Let's discuss how to calculate the Rotation Count of a rotated sorted array consisting of distinct elements, i.e., no of times a sorted array is rotated.
Must Read, Array Implementation of Queue and Rabin Karp Algorithm
Problem Statement
We are given an array of distinct integers, sorted in increasing order. The array has been rotated (clockwise) k times; find k or the ‘Rotation Count’.
Intuitive Idea: If we follow through with some examples, one typical pattern that we would observe is that the no of times array is rotated or Rotation Count = index of the minimum element in the array.
Eg: array = [4,5,1,2]
This array was sorted initially i.e of the form [1,2,4,5]
Let’s rotate the array clockwise one by one element to find the Rotation Count.
Rotation Count 1: shifting 1 back => [5,1,2,4]
Rotation Count 2: shifting 2 back => [4,5,1,2]
Now, after 2 rotation counts, our array looks like the given rotated array.
Also, note here the minimum element is 1, and its index = 2 (considering 0 based indexing).
Try following this for various other examples, and we would observe
Rotation Count = index of the minimum element in the array
There are two main approaches to find the index of the minimum element of the array . The first one being prevalent and intuitive i.e., via LINEAR SEARCH.
Let’s quickly discuss this first, and then we’ll cover an approach with better time complexity.