Last updated: Oct 28, 2022


We all know Java is not an easy language. And if I say you to do testing and analysis in Java it would be a very hard nut to crack. Here comes the RestAssured. It brings you a simplified way of working with Java on Rest Services. It is easy to use and integrates well with java libraries and maven. We will be diving deep into it as we progress. 
Introduction to Rest Assured MEDIUM
This article incorporates information about the introduction of the REST Assured API testing tool.
Setup a Basic REST Assured Maven Project in Eclipse IDE EASY
In this blog, we will learn to setup a basic REST Assured Maven Project in Eclipse IDE.
REST Assured – Static Import in Java MEDIUM
This article will discuss the REST Assured – Static Import in Java. Subtopics like static import and static members in a class are also covered.
Let’s Write First GET REST Assured Test MEDIUM
This article highlights the process of creating a GET REST assured test. We will learn what is rest Assured and how to set up the project for testing.
Builder Pattern in REST Assured MEDIUM
This article will briefly discuss the Builder Pattern in REST Assured.
REST Assured – BDD Style in Rest Assured MEDIUM
This article will teach you about the BDD style in REST Assured and how to implement BDD in REST Assured.
Let’s Write First POST Request in REST Assured MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss "Let's Write First POST Request in REST Assured" in a detailed manner.
Let Us Write First PUT Request in REST Assured MEDIUM
This article will cover how to write a PUT Request in Rest Assured.
Let’s Write First PATCH Request in REST Assured
This article will briefly discuss the method of writing the first PATCH request in REST assured.
Let’s Write First DELETE Request in REST Assured MEDIUM
This article will cover writing a DELETE Request in Rest Assured.
REST Assured – Writing Response in a Text File MEDIUM
This article will discuss the REST Assured – Writing Response in a Text File. Subtopics like static import and static members in a class are also covered.
REST Assured –RequestSpecification – How the request will look like
This article incorporates RequestSpecification in REST Assured in detail. It also includes an example to demonstrate the use of RequestSpecification.
Default Host And Port, Get and Assert in Rest Assured MEDIUM
Discover how to set default host and port, make GET requests, and perform assertions in REST Assured.
REST Assured – Multiple Ways of Calling HTTP Methods on a RequestSpecification MEDIUM
In this article, multiple ways of calling HTTP methods on a RequestSpecification in REST Assured are discussed.
REST Assured – Building RequestSpecification Using RequestSpecBuilder
In this article, we will be learning about REST Assured. Here we will be building RequestSpecification using RequestSpecBuilder.
REST Assured – Introduction to JSON and how to send files as Payload MEDIUM
In this article, we will be discussing about JSON file format and also will focus on sending the files as payload in REST Assured.
REST Assured – Creating JSON Object and Array Request Body MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn how to create JSON Object and Array request body in REST Assured.
REST Assured – How To Create a JSON Object and array Using Jackson API – ObjectMapper(createObjectNode()) MEDIUM
This article will teach us to create JSON objects and arrays using Jackson API.
REST Assured – How to create POJO classes of a JSON Payload MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn how to create POJO classes of a JSON object payload, JSON array payload, and nested JSON payload.
Serialization – Java Object To JSON Object Using Jackson API and Gson API in Rest-Assured MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about Jackson API and how to convert Java objects into JSON objects using Jackson API and Gson API.
De-Serialization – JSON Object To Java Object Using Jackson API And Gson API In Rest-Assured MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about how to convert JSON object into Java Object using Jackson API and Gson API.
Ignore Default and Null values in Payload in Rest Assured EASY
In this blog, we will learn how to Ignore Default and Null values in Payload in Rest Assured.
Serialization and Deserialization of POJO in Rest Assured HARD
This blog will discuss the serialization and deserialization of POJO in Rest assured and some related concepts.
Ignore Unknown Properties During Deserialization in Rest Assured MEDIUM
This blog will discuss ignoring unknown properties during deserialization using @JsonIgnoreProperties and ObjectMapper-Jackson API in Rest Assured in detail.
Fetching Values From JSON Objects In REST Assured MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss how to fetch values from JSON objects in REST assured.
How To Pass or retrieve Headers In Rest Assured Requests MEDIUM
In this article, we will get to know how to pass or retrieve headers In Rest Assured Requests with different methods
Author Tisha
How to Set, Retrieve and Assert Content-Type for Request in Rest Assured MEDIUM
This article will discuss how to set the content type for request in Rest Assured and how to retrieve and assert the content type.
Specify How The Expected Response Must Look Like In REST Assured MEDIUM
In this article, we will look at what the expected Response should look like in REST assured.
REST Assured - Editing Existing JSON Object On The Fly Using JsonNode - Jackson EASY
This blog will discuss editing JSON Objects on the fly using JsonNode, which includes four examples of editing the existing JSON object.
REST Assured – What is JSONpath and how to create it for simple and nested JSON Objects? EASY
This article will cover the basics of REST assured. We will learn how to create JSONpath in REST assured for simple and nested JSON objects and JSON arrays.
Learn to write JSONPath Expressions or JSONPath Syntax and Deserialize it in Rest Assured EASY
This article will cover how to write JSONpath expressions in REST assured. We will also learn how to deserialize JSONpath in Rest Assured and how to add parameters to URLs.
REST Assured – How to pass value from one API to Another API using TestNG – ITestContext EASY
This article will explain how to pass value from one API to another using ITestContext of TestNG in REST assured.
How to parse a JSON Object and Array response to a Java Map in Rest Assured? EASY
We will discuss how to parse a JSON object and array response to a java map in rest assured. We will discuss the theoretical and practical approach to do it.
REST Assured – Compare Two JSON using Jackson – Java Library EASY
This blog will discuss the comparison of two JSON objects and two JSON arrays using Jackson dependencies in Rest assured.
REST Assured - How To Compare Part of JSON Objects and Arrays using JSONassert library EASY
This blog will discuss how and why to compare parts of JSON objects and JSON arrays using the JSONassert Library including how to ignore fields for comparison.