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What is Sass?
Advantages of Sass Syntax
What is Scss?
Advantages of SCSS Syntax
Differences between Sass and Scss
Key Takeaways 
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Sass vs Scss

Author Juhi Sinha
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Both SASS and SCSS do the same thing under the hood, which is to extend the capabilities of CSS and make it more efficient and powerful. As a result, deciding between the two CSS preprocessors is a matter of personal preference.

This article will learn about the differences between Sass and Scss. So, without any further ado, let's get started!

What is Sass?

Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets, or SASS, is one of the most popular CSS preprocessors. It adds traditional programming languages, especially object-oriented programming languages, to CSS.

The files have a .sass extension in this case. It allows users to write CSS without using a semicolon and curly brackets, as well as additional indentation for CSS properties.


 padding: 5px 15px
 border-radius: 5px
 border-color: green
 color: white
 background-color: red

Advantages of Sass Syntax

Sass has a completely different syntax than CSS, but it is shorter and easier to type. When a single character is enough: =  and +, we don't need to type semicolons or braces, and we don't even need to use @mixin or @include.

It also follows indented syntax, which ensures clean coding standards.

What is Scss?

The main syntax for SASS is SCSS, based on the existing CSS syntax. It uses semicolons and brackets the same way that CSS does.

The files in this folder have the extension .scss. The code is written in a standard CSS file style, with each declaration ending in a semicolon and selectors enclosed in curly brackets.


 padding: 5px 15px;
 border-radius: 5px;
 border-color: green;
 color: white;
 background-color: red;

Advantages of SCSS Syntax

It is CSS compatible in every way. It's also possible to rename a CSS file to .scss and have it work. It is straightforward to learn and use because it follows the CSS syntax.

Differences between Sass and Scss

Now, let us see the differences between Sass and Scss through a table:

                          SASS                         SCSS
SASS stands for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets.

SCSS stands for Sassy CSS.


A popular CSS preprocessor is SASS. It's a more recent SASS syntax.
It has fewer syntax rules and constraints. SCSS is more syntax-oriented and expressive. As a result, it has more syntax restrictions, such as braces and semicolons.
The .sass extension is used for SASS files. The .scss extension is used for SCSS files.
It uses SassScript. It uses CSS.
CSS and SASS cannot be used interchangeably. A CSS code can be a valid SCSS code.
SASS follows the same indented syntax as haml. SCSS employs block formatting similar to that found in CSS.
Adding to existing CSS projects is difficult. It is necessary to rewrite the code. By adding new code to an existing CSS project, SCSS can be easily added. As a result, there is no need to rewrite the code.
It has a large global community with developers, students, hobbyists, and others worldwide. SCSS has a small student body.


Points to remember:

  • When an original syntax is required, SASS is used; code syntax is not required for SCSS.
  • Indentation is strictly enforced in SASS but not in SCSS.
  • SASS has a loose syntax with white space and no semicolons, whereas SCSS is more CSS-like and requires semicolons and braces.
  • The SASS and SCSS file extensions are .sass and .scss, respectively.
  • Compared to SCSS, SASS has a larger developer community and more support.



  1. What distinguishes Sass from CSS?
    Sass is a pre-processor for CSS and a superset of CSS.
  2. What are the benefits of using Sass?
    CSS code is smaller and less complex.
  3. Is it possible to give the sass file directly to the browser?
    No, we can't give the sass file to the browser directly. It will first be converted to a CSS file because it only understands CSS files.
  4. What are some of the different features of Sass?
    Symbols, variables, directives, and other features are available in Sass.
  5. Is it possible to combine CSS and SCSS?
    Yes, you can use SCSS and CSS together. SCSS is a CSS superset. This means that in SCSS, all CSS code is valid. You can do everything you can in CSS and more in SCSS.

Key Takeaways 

This article has learned about the differences between Sass and Scss in detail. 

You can read our previous blogs on Sass introduction and overview and Using Sass. If you are eager to learn advanced front-end web development, Coding Ninjas is here with one of the best courses available, which you can find here
Check out this problem - Redundant Braces


Thank you for reading!


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