Defining a function outside a class
In C++, you can define a function inside a class, making it a member function. However, you can also define a function outside the class using the scope resolution operator (::). This is useful when you want to separate the function declaration and definition or when you have a large function body that you want to keep outside the class for better readability.
For example:
#include <iostream>
class MyClass {
void myFunction();
void MyClass::myFunction() {
std::cout << "This function is defined outside the class." << std::endl;
int main() {
MyClass obj;
return 0;
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In this code, we have a class named `MyClass` with a member function `myFunction()`. The function is declared inside the class, but its definition is outside the class using the scope resolution operator `MyClass::myFunction()`.
When we create an object of `MyClass` and call the `myFunction()`, it will execute the function defined outside the class.
This function is defined outside the class.
By using the scope resolution operator, we can define member functions outside the class, providing flexibility in organizing our code.
Accessing a class's static variables
In C++, static variables are variables that belong to the class itself rather than to individual objects of the class. They are shared among all objects of the class. To access a static variable, use the scope resolution operator (::) along with the class name.
For example:
#include <iostream>
class MyClass {
static int myStaticVariable;
int MyClass::myStaticVariable = 10;
int main() {
std::cout << "Static variable value: " << MyClass::myStaticVariable << std::endl;
MyClass::myStaticVariable = 20;
std::cout << "Modified static variable value: " << MyClass::myStaticVariable << std::endl;
return 0;
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In this code, we have a class named `MyClass` with a static variable `myStaticVariable`. The static variable is declared inside the class, but its definition is outside the class using the scope resolution operator `MyClass::myStaticVariable`.
We can access the static variable directly using the class name and scope resolution operator, without creating any objects of the class. In the `main()` function, we print the value of `myStaticVariable`, modify it, and then print the modified value.
Static variable value: 10
Modified static variable value: 20
As you can see, the static variable is accessible and modifiable using the scope resolution operator and the class name.
Using scope resolution operator in multiple inheritance:
In C++, multiple inheritance allows a class to inherit from more than one base class. When a derived class inherits from multiple base classes, there may be ambiguity if the base classes have members with the same name. To resolve this ambiguity and specify which base class's member you want to access, you can use the scope resolution operator (::).
For example:
#include <iostream>
class BaseClass1 {
void myFunction() {
std::cout << "BaseClass1::myFunction()" << std::endl;
class BaseClass2 {
void myFunction() {
std::cout << "BaseClass2::myFunction()" << std::endl;
class DerivedClass : public BaseClass1, public BaseClass2 {
void callBaseFunctions() {
int main() {
DerivedClass obj;
return 0;
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In this code, we have two base classes `BaseClass1` and `BaseClass2`, both with a member function named `myFunction()`. The derived class `DerivedClass` inherits from both base classes.
Inside the `callBaseFunctions()` member function of `DerivedClass`, we use the scope resolution operator to specify which base class's `myFunction()` we want to call. `BaseClass1::myFunction()` calls the `myFunction()` from `BaseClass1`, and `BaseClass2::myFunction()` calls the `myFunction()` from `BaseClass2`.
By using the scope resolution operator, we can resolve the ambiguity and explicitly specify which base class's member function we want to invoke.
Using scope resolution operator for namespace
In C++, namespaces are used to group related code elements and avoid naming conflicts. When you have multiple namespaces or nested namespaces, you can use the scope resolution operator (::) to access the elements within those namespaces.
For example:
#include <iostream>
namespace MyNamespace {
void myFunction() {
std::cout << "MyNamespace::myFunction()" << std::endl;
namespace OuterNamespace {
namespace InnerNamespace {
void myFunction() {
std::cout << "OuterNamespace::InnerNamespace::myFunction()" << std::endl;
int main() {
return 0;
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In this code, we have two namespaces: `MyNamespace` and `OuterNamespace`. Inside `OuterNamespace`, we have another namespace called `InnerNamespace`. Each namespace has a function named `myFunction()`.
To access the `myFunction()` within `MyNamespace`, we use `MyNamespace::myFunction()`. To access the `myFunction()` within the nested namespace `OuterNamespace::InnerNamespace`, we use `OuterNamespace::InnerNamespace::myFunction()`.
By using the scope resolution operator `::`, we can specify which namespace's function we want to call, even if the namespaces are nested.
Referring to a class inside another class
In C++, you can refer to a class inside another class using the scope resolution operator (::). This is useful when you want to use a class as a member variable or a return type of a function in another class.
For example:
#include <iostream>
class InnerClass {
void innerFunction() {
std::cout << "InnerClass::innerFunction()" << std::endl;
class OuterClass {
InnerClass innerObject;
void outerFunction() {
InnerClass getInnerObject() {
return innerObject;
int main() {
OuterClass outerObject;
OuterClass::InnerClass obj = outerObject.getInnerObject();
return 0;
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This code has two classes: `InnerClass` and `OuterClass`. Inside `OuterClass`, we have a member variable `innerObject` of type `InnerClass`. We also have a member function `outerFunction()` that calls the `innerFunction()` of the `innerObject`.
In the `main()` function, we create an object of `OuterClass` called `outerObject`. We call the `outerFunction()` using `outerObject`, which in turn calls the `innerFunction()` of the `innerObject`.
We also have a function `getInnerObject()` in `OuterClass` that returns an object of `InnerClass`. In the `main()` function, we use the scope resolution operator to specify the return type of `getInnerObject()` as `OuterClass::InnerClass`. This allows us to create an object `obj` of `InnerClass` and call its `innerFunction()`.
Using the scope resolution operator `::`, we can refer to a class inside another class, either as a member variable, return type, or parameter type.
Referring to a member of the base class in the derived object
In C++, when a derived class inherits from a base class, it can access the public and protected members of the base class. However, if the derived class has a member with the same name as a member in the base class, it can lead to ambiguity. To resolve this ambiguity and explicitly refer to the base class member, you can use the scope resolution operator (::).
For example:
#include <iostream>
class BaseClass {
void myFunction() {
std::cout << "BaseClass::myFunction()" << std::endl;
class DerivedClass : public BaseClass {
void myFunction() {
std::cout << "DerivedClass::myFunction()" << std::endl;
BaseClass::myFunction(); // Calling base class function
int main() {
DerivedClass obj;
obj.BaseClass::myFunction(); // Calling base class function using scope resolution
return 0;
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In this code, we have a base class `BaseClass` with a member function `myFunction()`. The derived class `DerivedClass` inherits from `BaseClass` and also has a member function with the same name `myFunction()`.
Inside the `myFunction()` of `DerivedClass`, we call the `myFunction()` of the base class using `BaseClass::myFunction()`. This explicitly specifies that we want to call the base class function.
In the `main()` function, we create an object `obj` of `DerivedClass`. When we call `obj.myFunction()`, it invokes the `myFunction()` of `DerivedClass`, which in turn calls the `myFunction()` of `BaseClass`.
We can also directly call the base class function using the scope resolution operator on the derived class object, like `obj.BaseClass::myFunction()`.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can the scope resolution operator be used with variables?
Yes, the scope resolution operator can be used with variables to access global variables when there are local variables with the same name.
Is it necessary to use the scope resolution operator to define member functions outside the class?
No, it's not necessary, but using the scope resolution operator allows you to separate the function declaration and definition, improving code readability.
Can the scope resolution operator be used to access private members of a class?
No, the scope resolution operator does not grant access to private members of a class. Private members can only be accessed within the class or through public member functions.
In this article, we discussed the scope resolution operator (::) in C++ & its various uses. We learned how to access global variables, define functions outside a class, access static variables, resolve ambiguity in multiple inheritance, access elements within namespaces, refer to a class inside another class, & refer to base class members in derived objects. The scope resolution operator is a powerful tool that helps in organizing & managing code, especially in larger projects.
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