Table of contents
What is React.JS?
Benefits of React.JS
React.JS Projects - Beginners Level
1. Calculator
2. Weather App
3. Portfolio/Landing Page
4. Blog
5. Tic Tac Toe
React.JS Projects - Intermediate Level
6. Build an Expense Tracker
7. Quiz Application
8. To do application
9. Simple CRM
10. Gaming App 
React.JS Projects - Advanced level
11. Real-Time Chat Application(Whatsapp, Telegram)
12. Social Media App(Instagram, Facebook)
13. E-Commerce Site (Amazon, Flipkart)
14. Multimedia Apps(Music apps like Spotify, video streaming apps like Netflix)
15. Voice Assistant App 
Frequently Asked Questions
Is React good for big projects?
Is there any future in ReactJS?
Is React a frontend or backend framework?
Is React easy to learn?
React developers are expected to possess what skills?
Can React be easily maintained?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Top 15 React Js Projects in 2023

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A popular JavaScript framework is ReactJS. The famous social media company, Facebook, developed it. It may seem not very easy to believe that React has only been available publicly for a little more than six years. Still, we have managed to make it one of the top libraries for frontend web development, create super functional, aesthetically pleasing UI components, and integrate with multiple NPM packages.

Besides demonstrating your proficiency with the library and those related to it, creating react JS projects also would enable you to link to a portfolio project right from your resume. Assess what you've learned so far by working on react JS projects. In this way, you can study and get assessed simultaneously using react JS projects. Whatever your end goal with React is, here are some react JS projects that will lead you closer to achieving it.

Top react JS projects in 2023.

Also See, Dropdown in React JS, Hooks in React JS

What is React.JS?

  • ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces (UI) on the web.
  • Developed by Facebook and open source.
  • React JS follows a component-based architecture, allowing developers to create reusable UI components.
  • It uses a virtual DOM (Document Object Model) for efficient rendering and updating.
  • ReactJS uses a declarative approach, where the developer describes what their UI should look like based on changes in the application's state. 

Benefits of React.JS

Benefits of React JS are as follows:

Reusability: Components are easy to create and reuse, promoting code reusability and modularity.

Virtual DOM: ReactJS efficiently updates and renders UI changes, resulting in better performance.

Declaration syntax: It simplifies UI development because developers can easily describe how the user interface should look based on the state of the application.

Performance optimization: ReactJS minimizes direct manipulation of the DOM for faster updates and a smoother user experience.

Active community: ReactJS has a large and collaborative community that provides resources, libraries, and tools for developers. 

React.JS Projects - Beginners Level

1. Calculator

Several calculators have been used by you, and you are familiar with them. The virtual calculator you will create can perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. We have seen so many kinds of calculators that now we are giving you the chance to create both simple and powerful one. It may seem simple to make your calculator, but creating one will require identification and creation of each component, identification and establishment of a shared virtual base, and last but not least, handling of all failures and bugs.

A react JS project provides component reusability, which is a benefit. The developer can re-use a component of a web app several times without the need to rewrite the code. Similar to how you can reuse the code you write for a calculator function anywhere. Using reusable components instead of creating new ones helps you save time and money.


Source: calculator

2. Weather App

This react JS project aims to build a weather forecast app that can show weather forecasts for any number of days. With this app, you can simulate all the features with fake, hard-coded data until you get them right.

The weather app must include all the essential functions, such as city name, current weather icon, temperature, humidity, wind speed, etc. The weather station must display both the high and low temperatures for each day and appropriate images based on whether it was sunny, rainy, cloudy, or snowy. The weather and temperature information should be updated with a responsive design every five minutes.

It should be able to display accurate temperature and weather information every five minutes and be responsive. Integrate React Router into the app. Routes, for example, with 5-day forecasts, along with the day-of-the-week and hourly forecasts for those days. For a free API key and 5-day forecast feed, register on the open weather map.  Adding a graphics library like VX will enhance the app's appearance.

Weather App

Source: AdobeStock

3. Portfolio/Landing Page

Everybody wants to be hired by the leading companies today. Having an impressive and unique portfolio is the only way to do this. The candidate must have previous experience with JavaScript, React, and React Hooks. To implement this project, it is necessary to create custom components and install libraries.  

Incorporating this application into a portfolio requires you to include the following: a Professional summary, education qualifications, skills and achievements, academic and non-academic skills, career objectives, and internships.

A good user interface is crucial to an application's success. The chances of your users loving your app are better if the UI is high-quality. In order to survive and thrive, an application requires rich user interfaces. Thanks to React's declarative components, we can create high-quality, rich user interfaces very easily.

Portfolio/Landing page

Source: AdobeStock

4. Blog

A blog would be a great addition to your react JS projects for beginners. A blog can serve as a stepping stone towards becoming a blogger one day. It would be good to create two components to display the blog posts, one for portraying them as a grid and one for displaying the entire post.  A form with a title, description, and image upload component is also needed to create a way of publishing a new post. You could include commenting, voting, and editing features in the future. 

The process of creating these React applications is now easier than ever with tools such as Gatsby or Nextjs (which are both React frameworks).

5. Tic Tac Toe

The game is just tic tac toe. There are three squares in a row and three squares in a column. X is the player who has the right to move first. O is the player who plays second. When three spaces are occupied in a row, column, or diagonal, the player gets the win. In tic-tac-toe, players can quickly draw the game, in which case the game must be restarted.

Tic Tac Toe

Source: AdobeStock

React.JS Projects - Intermediate Level

6. Build an Expense Tracker

This assignment requires you to create an expense tracker app that provides the net balance, income and expenses, and a list of all transactions. In addition, it allows you to create new transactions and delete existing ones while reflecting the changes that have been made. 

In this react JS project, we will take an expense tracking JS app and convert it to a React app using hooks (useState, useContext, useReducer) and context API.

Expense Tracker

Source: AdobeStock

7. Quiz Application

This react JS project involves developing a simple quiz app utilizing React that allows users to select options to answer questions, and the next question is rendered every time an option is selected. The final score is displayed at the end.

Quiz Application

Source: AdobeStock

8. To do application

Imagine we need to create a react JS projects prototype that allows users to add, edit, and delete tasks they want to work on. In addition, we want to mark those tasks as completed without deleting them. You will have to know how to define the basic structure and styling for your App components to specify individual components and learn how they interact.

From the end user's point of view, a user story represents a target that can be achieved. The app may be able to perform the following functions: add, mark as completed, delete, edit, and view specific subsets of tasks.
The context API will enable you to build your own hooks to hook into the context state of your app. You need to use react hooks for creating a Todo application.

To do application

Source: AdobeStock

9. Simple CRM

The ReactJS project includes a list of customers and projects, options for filtering and sorting by various values, and a setting for deleting the user. It depends on you how many extra features you want. The benefit of using Bootstrap is that you will be able to create components quickly because you will have many ready-to-use elements.

When you use React, you are free to use server-side rendering. Using React SSR, you can render the information on the server instead of on your browser. So the filtering and sorting can be done easily. Initial rendering occurs on the server, so any subsequent pages load directly on the client.

10. Gaming App 

A React project idea for beginners is to build a gaming app. Most of us have played Snake and Sudoku since we were young. It's not hard to do. With React, you can create a simple gaming app. Understanding concepts such as React-JS and Redux can help you build Sudoku. Functional components, react hooks, and props are some of the only ways to implement the application.

In order to provide high performance, React JS was designed. DOM virtualization and server-side rendering are the core feature of the framework, which enables it to run complex apps very quickly.

React.JS Projects - Advanced level

11. Real-Time Chat Application(Whatsapp, Telegram)

The popularity of messaging apps and services among internet users continues to grow. It's a fact that we can't imagine our daily life without messaging apps like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger. Text messages are an integral part of our daily lives. Small and large companies alike turn to instant messaging for 24*7 customer service. So, if you know React, building a messaging app is one of the most efficient ways to do it.

To keep your users engaged, you'll need real-time notifications. With React, we can use technology such as Clients and servers can communicate in real-time using Once connected, the web page will not need to be refreshed continuously once the two-way communication is established. 

Real-Time Chat Application

Source: AdobeStock

12. Social Media App(Instagram, Facebook)

The growing number of advanced features in these apps can be an excellent source of inspiration for react JS projects. When building a social media app using React, you know what features it must contain. An app for social media gives you plenty of room to experiment. Users can tweak their profiles and accounts according to their requirements and preferences after adding basic features like user authentication, notification and newsfeed, easy integration with other platforms, posting, sharing, and commenting.

When a user clicks on any button on your SPA (Single Page Application), only a small part of the page will change. If the user liked the activity, only the 'heart' icon was highlighted without refreshing the whole page. By implementing this approach, there will be no additional "client-to-server" communication, and the application will perform better.

13. E-Commerce Site (Amazon, Flipkart)

In today's marketplace, people convert their business to e-commerce as soon as they create a new business for trading goods. Some businesses even prefer to do business through e-commerce exclusively. As an indicator of your brand's overall value, the front end of an eCommerce app is a great way to demonstrate the quality of your products. The most important aspect is that it provides a certain level of comfort and trust. On the special days of the sale, the eCommerce frontend can be updated even for minor changes (such as a font change), which requires it to be deployed to the entire system.

When building an eCommerce web application, it is likely that your application has to keep track of a variety of information, such as what items are in stock and what items a user has added to his wishlist. A state is required for any actions that require immediate action or a change in state. Also, use-shopping-cart to handle payments directly with Stripe Checkout, as well as the stripe NPM package.

E-Commerce Site

Source: AdobeStock

Also Read, Front End Web Development

14. Multimedia Apps(Music apps like Spotify, video streaming apps like Netflix)

Our most comprehensive app is going to be the entertainment app. In terms of entertainment apps, they include everything from movies and music to podcasts. Some of the most popular entertainment apps are Netflix and Spotify. Many entertainment apps are closely tied to social media in the modern world. Additionally, YouTube is another way users can engage by subscribing, liking, and commenting. Build your app around the types of entertainment you enjoy most. An entertainment app is being developed where users can log in and view and save their chosen content.

For music streaming app you will need to use Cloudinary to upload images and videos through its APIs, as well as a database like Postgres or MongoDB, and an ORM like Prisma (Postgres) or Mongoose (MongoDB).

15. Voice Assistant App 

The voice assistant app you will build will use React with Alan AI to allow users to search for the latest news by terms, categories, and sources using their voices. Additionally, you can control the app by voice control by giving instructions for the AI to read each news article and scroll on its own. Remember that whenever a device connects to a page, it will be responsive to fit any monitor size, including desktop, tablet, and mobile.

In building a high-load, complex app, it becomes imperative to define the app's structure at the beginning before starting development since it can have an impact on its performance.

DOM models are tree-structured. Thus, even a tiny modification at the highest level can have a severe impact on a user's experience. The solution to this problem is Facebook's virtual DOM.

Check out Advantages of React JS here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is React good for big projects?

React is an effective tool for creating large enterprise-grade apps in general. Whenever possible, it's best to go with the development team's recommendation or whichever method it deems most appropriate for your react JS projects.

Is there any future in ReactJS?

React.js has a bright future due to its wide adoption, versatility, and efficient rendering capabilities. Its popularity, strong community support, and compatibility with React Native for mobile app development all contribute to its promising prospects in web and mobile development environments. 

Is React a frontend or backend framework?

Facebook wrote the JavaScript-based frontend framework known as js/React, designed to automate DOM manipulation. To complement React, use Express. Express was designed as a backend service.

Is React easy to learn?

React.js has a moderate learning curve, but it is considered relatively easy to learn for developers with a solid understanding of JavaScript and web development fundamentals. Its component-based structure and clear documentation make it accessible, and there are numerous learning resources available, including tutorials, online courses, and a supportive community.

React developers are expected to possess what skills?

A strong understanding of JavaScript, DOM manipulation, Babel, data structures, algorithms, and event handling. ReactJS knowledge and facts regarding Component lifecycle, JSX, and Virtual DOM.

Can React be easily maintained?

Due to its modular structure, React code is easier to maintain than other frontend frameworks due to its modular design. Businesses benefit from this flexibility by saving a great deal of time and money.


This blog shows React Js projects for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels, which will develop your react Js skills. 

We hope that this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge about React Js projects and if you would like to learn more, check out our articles on the linkRefer to our guided paths on Coding Ninjas Studio to upskill yourself in Data Structures and AlgorithmsCompetitive ProgrammingJavaScriptSystem Design, and many more! If you want to test your competency in coding, you may check out the mock test series and participate in the contests hosted on Coding Ninjas Studio! But if you have just started your learning process and looking for questions asked by tech giants like Amazon, Microsoft, Uber, etc; you must have a look at the problemsinterview experiences, and interview bundle for placement preparations.

You can also consider our React Js Course to give your career an edge over others.

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