Last updated: Jul 4, 2022


Ruby is interpreted, high-level, and general-purpose programming language supporting multiple paradigms. It is simple yet quite productive. Ruby has many more features which we will be exploring with our magnifying glasses and refining the ruby that we know. You might get confused or it might be a lot in one go but it will all be worth learning. It is a new language in which everything is an object even the data types. You will be learning about how to get started with ruby. We bring you various theoretical knowledge regarding a concept and also some of the codes related to some hot topics. These codes will give you a very good understanding of a particular problem statement and how you have to deal with it.
Difference between Maria DB & MS SQL Server
Before starting to build any software, the first problem most of us encounter is storing the data. What database should we use? Before selecting any d...
How to Run Tests on Ruby
This article will show how we can run tests on Ruby. We will also discuss tools and frameworks that are used in testing in Ruby.
Ruby Syntax EASY
This article aims to provide a comprehensive introduction to Ruby syntax for someone who is completely new to this language.
gsub in Ruby EASY
In this article, we will discuss the gsub method in Ruby with its syntax, parameters, return type, and the implementation of gsub in Ruby.
Read and Write Files in Ruby HARD
In this article, we will discuss various methods to read and write files in Ruby Programming Language, along with their code implementation.
Ruby array.include?() Method EASY
This article discusses the array.include?() method in Ruby with the help of examples.
Ruby Tempfile EASY
This article will cover in detail Ruby Tempfile, its basic operations and additional features, along with examples.

Introduction to Ruby

This covers the basic topics to give a gist of how things work around ruby. These things mainly are the stepping blocks such as installation and setting up. Every language's basic principle is to start with a simple hello world and notice how things work. We will also be giving you basic outlines of ruby.
Try Ruby EASY
This blog helps you clear your understanding of Ruby and learn about the Ruby Interpreter, IRB, IR, and Package management.
Ruby Hash#fetch() EASY
This article will teach us about Ruby Hash#fetch() function, its syntax and parameters, outcomes, examples and necessity.
How to Use Enums in Ruby? EASY
In this blog, we will discuss the importance and How to Use Enums in Ruby in detail along with some of its examples.
A Sudoku Solver in Ruby 17 MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn how to create a sudoku solver using Ruby.
Simple Ruby Examples to Learn Ruby EASY
This blog will cover simple ruby examples to learn Ruby. It will also help you understand the ruby concepts better.

Data Types and Object

Understanding the data it can work on, clearly gives us an understanding of the language. This article will be talking about such data types and the manipulation done with such data types.
Numbers in Ruby EASY
This blog will cover numbers in Ruby. Ruby classes for numbers, arithmetic, and number method in ruby will be covered.
Arrays in Ruby
This article incorporates the information about the programming language ruby and arrays in ruby and built in methods of arrays in ruby
Ruby Array Filter EASY
In this article, we will discuss why and how filtering can be done in Ruby Array and the filtering methods such as reject, find and in-place select.
Ruby Find Elements in an Array EASY
In this blog, we will discuss various built-in methods and functions in Ruby programming language to find elements in an array.
Hashes in Ruby
In this article, we will learn about Hashes in Ruby, hash literals, hash codes, equality, and mutable keys.
Ranges in Ruby
In this article, we will learn about Ranges in Ruby, its purpose, testing membership, and the definition of membership in a range.
Boolean in Ruby
This blog will cover boolean in ruby language. We will learn what is true-false and nil classes in ruby—boolean methods like TrueClass, FalseClass, and NilClass.
Constants in Ruby
This blog will cover the constants in Ruby, how to define constants, ruby classes that are constant like an array, and the constant method.
Variables in Ruby
This article incorporates a detailed description of Variables in Ruby illustrated with examples.
Author Alisha

Expressions and Operators

This will cover the simpler expressions and the operators. We will see how these are different than the higher-level expressions such as conditionals and loops. Here, we discuss literal and constants.
Introduction to Expressions and Operators in Ruby
An operator is a symbol that denotes the execution of a specific procedure. In this article, we explore expressions and operators in Ruby language.
Literals and Keyword Literals in ruby EASY
In this blog, we will look at the concepts of Literals and Keyword Literals in ruby. We will also see various examples of Literals and Keyword Literals in ruby.
What Are Variable References in Ruby? EASY
This article will discuss on what are variable references in ruby with the help of some examples.
Constant References in ruby EASY
In this blog, we will learn about the concepts of constant and constant references in ruby with various examples.
Method Invocations in Ruby MEDIUM
This article will discuss Method Invocations in Ruby. We will learn about the method, 4 parts of method invocation expression and different method invocations.
How to Invoke Global Functions in Ruby?
In this blog, we will learn about Global Variables, global functions, and how to invoke global functions in Ruby.

Statements and Control Structures in Ruby

Here, we will move to a higher level of expression. We will be looking at the conditionals, loops, iterators, and blocks. It is simpler just because we use a sequential execution in Ruby.
BEGIN and END in Ruby EASY
This blog will cover the BEGIN and END in ruby that comes under Statement and control Structures.

Invoking Methods in Ruby

Here, we will be covering four mega topics like methods, procs, lambdas, and closures. These are very important topics in ruby. We will try to integrate these into as many smaller topics such that they will become easier to understand and learn.
Defining Simple Methods in ruby
This blog will cover the process of defining simple methods in ruby, method terminations, and how to invoke a method of an object.
Methods Names in Ruby EASY
In this blog, we will understand the method names in the Ruby language.
How Lambdas Differ from Procs in Ruby? EASY
This blog will give an overview of how Lambdas are different from from Procs in Ruby i.e Procs vs Lambdas in detail based on arguments, break statements, and other controls flow statements.
Methods and Parentheses in Ruby EASY
In this blog, we will discuss the Methods and Parentheses in ruby in detail and learn some interesting facts about Ruby.
Method Arguments in Ruby MEDIUM
This blog will discuss Method Arguments in Ruby and the Introduction to Ruby language for beginners.
 Procs and Lambdas in Ruby EASY
This article will explain the three main types of functions of Ruby: Blocks, Procs, and Lambdas, in-depth and also discuss a summary for the same.
Closures in Ruby EASY
In this blog, we will look at the concepts of closures in Ruby. We will also look at various types of closures with its examples.
Method Objects in Ruby
This article will discuss the basics of Methods, Procs, lambdas, and closures, and we will discuss method objects in Ruby in detail.
Functional programming in ruby. EASY
In this blog, we will discuss Functional Programming in Ruby.
Time Formatting with strftime Function in Ruby EASY
In this article, we will understand Time Formatting with strftime Function in Ruby with code and output.

Classes and Modules in Ruby

Ruby is an object-oriented language that contains an object who is associated with some class. As we all know, every object is an instance of a class. To learn more about classes, let's explore the blog series.
Method Visibility in Ruby MEDIUM
This blog helps you clear your understanding of various Method Visibility in Ruby like Public, Protected, and Private.
Overloading methods in Ruby EASY
In this article, we will learn Overloading methods in Ruby and in the end, we will see some frequently asked questions related to this article.
Validating and Modifying Attribute Values in Ruby EASY
In this article, we will learn about validating and modifying attribute values in Ruby.
Subclassing and Inheritance in Ruby EASY
In this article, we will learn about Subclassing and inheritance in Ruby.
Object creation and initialization in ruby MEDIUM
In this blog we will discuss the object creation and initialization of ruby.
Loading and Requiring Modules in ruby
This article incorporates loading and requiring Modules in ruby.
Singleton Methods and the Eigenclass in ruby EASY
This article incorporates the information about the singleton methods and eigenclass in ruby and how we can implement them.
Method lookup and constant lookup in ruby EASY
This article incorporates the knowledge of method lookup and constant lookup techniques in ruby.

Reflection and Metaprogramming in Ruby

Towards the advanced side of Ruby, we will be traveling to topics that are important for being a productive programmer. This topic is like ending steps for you to be fully aware of Ruby. By the end of this article series, you will have confidence in yourself. So let's go on.
Types, Classes, and Modules in Ruby EASY
This article will discuss Reflection and metaprogramming, types, classes, and modules in ruby. And how Types, Classes, and Modules in Ruby is an essential concepts to learn.
Evaluating Strings and Blocks in Ruby
This blog gives an overview of evaluation of strings and blocks in Ruby.
Variables and Constants in Ruby MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss the variable and constants in ruby and will also understand the different types of variables in ruby along with example.
Hooks in Ruby
This article will cover the concepts of Hooks and its methods in Ruby.
Tracing in Rub
This article covers the process of Tracing in Ruby.
Object Space and Garbage Collections in Ruby EASY
In this article, we learn about Object Space and Garbage Collections in Ruby.
Custom Control Structures In Ruby
In this article,we will discuss custom control structures in ruby.
Missing Methods and Missing Constants in Ruby MEDIUM
This blog explains the missing methods and missing constants with the help of various program examples in the Ruby programming language.
Dynamically Creating Methods in Ruby EASY
In this blog, we will discuss dynamically creating methods in ruby, and how we can use different methods for dynamically creating methods in ruby.
Finding an Object’s Class and Superclass
This blog offers detailed information about Security in ruby. To know more about it, read on!
Listing Methods Unique to an Object in Ruby
This blog offers a detailed guide on understanding of Listing methods unique to an object in Ruby. To know more about it, read on!
Reference To a Method In Ruby
In this article, we are going to learn about methods and how we call them by reference.
Fixing Bugs in Someone Else’s Class
In this article, we will learn how to resolve bugs in the code with the help of an example.
Listening for Changes to a Class
This article will teach us how to keep track of changes happening inside the class.
Checking Whether an Object Has Necessary Attributes in Ruby
In this article, we will discuss object attributes in Ruby. Also will learn to check whether an object has necessary attributes in ruby.
Responding to Calls to Undefined Methods In Ruby
In this article, we will discuss about undefined methods in ruby and will learn to respond to the call to undefined method in ruby.
Automatically Initializing Instance Variables in Ruby
In this article, we will discuss about instance variables in ruby and the methods to automatically initialize the instance variables in ruby.
Avoiding Boilerplate Code with Metaprogramming in Ruby
In this blog, we will be discussing an important concept in Ruby to avoid rewriting the same code using Metaprogramming.
Metaprogramming with String Evaluations in Ruby
In this blog, we will be discussing Metaprogramming with String Evaluations in ruby which is an important observation for understanding Metaprogramming in Ruby.
Evaluating Code in an Earlier Context in Ruby
In this blog, we will be discussing a variable accessing issue that occurs in methods and tackles the issue with the solution and understand Key Binding.
Undefining a Method in Ruby MEDIUM
In this blog, we will learn about how to undefine a method in Ruby and its implementation.
Enforcing Software Contracts in Ruby
In this blog, we will learn about how to enforce software contracts in Ruby.

The Ruby Platform

Ruby holds in itself a very rich and powerful API that serves as a good platform to create the programs. In this article series, we will be defining such methods and giving you an outline of API and how the key classes like string, and array work with it.
Pattern Matching in Ruby EASY
This blog discusses the concept of pattern matching in Ruby with different examples in detail.
Numbers and Math in Ruby EASY
This blog helps you clear your understanding of Numbers and Math in Ruby and learn some new and important concepts of Numbers and Math in Ruby.
Dates and Times in Ruby EASY
In this article, we will discuss the concept of dates and times in ruby including the components of date and time, formatting of date, time and date directives.
Collections in Ruby
This article will discuss collections in Ruby. We will discuss enumerable, array, hash, and sets in Ruby.
Files and Directories in Ruby EASY
In this blog, we will discuss files and directories in ruby.
Input and Output in Ruby EASY
In this article, we will explore the Input and Output in Ruby which include file IO operations, taking input from users, and printing output.
Networking in Ruby
This article will discuss Networking in Ruby. We will learn about writing internet client applications and Internet servers and concepts related to networking.
Threads and Concurrency in Ruby MEDIUM
This article introduces you to Threads and Concurrency in Ruby, exception and scheduling.
Author akscrv