Last updated: Aug 2, 2022


When we repeat a similar process many times, it is known as Recursion. In Recursion, a function calls itself many times till it hits some base case, making a recursive tree where we pass every child's output is to its parent. Recursion is extremely useful in the cases of tree-based and graph-based problems
What is Recursion? EASY
Discover what recursion is with examples, types, needs, properties, applications, advantages, and disadvantages. Explore both direct and indirect recursion.
Recursion in Data Structure: How it Works Types EASY
Recursion in the data structure can be defined as a method through which problems are broken down into smaller sub-problems to find a solution. Read on!
Reverse a String Using Recursion EASY
In this article, we'll learn how to reverse a string using recursion in various programming languages. We'll provide step-by-step explanations & code examples to help you understand the process.
What is Recursive Function in C? EASY
A recursive function in C is a function that calls itself, either directly or indirectly, to solve a problem. In this article, we will learn about Recursive Function in C in detail.
Linear Search using Recursion in C EASY
In this article, we will discuss linear search using recursion in C. We will learn what linear search is and how it works with recursion, pseudocode in C, code examples, and analyze its time and space complexity.
Recursion in Javascript EASY
Recursion in JavaScript is a function that calls itself to solve a problem, typically by breaking it down into smaller subproblems until a base case is met.
Tail Recursion EASY
This blog will learn about Tail Recursion and its implementation with code and examples.
Insert a Node in a Singly Linked List at a given Position using Recursion EASY
This article discusses how to insert a node in a Singly Linked List at a given position using Recursion.
Different Ways to Add Parentheses MEDIUM
In this article, we’ll learn the different ways of adding parentheses to group numbers and operators.
How to Find all the Palindromic Partitions of a String MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn to find all the palindromic partitions of a string using recursion. We will look at the idea behind solving the problem and finally will see the implementation in C++.
Add Two Numbers Represented by a Linked List MEDIUM
Add numbers from linked lists. Learn how to add two numbers represented by linked lists through the traversal Approach, Stack, Backtracking and Recursive approach.
Difference Between Recursion and Iteration EASY
Explore the difference between Recursion and Iteration their meanings and examples. Understand the comparison between iteration and recursion.
Sum of the Combination of Numbers | Part-1 MEDIUM
This blog discusses the solution to the problem in which we have to find the combinations of numbers whose sum is equal to a given number. Read to learn more.
Sum of the combination of numbers | Part-2 MEDIUM
This blog discusses the method to find all the combinations of given numbers such that the sum is equal to a given number. Read to learn more.
Program to Find Factorial of a Large Number Recursively MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn how to solve a problem to find factorial of a large number recursively.
Count All Positive Integers Having N digits and the absolute difference between any two adjacent digits is K. HARD
In this article, we will discuss the problem of finding the count of all positive integers having N digits, and the absolute difference between two adjacent digits is K.
Print all unique combinations of setting N objects on an NxN board HARD
This article will discuss the solution to Print all unique combinations of setting N objects on an NxN board. Along with the solution, the article focuses on the time and space complexity of the solution.