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In the world of data science and analytics, two programming languages stand out as the most popular and widely used: R and Python. Both have their unique strengths and are often chosen depending on the task at hand, the user's expertise, and the specific needs of the project. While R is renowned for its statistical analysis capabilities, Python offers versatility and ease of integration with various libraries. In this blog, we’ll compare these two languages. We will see how R vs Python is and what are the differences.
So now, in this article, we will discuss R Programming Language vs Python programming language.
R vs Python
R is mostly used for statistical analysis, but Python takes a broader approach to data science.
R's major goal is data analysis and statistics, whereas Python's primary goal is deployment and production.
R users are largely academics and R&D professionals, whereas Python users are mostly programmers and developers.
R allows you to use existing libraries, whereas Python allows you to create new models from scratch.
R is tough to learn at first, whereas Python is linear and easy to master.
R is built to run locally, whereas Python is well-integrated with apps.
Above are some key points of R language vs Python.
What is R Programming Language?
R is a programming language built on the S-PLUS programming language and enhanced with lexical scoping semantics. Major codes in S-PLUS are not changed and can still be seen being executed in R. R also offers an open-source software environment that is extremely beneficial for statistical and graphical reasons. It is mostly utilized by statisticians and data miners. Notably, the R Foundation for Statistical Computing maintains the R language.
R has evolved significantly since the release of S-PLUS, the commercial version of S. While working at Bell Labs, John Chambers invented R's predecessor, S in 1976. R was first announced in 1995, with CRAN, or the Comprehensive R Archive Network, following shortly after in 1997. By the year 2000, the official beta version had been pronounced stable. R is one of the most used programming languages in the world as of 2021.
R's approved software environments are GNU packages written mostly in R, Fortran, and C. It is somewhat self-hosting in nature. R encourages object-oriented programming, which has high statistical computing requirements, as well as the use of Python, C++, or Fortran codes for manipulation and computationally expensive tasks.
Advantages of R
Amazing graphs and interactive graphical representations are created using R programming.
Massive data analysis catalogs are available.
Shiny is used to create amazing web applications directly from R.
R includes a Github interface.
R supports RMarkdown, which enables a variety of dynamic and static output formats, including HTML, MS Word, and PDF.
R can be used for descriptive and summary statistics such as central tendency, kurtosis detection, variability assessment, and skewness.
R supports both discrete and continuous probability distributions. For example, the ppois() function can be used to allow Poisson distribution, while the dbinom() function can be used to draw binomial distribution.
Disadvantages of R
R requires more memory since all items are stored in physical memory. As the program accumulates more data, the process slows down.
R lacks fundamental security, making it difficult to incorporate into web applications.
Unlike Python, R is a complex language that is tough to learn for a beginner.
R is a slow language to process. Generating output takes longer time than other programming languages.
Data handling in R is time-consuming since it requires all data to be in one location. It is unsuitable for Big Data. It does, however, include an integration that makes handling slightly easier.
What is Python Programming Language?
Python is an interpreted high-level programming language, which implies that it may be run without being compiled into machine language. Python is extremely adaptable and versatile, and it can be used for both large-scale projects and small-scale operations.
It employs an object-oriented paradigm as well as a functional and structural approach that encourages logical, clean, and legible code. It is supported by a large standard library, which increases Python's viability. Python is the successor to the ABC programming language, and it was first developed in the late 1980s before being released in 1991 as Python 0.9.0. Python 2.0, a newer and improved version, was released in 2000, with Python 3.0, the finest version to date, was released in 2008.
Python 3 gained a lot of attention and popularity after its release. It soon became one of the world's most popular programming languages. Python gives developers the ability to adopt specific methodologies or combine different programming paradigms, making it a multi-paradigm language. It strongly encourages and supports object-oriented and structured programming while also encouraging functional and aspect-oriented programming.
Advantages of Python
Python is amazing with production and deployments.
Outstanding mathematical computations.
Python offers code readability.
Aids in the development of prediction models and exceedingly sophisticated computer models.
Allows machine learning techniques to be implemented and advances artificial intelligence.
Aids in data sharing via notebooks.
Very quick and allows for quick execution.
Disadvantages of Python
Python is an interpreted language, which means it runs slower than other programming languages.
Python is incompatible with Android and iOS environments. In such an environment, developers claim it is a weak language. It can, however, be used with additional effort.
Python uses a substantial amount of RAM. When more objects must be accessed, the process becomes slower.
Python's database access layers are less developed than those of Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) and Open Database Connectivity (ODBC), making it a less popular database connectivity.
Because of Python's Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), threading or the flow of many functions at the same time is a disadvantage.
Difference Between R and Python Programming
R is a statistical programming language and environment that integrates statistical computing and graphics.
It is used for general purpose programming, scientific computing and data analysis.
It is extensively used for statistical analysis and representation.
It can be used in deployment and production. It is used in developing GUI and web applications.
Primary Users
It is mainly used by Scholars and people who are inclined to research and development.
It is mainly used by programmers and developers.
Learning Curve
It is a bit difficult to learn for those who are new in programming.
It is easy to learn even for beginners.
It offers several simple packages for carrying out tasks.
It is capable of performing matrix calculations as well as optimization.
Packages and Libraries
Ggplot2, caret, stringr, and shiny are some of the essential libraries.
Pandas, matplotlib, numpy, sklearn, and scipy are some of the essential libraries.
It is mostly used in data science for sophisticated data analysis.
It is mostly used in data science for simple data analysis.
The Ecosystem in R Programming and Python Programming
Both R and Python have rich ecosystems that support a wide range of tools and libraries for data analysis, machine learning, and visualization. In R, the ecosystem is heavily focused on statistical analysis and data visualization with packages like ggplot2, dplyr, and tidyr. Python, on the other hand, has a more general-purpose ecosystem with libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and Matplotlib for data manipulation and visualization, but it also excels in machine learning, deep learning, and web development with tools like scikit-learn, TensorFlow, and Flask. The ecosystems of both languages continue to grow, providing users with powerful tools for diverse tasks in data science and software development.
Data Manipulation
dplyr, tidyr, data.table
Pandas, NumPy
Data Visualization
ggplot2, plotly
Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly
Statistical Analysis
stats, MASS, lme4
SciPy, StatsModels
Machine Learning
caret, randomForest
scikit-learn, TensorFlow, XGBoost
Big Data Processing
sparklyr, bigstatsr
Dask, PySpark
Web Development
Limited support
Flask, Django
Statistical Analysis and Machine Learning in R and Python
Both R and Python offer extensive support for statistical analysis and machine learning, making them both popular choices in the field of data science. R was originally designed for statistical analysis, and it continues to be a powerhouse for statisticians, offering a wealth of statistical libraries and built-in functions. R's statistical packages are optimized for deep statistical analysis and visualization, which makes it particularly useful in academic research and industries focused on statistics. On the other hand, Python has gained widespread popularity for machine learning due to its simplicity and vast ecosystem of libraries like scikit-learn for traditional machine learning models, and TensorFlow and PyTorch for deep learning. Python’s integration with various tools and frameworks also makes it the go-to language for end-to-end machine learning pipelines.
Statistical Analysis
stats, MASS, lme4
SciPy, StatsModels
Machine Learning Libraries
caret, randomForest, xgboost
scikit-learn, TensorFlow, PyTorch
Deep Learning Support
Limited (via keras, tensorflow packages)
TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch
Model Evaluation
caret, cvms, ROCR
scikit-learn, XGBoost, LightGBM
Data Preprocessing
dplyr, tidyr, data.table
Pandas, NumPy, Scikit-learn
Model Deployment
Limited (via Shiny)
Flask, FastAPI, Docker
Which one to choose: R language vs Python?
When it comes to the use of Python and R, this is arguable. Each of these languages has benefits and downsides. Python is widely used for numerous purposes, although R is also in use. Python is utilized for a wide range of features, but R is mostly used for statistics. It is up to the user to select the language based on their needs.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Python language used for?
Python is a computer programming language that is extensively used to create websites and applications, automate operations, and analyze data.
Who uses Python?
Python is used by IBM, Intel, Pixar, NASA, Netflix, JP Morgan Chase, Facebook, Spotify, and many more large corporations.
Is R the same as Python?
Python and R are high-level, open-source programming languages that are widely used in data science and statistics. However, R is best suited for classical statistical analysis, whereas Python is best suited for traditional data science applications.
What type of language is R programming?
R is a free and open-source programming language designed for statistical research and data visualization.
Which language is best for data science?
Both Python and R are excellent for data science, but Python is generally preferred due to its versatility, ease of use, and broad library support.
Why do people prefer Python over R?
People prefer Python over R for its ease of learning, versatility in handling different tasks, and strong support for machine learning, deep learning, and web development.
In this article, we learned about the major differences between R language vs Python. Later, we looked into each of the programming languages individually. Lastly, we learned which of the two is better according to conditions. We hope this article on R language vs Python was helpful. For more such articles like r language vs python, you can visit the following sites: