article, we will learn about a Python len() Function. We will also see the code to calculate the sequence or collection length using len Python.
Type Conversion & Type Casting in Python EASY
In this blog, we will learn about type casting and type conversion in Python.
Author Komal
Binary Search in Python MEDIUM
In this article, we will go through the basic concept of binary search, the two approaches, and the implementation of binary search in Python, as well as their complexities and real-world applications.
Author Rashi
How to Implement Quick Sort in Python? MEDIUM
Quick Sort in Python efficiently sorts an array by partitioning and recursively sorting subarrays, utilizing a pivot element for comparison.
Deque() in Python EASY
Deque() in Python from the collections module is a double-ended queue that allows efficient O(1) append and pop operations from both ends.
Author kaido
Append in Python EASY
Discover the Python List append() Method with meaning, syntax, and examples. Learn how to use append in Python effectively, with tips and advantages.
Python Regex MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about Python regex. We will discuss various concepts of python regex, its advantages and much more.
Python Logging EASY
The process of keeping a record of all input data, output data, processes, and final results of a program is known as Logging.
Python Matplotlib EASY
Matplotlib is an open-source plotting library that allows developers to create static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python.
Literals in Python EASY
Literals in Python are used to represent constant values in a program. This article aims to describe literals in python.

Data Structures in Python

Aside from the standard data structures such as arrays, trees, and stacks, Python has its own data structures such as Lists, Tuples, Sets, and Dictionary. Learn about its implementation and various operational methods.
Lists and List Comprehension MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss what are lists in python and will further discuss list comprehension.
Python Lists Methods EASY
Lists Methods in Python: Python list methods are containers that can hold any type of value. Learn Python list functions with examples.
Python List sort() EASY
Python List sort is a built-in function in Python used to sort the list of items in place in ascending or descending order.
Difference Between Append and Extend in Python EASY
In Python, both append() and extend() are methods used to add elements to a list. In this article we will discuss difference between append() and extend().
How to Find the Length of a List in Python? EASY
In this blog, we will discuss how to find the length of a list in Python, along with comparison of different ways to find the length of a list.
What is reverse in python? EASY
This article discusses python list reverse using various methods and examples.
Author Alisha
Python List EASY
Python list is a collection of items that are ordered, mutable, and allow duplicate values. Lists can contain elements of different data types (integers, strings, other lists, etc.)
Lists vs Tuples EASY
In the following article, we discuss briefly Lists and Tuples and examine the differences between them using some examples.
N Queens Problem in Python EASY
In this article, we're looking into the Python solution for the N Queens problem, exploring how backtracking—a fundamental concept in computer science—plays a crucial role.
Nested List in Python EASY
This blog will discuss the nested list in Python. We will see the working of the nested list with examples in Python.
Array in Python EASY
This blog explains the details of array in python.
Dictionary and Sets
In this article, we will discuss dictionary and sets in Python and see their basic functions and implementations.
Priority Queue using Python
In this blog, we will discuss the implementation of priority queue using python, as well as its properties and mechanics.
Methods of Dictionary EASY
This article will cover one of the data types in python,i.e., Dictionary, their methods, representation, and many more.
Python Dictionary to CSV file EASY
In the article “Python Dictionary to CSV file”, we will discuss Python Dictionary, CSV file, and how a Python dictionary can be converted into a CSV file.
Python Operator Precedence MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about python operator precedence. We will understand its core concepts and learn about its advantages and disadvantages and much more.
FromKeys() method in Python Dictionaries EASY
In this blog, we’ll understand Python Dictionary fromkeys() with examples.
Defaultdict() in Python MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about Defaultdict in Python. We will understand a dictionary and how it differs from defaultdict in Python.
How to merge two dictionaries in python? MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss python dictionaries, how to merge python dictionaries, examples, and their implementations.
Strings in Python EASY
A string is a data type commonly used in programming. In this article, we will learn about Strings in Python and learn some of the basic string functions provided by Python.
String Slicing in Python EASY
In this article, we have extensively discussed the details of string slicing in python and the various methods of slicing a string in python.
Python String replace() Method EASY
The replace() method in Python is used to replace a substring with another substring in a string. It returns a new string where all occurrences of the specified substring are replaced.
Python String Concatenation EASY
In this article, we will learn how to concatenate strings in python. To know more about Python string Concatenation, you can check the complete article.
Author Tisha
Capitalize() in Python EASY
The Python String capitalize() method is used to capitalize the given string. It returns a string with the first letter capitalized, that is, in upper case, and the other characters of that string are converted to lower case letters.
Python String split() Method MEDIUM
Python split string method is a built-in function in the Python programming language to split a specific string into a list of substrings based on a delimiter
reduce() Function in Python MEDIUM
The reduce() function in Python is used to apply a given function cumulatively to the items of an iterable (like a list) from left to right, reducing the iterable to a single value
Multiline String in Python EASY
Python multiline strings are created using triple quotes (''' or """). These allow strings to span multiple lines, preserving line breaks and formatting within the string
Empty Set in Python EASY
This article discusses the empty set in Python and its critical concepts.
Python Program to Find the Factorial of a Number EASY
In this blog, we will discuss the different ways like recursion, for-loop, etc. to execute a factorial program in Python.