In this blog, we will discuss a linked list problem that has been asked frequently in Interviews.
The problem is to Recursively reverse a Linked List which is again an important problem of LinkedList data structure.
So here I am, starting with what is a linked list?
It is an ordered set of elements, each holding data and link containing the address to the next element.
To know more about the linked list, refer here: Linked list
Now, coming to the question.
Problem Statement
We are given N elements in a linked list, and we are asked to reverse the elements of a linked list by using recursion.
Sample Example

Recommended: Before stepping toward the solution, try it by yourself on Coding Ninjas Studio.
Must Read Recursion in Data Structure
Now we will discuss the approach to reverse a linked list recursively.
Declare the Node structure and write the function to insert a node at the tail so that our linked list becomes ready.
Now to recursively reverse the linked list, first write the base condition, i.e., if only one node or no node exists.
Then call the recursive function on the entire list except for the first node.
Update the link on the first node. Return the updated list.
Time Complexity = O(n).
Since in the worst case, only one traversal is needed.

Till now, I assume you must have got the basic idea of what has been asked in the problem statement. So, I strongly recommend you first give it a try.
And solve some related problems on the linked list problem
procedure recursiveReverse( node* &head):
1. if(head==NULL || head->next==NULL)
return head
2. node* newHead=recursiveReverse(head->next);
3. head->next->next=head;
4. head->next=NULL
5. Return newHead
end procedure