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Big Data Management
Redundant physical infrastructure
Big Data Journey
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Redundant Physical Infrastructure

Author yuvatimankar
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Managing and analyzing Big data have always provided the most significant benefits and greatest challenges to organizations of all sizes across all countries. Businesses have long struggled to find a rational approach to capture information about their customers, products, and services. When a company had a small number of customers who bought all products similarly, things were straightforward. But as time passed, companies and markets have grown complicated. In reality, we are dealing with a lot of complexity regarding data.

However, each innovation in data management is a fresh start and detachment from the past practices of storing data. Although data management is typically seen through contact lenses, it must be seen from a holistic perspective.

Source: medium

Data management must include technological advances in storage, hardware, networking, and computing models such as virtualization and cloud computing. Because of all these factors, Big Data is the latest trend.

Big Data is any data source with at least three characteristics: Extremely high Velocity of data, vast volumes of data, and a wide variety of data. Big Data is essential because it allows organizations to gather, store, manage and manipulate large amounts of data at the right speed.

Big Data Management

Big data in the data management journey is both really new and an evolution. Because of Big data, it is now possible to virtualize data to be stored efficiently and utilise cloud-based storage also cost-effectively. Improvements in network speed and dependability have removed other limitations of managing a large amount of data at an acceptable speed. With this transition in technology, it is now possible to imagine how companies can leverage data that would not have been possible some years ago.


Based on whether the Data is in motion, data is at rest, there are different approaches to handling data. Data in motion would be used if a company can analyze the quality of its products during the manufacturing process to avoid costly errors. Data in rest would be used by a business analyst to understand better customers' buying patterns based on all aspects of the customer relationship, sales, and social media data.

Redundant physical infrastructure

A big data management architecture must include a variety of services that enable companies to use data sources in a fast and effective manner. 


This layer is the bottom layer of big data Tech Stack. The physical infrastructure is fundamental to the operation and scalability of big data architecture. Actually, without the availability of robust physical infrastructure, big data would not probably be turned out as such a significant trend. The physical infrastructure is fully based on the computing model, which means data may be stored in different physical locations and can be linked together through networks.

Redundancy is so essential because we are managing different data from different resources. If your organization creates a private cloud, we will want to have redundancy built within the private environment so that it can get out of a position to support changing workloads. Redundancy is different when your organization wants to contain internal IT growth; it may use external cloud services to increase its internal resources. Also, for some cases, redundancy may come in the form of (Saas), which allows organizations to do sophisticated data analysis.

Big Data Journey

Organizations have to deal with lots of data in different forms. The change that big data has brought is how to deal with it. By using the right technology in place, you can use big data to anticipate, solve problems and react to opportunities. Big data helps analyze data patterns to change everything.


1. What are the key functions of the Big data stack?

Ans: Big data stack can manage the processing, ingestion, and analysis of data that is too complex or too large for a traditional database system.

2. What is Hadoop in Big data?

Ans: It is an open-source framework used for storing and processing large datasets ranging in size from gigabytes to petabytes of data.

3. What are the applications of Big data?

Ans: Big data applications are: Media & Entertainment, IoT, Research data, Communication, etc.


In this article, we have discussed big data and its management and what is redundant physical infrastructure. If this article was helpful, share it with your friends.

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