Retail API
The Retail API ingests user event and catalog data to serve predictions or search results on your site when you use AI or Retail Search.
It uses the same data for AI and Retail Search, so you don't have to ingest the same data twice if you use both. Its integration time is typically in the order of weeks. Regardless of whether you use other Google tools, you can use the Retail API to get personalized results for your website.
Uses of Retail API
Retail requires two sets of data in order to build ML models for searches:
🚀 Product Catalog: Information on the items that are highlighted for customers. This includes the name of the product, its description, whether it is in stock, and cost.
🚀 User events: Information on the goods that are being suggested to customers. This includes the name of the item, its description, whether it is in stock, and cost.
Implementation of Retail API with Google Tools
The steps to implement the Retail API with Google tools are as follows:-
1️⃣ Create a project in Google Cloud.
2️⃣ Utilizing Merchant Center, import your product catalog.
3️⃣ Set up Tag Manager so that user events are recorded.
4️⃣ Importing previous user events.
5️⃣ Create your serving model, controls, and configuration.
6️⃣ Give the model tuning time.
7️⃣ View a sample of your serving arrangement.
8️⃣ Establish an A/B test. It is an optional step.
9️⃣ Analyze the configuration you have.
Implementation of Retail API without additional Google Tools
The steps to implement the Retail API without additional Google tools are as follows:-
1️⃣ Create a project in Google Cloud.
2️⃣ Import your product catalog.
3️⃣ Capture user events.
4️⃣ Importing previous user events.
5️⃣ Create your serving model, controls, and configuration.
6️⃣ Invest time in training.
7️⃣ View a sample of your serving arrangement.
8️⃣ Establish an A/B test. It is an optional step.
9️⃣ Analyze the configuration you have.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Google Scheduler Service?
Almost any work, including batch jobs, big data activities, cloud infrastructure operations, and more, can be scheduled using Google Scheduler Service.
What is Google App Engine?
Google App Engine provides scalable services for companies and web application developers as a part of Platform as a Service. The developers can use this to create and deploy a fully managed platform and scale it as necessary.
How well do you know to Google Cloud APIs?
The main purpose of APIs is to automate the workflow using the language of your choice. APIs make it possible to communicate with different Google services and make it easier for them to integrate with other services. It can also be described as a gateway that gives consumers access to different software services and direct and indirect cloud infrastructure.
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