Last updated: Mar 10, 2022

Regular Expression

The language accepted by finite automata can be easily described by simple expressions called Regular Expressions. It is the most effective way to represent any language. Regular Expression can also be described as a sequence of patterns that defines a string. Regular expressions are used to match character combinations in strings.
Examples of Regular Expression
In this article, we see some examples of converting a language of strings into regular expressions.
Conversion Of Regular Expressions to Finite Automata EASY
Converting a regular expression to a finite automaton means turning a pattern description into a step-by-step machine that checks if a string fits that pattern.
Arden's Theorem MEDIUM
Unlock the power of Arden's Theorem in automata theory and formal languages! Explore how this fundamental concept simplifies the solution of linear equations in regular languages.
NFA to Regular Expression
In this article, we will learn how to convert a given NFA to a regular expression using Arden’s Theorem.
DFA to Regular Expression Conversion EASY
In the following article, we discuss an important topic in the Theory of Computation which is DFA to Regular Expression Conversion with the help of an example
What is Pumping Lemma? HARD
The word pumping refers to generating many input strings by pushing a symbol in an input string repeatedly. The word Lemma refers to the intermediate theorem in a proof.