Do you know we have various in-built functions in python that are helpful while coding? Do you know what Python set difference function returns?
In this article, we will discuss about sets in python. We will see various in-built functions in sets. We will also learn about the python set difference function and how to use them. Moving forward, let’s first understand about sets.
Sets are a collection of unique elements. In maths, Sets are used to represent a group of numbers like a group of natural numbers or a group of rational numbers. A set having no element is called an empty set, whereas a set with one element is called a singleton. Similarly, we have set concepts in python language as well. Moving forward, let’s understand sets in python language.
What are Sets in Python?
Sets are built-in functions in python that are useful in storing unique elements in one variable.
In sets, the order of elements is not preserved because the items in sets are not stored in the order in which they appear. The unique elements in a set are written in curly brackets. For example, set1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. A Set can have values from different data types, for example, set2 = {1, 2, “coding”, 3, “ninja”}. The output of the set is always sorted. If you print set1 and set2, then you will get output in sorted order. See the output of the program, which is mentioned below to understand it more clearly.
Let’s make a program with a few functions to understand it more clearly.
set = {'c++', 'python', 'java'}
print("Set after using add() function: ",set, "\n")
setCopy = set.copy();
print("Copied Set: ",setCopy, "\n")
print("Set after discarding c#: ",set, "\n")
print("Intersection of set and copied set: ",set.intersection(setCopy), "\n")
print("Union of set and copied set: ",set.union(setCopy), "\n")
print("Set is cleared")
Moving forward, let’s discuss the python set difference function.
Python Set Difference
In Python, there is a difference() method that is used in sets to return the difference between two sets. Let’s suppose we have two sets, set1 = {1,2,3,4,5} and set2 = {1,2,5,6,7}, and we want the difference between these two sets then the python set difference function will return a set having elements from set1, which are not present in set2. See the below-mentioned code to understand it more clearly.
Sets are used to store multiple values in one variable.
What does a python set difference function return?
The python set difference function returns difference between two sets.
How to subtract two sets in python?
Using the python set difference method, you can return the subtraction of two sets.
What is the syntax to find set difference in python?
The Syntax to find set difference in python is setA.difference(setB).
In this article, we have discussed about python set difference function. We have talked about sets and their in-built functions in python. We have made programs to better understand python set difference and other set functions more clearly. To know more about python, refer to below-mentioned articles.
We hope this article has helped you in understanding the python set difference method. If this article helped you in any way, then you can read more such articles on our platform, Coding Ninjas Studio. You will find articles on almost every topic on our platform. Also, you can practice coding questions at Coding Ninjas to crack good product-based companies. For interview preparations, you can read the Interview Experiences of popular companies. Happy Learning!!