Table of contents
Who is a Software Developer
Application Software Developers 
System Software Developers
Domain of a Software Developer
System Administration
Application Development
Web Development
Database Development
Responsibilities of a Software Developer
How to Become a Software Developer
Be specific about your main objective
Select a programming language to learn
Acquire a degree in computer science or a closely related field
Amplify your studies
Read the Code Created by Skilled Developers
Build a portfolio with relevant projects
Do some relevant internships
Learn to rock the interviews
Salary of a Software Developer
Benefits of Becoming a Software Developer
Skills of Software Developers
Hard Skills
Soft Skills
Future Picture of Software Developers
Top Companies for the Role of Software Developer
Frequently Asked Questions
What does a software developer do?
What are the qualities of a good software developer?
How can someone become a software developer after the 12th grade?
Can someone become a software developer without a degree?
Can someone from a commerce background become a software developer?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Roles and Responsibilities of Software Developer

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Hello Ninja! Are you a tech geek with a creative mindset? Do you have problem-solving skills? Do the possibilities offered by the cutting-edge world of technology intrigue you? If you answered yes, you have the qualities that can make you a great software developer. If you want to know more about the roles and responsibilities of software developer, then you’ve come to the right place. 

Coding Ninjas brings you all of the necessary information you need for working in software development. Keep reading to find out.

roles and responsibilities of software developer

Before moving on to the roles and responsibilities of software developer, Let us begin by answering a simple question. Who is a software developer, exactly?

Who is a Software Developer

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None of us can imagine our lives without our smartphones and all the gadgets around us. Ever wondered who created the smartphone app that you use frequently? Or whose mind was behind the development of your favorite video game? Software developers created all of them. 

Software developers create computer programs of all kinds. They make new software and update existing ones using their creativity and skills. Some developers may focus on a single program or app. Others build vast networks and systems that activate and power other apps. That is the reason there are two main categories of developers. These are:

  • Application software developers
  • System software developers

Let’s see what they do in detail.

types of software developers

Application Software Developers 

Application software developers design and create mobile or computer apps. Their work mainly focuses on creating software that the general public can use. This process includes the following:

  • Understanding user demands
  • Creating software solutions
  • Keeping an eye on the performance of apps
  • Making necessary changes in the apps. 

System Software Developers

These professionals concentrate on compilers, network distribution, and operating system-level software. This position focuses mainly on creating programs and solutions for enterprises. 

Now that we understand what a software developer is, let us move further and learn about the domain of a developer.

Domain of a Software Developer

The various project types that a software developer could work on are essentially the software development domains. Popular software development domains include 

  • System Administration
  • Application Development
  • Web Development
  • Database Development
  • Software Testing. 

Let us discuss these domains in detail.

System Administration

It includes managing a computer system's overall functionality. It involves setting up systems, resolving issues, and keeping track of performance. System administrators must be able to work with a wide range of tools and technology to do their job effectively.

Application Development

Developing new apps from scratch or updating existing programs is known as application development. It includes comprehending the client's business requirements and developing a suitable solution. For this, developers use a variety of frameworks and programming languages. 

Web Development

Developing websites using web-related technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and others is known as "web development." Web developers must be familiar with both the server-side (JavaScript/PHP) and client-side (HTML/CSS) parts of web development. They must also know about hosting systems like Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Database Development

Database development involves creating, maintaining, and managing databases for usage by applications or organizations. Database developers must have good SQL technical knowledge.

Let us now find out what are the roles and responsibilities of software developer.

Responsibilities of a Software Developer

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The roles and responsibilities of software developer may include

  • Examining software users' needs
  • Working with programmers to create flowcharts and algorithms.
  • Writing clear, effective code as per the specifications.
  • Integrating third-party applications and software components
  • Verifying and putting systems and programs into use
  • Upgrading, debugging, and troubleshooting the existing software.
  • Collecting and analyzing user feedback
  • Suggesting and carrying out improvements

Now, let’s find out how to become a software developer.

How to Become a Software Developer

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Here are some steps you can follow to become a skilled developer.

Be specific about your main objective

It is challenging to start a new career. However, setting a clear goal prepares you to deal with the hurdles on your way. You should be clear that you want to become a software developer.

Select a programming language to learn

Software engineering is more than just coding. But you should be proficient in a few languages and thoroughly understand how they work. Below is a list of popular programming languages that you can learn. 

Acquire a degree in computer science or a closely related field

First, you need to get a degree in computer science or a closely related field. A bachelor's degree is required to start a career as a software developer. 

You'll have the best foundation for software design if you major in computer science. Algorithms and data structures will be asked in interviews. So the best preparation for this is a basic understanding of these topics. That is provided by standard computer science degrees.

Amplify your studies

You’ll gain ample theoretical knowledge from educational institutions and books. However, you’ll need to implement this theoretical knowledge into real-world software.

You can visit the Coding Ninjas website to boost your understanding. You can conduct a search based on the technology, subject matter, or language you wish to get better at.

Read the Code Created by Skilled Developers

Learning how to understand other people's code is a valuable skill for aspiring software developers. You may achieve this by going through the GitHub repositories and browsing the documentation. You can understand how a particular program works by learning to read its code.

Build a portfolio with relevant projects

Nothing beats real-world experience. You must begin working on projects in a language you are familiar with and add them to your portfolio. If you’re a fresher, these projects will add to your experience. Good projects make your resume stand out to the recruiter.

Do some relevant internships

After making a portfolio, it’ll be good to begin working as an intern anywhere. You should do a relevant internship of at least six months. Internships show your understanding of the real-world use case and your practical work experience.

Learn to rock the interviews

You must concentrate on your CV because it is crucial to getting hired. Your internet presence, cover letter, and resume are the three things you'll need to excel. They are viewed by hiring HR managers to get a quick overview of your qualifications.

Additionally, cover letters are required when applying for jobs online. They allow you to catch someone's eye and make an excellent first impression.

Now we have a roadmap to start preparing for the software developer position. Let's have a look at the salaries of software developers.

Salary of a Software Developer

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The table below shows the average annual salaries of software developers in India based on their development fields.

Job Title Average Annual Salary
Principal Software Engineer ₹2,800, 000 LPA
Software Architect ₹2,700, 00 LPA
Computer Scientist ₹2,500,000 LPA
IT Project Manager ₹1,500,000 LPA
Site Reliability Engineer ₹12,00,000 LPA
Data Engineer ₹8,07,500 LPA
IT Security Consultant ₹8,68,140 LPA
DevOps Engineer ₹7,22,500 LPA
System Analyst ₹9,00,000LPA
Cybersecurity Engineer ₹6,00,000 LPA

Note: The salaries mentioned here are just estimates; actual salaries may vary.

Benefits of Becoming a Software Developer

benefits of becoming a software developer

Following are a few benefits you get after becoming a software developer.

  • Demand: There is a high demand for software experts. Every sector requires a specific kind of software. Therefore, engineers qualified to develop it are in demand.
  • Growth: Career growth is one of the main benefits of becoming a software developer. You will find plenty of opportunities to learn and grow.
  • High Salary: Software developers generally make more money than other engineers. Developers get high average salaries, which include various perks.
  • Possibility of freelancing: When working as a freelancer, software developers have many opportunities to advance their careers quickly. Their skills can help them become successful freelancers as well.
  • Job satisfaction: It is one of the many benefits of becoming a developer. Experts can earn a lot of money and work flexibly from anywhere in the world.

Let’s see what skills you need to become a successful software developer.

Skills of Software Developers

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We will begin with some of the hard skills you need to master.

Hard Skills

Following is a list of critical technical skills that a software developer must have. 

Let us now look at the soft skills required of a software developer.

Soft Skills

Following is a list of behavioral skills that employers look for in a developer.

  • Effective communication skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Ownership

When you choose a career, you always consider the future scope of that job. So let us find out the future scope of the software developer job. 

Future Picture of Software Developers

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In light of the world's growing technological demands, software engineering has a bright future. With more education in software development, a person can carve out a diverse career. There are many opportunities for aspiring software developers because development and programming occupations make up around a third of all IT jobs.  

Organizations are searching for better solutions and solution providers. It is due to emerging advanced technologies like blockchain, cloud services, AI, cybersecurity, and many others. As a software developer, it is crucial to stay updated with technological changes. Doing so will allow you to improve your technical abilities.

Today, there is a growing demand for qualified software developers. The industry is expected to boom with the introduction of new tech. As a result, the demand for qualified software developers will grow more.

Now that you’re aware of the roles and responsibilities of software developer, why don’t you look at the top companies to which you should consider applying for the job?

Top Companies for the Role of Software Developer

top companies

Here’s a list of companies that offer excellent working environments and attractive salaries to software developers.

Let us now answer some frequently asked questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does a software developer do?

Software developers create computer programs of all kinds. They make new software and update existing ones using their creativity and skills.

What are the qualities of a good software developer?

A skilled software developer will possess strong analytical and problem-solving skills. He will also have a deep understanding of programming languages and the software development life cycle.

How can someone become a software developer after the 12th grade?

Earn a degree in a field related to computer science, invest effort into developing relevant skills, practice a lot, work on projects, and start applying for internships before you graduate.

Can someone become a software developer without a degree?

Yes, you can. All a recruiter wants to see is whether you have the necessary skills and knowledge for the position.

Can someone from a commerce background become a software developer?

If you have the technical skills required for the role, you can ace the interview. Your skills are what really count, not whether you took a short course or learned them on your own.


In this article, we discussed the roles and responsibilities of software developer. We also learned about this job's salary, benefits, and other details.

Now you know about the roles and responsibilities of software developer.  Why don’t you take a look at the following articles? These can guide you toward becoming a software developer at your dream company.

You can refer to these articles for interview preparation.

Do visit our website to read more such blogs. Make sure you enroll in our courses. You can take mock testssolve problems, and interview puzzles. Also, you can check out some exciting interview stuff- interview experiences and an interview bundle for placement preparations.

Happy learning! 

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