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Last updated: Feb 22, 2022

Reinforcement Learning

Another machine learning technique that aids in achieving a better and more accurate output is reinforcement learning. This strategy improves a model's decision-making and decision-making path.
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
This article is an overview of Reinforcement learning.
Markov Decision Process
In this blog, we will learn about the Markov Decision Process.
The primary objective of this article is to understand Q-learning.
Epsilon Greedy Algorithm
This article aims to throw some light on the epsilon greedy algorithm.
What is a Genetic Algorithm?
Understand genetic algorithms: their foundations, steps, operations, and applications. Discover the pros, cons, and examples of genetic algorithms in AI with FAQs.
TradeOffs like Exploration vs. Exploitation
This blog aims to understand tradeoffs like exploration and exploitation.
Introduction to the Actor-Critic Model MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the actor-critic method, model-free and policy-based reinforcement learning, pseudo-code to the actor-critic method, and implementation of the Cartpole game.
Real-life Applications of Reinforcement Learning
This blog walks you through on real-life applications of RL agents to give you an insight into just how powerful it is.
Drawbacks of Unsupervised Learning EASY
This article will take you through Unsupervised Learning and its drawbacks.