Let’s begin by introducing Python to familiarize you with it.
Python is an open-source, interpreted high-level language. It is developed by Guido van Rossum. It is a dynamically typed language, i.e., the variables are assigned types at runtime. Python consists of various standard libraries such as machine learning and Open CV. Python finds various applications in Web Development, Machine Learning, desktop applications, etc.
Python Syntax
Syntax, in simple terms, refers to the rules or instructions. Python Syntax refers to the rules used to write a python program to execute properly. Before executing a python program and looking into python syntax, let’s look at some basic python terms.
Python Variables
Variables are the named memory locations. Variables are used to store values of different data types. We can store integer values, characters, strings, bool values, etc.
Unlike other languages like C++ or Java, Python is a dynamically typed language, meaning the python variables are assigned a type at runtime. We do not give Python Variables a type when we initialize them. We simply write the variable name and the value we are initializing it to.
In this example, we first initialize the variables containing values of different types. Then we find their types using the type() function.
#initializing the variables
str='Coding Ninjas'
#printing the type of data the variables are storing
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Identifiers, as the name suggests, help identify the variables by giving a name to them. Variables are the memory locations, and the names of those memory locations are called identifiers.
Certain rules are followed for giving an identifier to a variable.
They are as follows:
Identifiers are case sensitive, i.e., Codingninjas and CodingNinjas are different.
We cannot use keywords as identifiers.
An identifier can be a combination of alphabets, digits, and underscore. The first letter of the identifier can not be a digit.
There cannot be spaces while naming identifiers. E.g., Maximum Value =20; here, Maximum Value cannot be an identifier as it has spaces in between. Instead, we can use an underscore, ‘Maximum_Value’.
Some examples of identifiers are as follows:
Comments are sentences written along with the code, but they are not a part of the program when executed. Comments are written to explain the code you are writing. Comments in python always begin with a '#’.
In the following example, we have written a comment to let the user or the client know we are initializing a variable and then printing it.
# initializing a variable
#printing the variable
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We can write a single python statement by breaking it into multiple statements. We can make use of ‘/’-slash, ‘( )’ - paranthesis, ‘{ }’- braces, ‘[ ]’ - square brackets and ‘;’ - semicolon for doing that.
The following example shows that the word “hello” can be printed by splitting it into multiple lines/statements with the help of a ‘\’
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For writing a string in python, we can use single inverted commas, double inverted commas or triple inverted commas as long as the string ends with the same type of quotes. Note that the triple inverted commas are used for writing multi-line strings.
The following example shows the use of single, double and triple quotes.
str2="coding ninjas"
str3='''welcome to
coding ninjas'''
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We usually write single statements on a single line. But what if we want to write multiple statements on a single line, how can we differentiate between the two statements?
In python, we can write multiple statements on a single line by terminating each statement with a semicolon. Let us look at an example for the same.
a=10; print(a);
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Python can be run either in Interactive mode or Script mode.
Interactive Mode
In Interactive mode, python is run at the command prompt only. You can invoke the python interpreter by typing python in your command prompt and pressing enter.
You can start writing your Python Code here. For example, let’s print “Welcome to Coding Ninjas Studio”.
print(“Welcome to Coding Ninjas Studio”)
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To execute the program; first, we get to the directory containing the program and then invoke the interpreter by writing python file_name. In this case, we type python cn.py.
cd directory_name (in which you are storing the file cn.py)
python cn.py
Welcome to Coding Ninjas Studio
Python Indentation
In coding languages, we usually use braces to indicate code blocks or functions. In Python, we don’t use braces to indicate code blocks. Instead, we use indentation and whitespace.
We can use any variable number of spaces for an indentation. But for a particular code block, all the statements within it should be indented by the same amount. Let’s have a look at an example.
In this example, we have initialised x to a value of 20 and in the if loop, we are printing ‘x is greater than 18’ and incrementing it by 1 if x is greater than 18.
print("x is greater than 18")
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Some of the popular python frameworks are Django, Flask, etc.
Name some common data types in Python.
Some common data types in Python include integers, strings, floating point numbers, sets, lists, etc.
What is pip in Python?
Pip is a package manager for Python. It is used to install, upgrade, or manage Python packages and their dependencies.
Is python a compiled or interpreted language?
Python is an interpreted language.
How to define a Python function?
We define Python function using the def keyword.
We discussed the python syntax. Firstly, we introduced you to the Python language. Then we moved to the topic of python syntax, including variables, comments, etc. We finally concluded the blog on python syntax by looking at some examples.
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