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Last updated: Mar 22, 2022


Sass( Syntactically awesome stylesheets) is a CSS preprocessor that is an extension to regular CSS. Sass helps in reducing the repetition of CSS Styles and enhances reusability. Sass has advanced features like mixins, variables, nested rules, built-in functions, Inheritance. Sass allows using different themes in an easy manner using color operations. In this tutorial, we will learn about features of Sass and how it works and transpiling(conversion of Sass to CSS).
Sass- Introduction
In this article, we will know about the overview of Sass, how it works, the difference between CSS and Sass with an example, and much more.
Sass Syntax
This blog will discuss syntax in the syntactically awesome style sheet and some significant syntax changes introduced in Scss which were not available in CSS.
Sass-Installation and Usage
In this blog, we will learn about installing Sass in different operating systems, and we will also see how to install it in node.js, use Sass as Plugin, and much more.
Sass-Referencing Parent Selectors & Placeholder Selector
In this article, we will learn about both parent selectors' and placeholder selectors' uses and examples.
Sass Comments
This blog discusses Comments in Sass their uses, with practical examples.
Author Parth
Sass Scripts
We will be learning about sass scripts and how to use the different expressions in this article.
Sass @At rules and directives - Part 1
This blog will discuss Sass @At rules and directives in detail. We will cover @import, @extend, @warn, @error with their syntax.
Sass @At rules and directives
This blog will discuss Sass @At rules and directives in detail. We will cover @use, @function, @debug, @at-root, @forward, and @Mixin&@include in detail with their syntax.
SASS Variables
We will discuss Sass variables in this blog, along with all the necessary information to understand the concept better.
Sass Operators
In this article, we'll learn about Sass Operators with the help of examples for each one of them.
Control Directives and expressions in Sass
This blog covers the various control directives and expressions in Sass, along with examples and frequently asked questions.
Sass Mixin Directives
We will discuss the complete flow of mixin in this blog and the creation or reusability of styles in the document to better understand the concept.
Function Directives in Sass
We can use function directives in Sass to perform actions on SassScript data and reuse them. In this blog, we are discussing function directives in Sass.
Author Ranjul
Sass Selector
In this blog, we discussed all the Saas selector functions along with a few examples to understand them in detail.
Sass Color
This blog gives an overview of Sass Color functions. Let’s check them out.
Sass output styles
This blog covers the various sass output styles: nested output style, expanded output style, compact output style, and compressed output style.
Extend and Inheritance in Sass
The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of inheritance in SASS using @extend. In addition, we will see in detail some use cases with examples.
SASS Passing Content Block to Mixin
We will discuss Saas passing content block to a mixin in this blog and understand the concept with a few examples.
SASS Preprocessing
In this blog, we're going to cover SAAS Preprocessing and some amazing features of SAAS.
Sass vs Scss
We will be discussing the differences between Sass and Scss in this blog.