Last updated: Oct 30, 2022

Search Engine Optimization

Ninjas you know Search Engine Optimization is the practice of optimizing a website or web page to increase the quantity and quality of traffic from a search engine's organic results. In this blog series we'll learn about SEO, How does it work, SEO types, different techniques, tools and much more. Let's get started.
What is SEO and How Does it Work?
This article will discuss working with SEO and how does it work.
Types of SEO
In this article, we will study types of SEO and their important factors.
What is the role of SEO in digital marketing
In this blog, we will discuss SEO and its types, SEO in the digital marketing field, working of SEO, SEO role in digital working, and the relationship between SEO and digital marketing.
What is the Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing? EASY
In this article, you'll learn about the Importance of SEO in Digital Marketing, Types of SEO strategies, and in the end, we’ll see if search engines fail or not.
How Search Engine Works
This article will discuss how the search engine works. We will learn about three primary functions through which search engine works.
Search Engine vs Portal
In this blog, we will discuss the search engine vs portal. We will discuss both of them in detail, followed by their differences.
Best SEO Tools
This blog will cover essential aspects of the basics of SEO tools and their importance. We will further study the best SEO tools.
SEO Guidelines
This article describes the SEO guidelines we need to follow for creating quality content for the users.
Author Shiva
SEO Design and Layout
In this article, we will learn about SEO Design and Layout, which is designing and developing websites to make them search-engine friendly.

On Page SEO

Hi Ninjas, you know, On page SEO (search engine optimization) refers to the process of optimizing pages on your website to improve rankings and user experience. Let's take a look at On page SEO concepts.
On Page Optimization
This blog will discuss the meaning of On page optimization and the methods used to enhance the same.
SEO Page Title Tag
How to get the best Search Engine Optimized or SEO Page Title Tags.
SEO Meta Description EASY
This article incorporates information about the SEO meta description and how to create one.
SEO Headings Tag EASY
This article incorporates the headings tag in SEO in detail.
SEO Meta Keywords EASY
This article incorporates information about SEO meta keywords and how to create one.
SEO optimized Domain Name
In this blog, we have discussed the concept of SEO-Optimized Domain Name.
SEO Canonical and Meta tags
In this blog, we will discuss SEO Canonical and Meta tags.
Open Graph Meta Tags EASY
In this blog, we have discussed the concept of Open Graph Meta Tags. We will learn about different classes of Open Graph Meta Tags.
SEO Images and Alt-Text
While making content, images play a big role, but in SEO images are represented as alt-text. This article discusses images and alt-text in SEO.
SEO Internal Link Building
This blog will discuss the benefits of SEO internal link-building methods.
SEO Site Map
This article covers SEO Site Map. An illustration of your website's complex organizational structure, including its parts and the links that interconnect them, is called a site map.
Author Shiva
SEO Hidden Text
This article covers SEO Hidden Text. Hidden text is text users cannot read or see but that search engines can read.
SEO Web Hosting
This article incorporates web hosting in SEO in detail.
SEO Robots Meta Tag
The use of SEO Robots Meta Tags and Directives in your Search throughout the Internet.
On Page SEO Techniques
On page SEO techniques deal with how content and layout affect the SEO ranking of a page. This article discusses its different factors in detail.

Off Page SEO

Hi ninjas, do you know off-page SEO describes optimization techniques that can improve your ranking in search engine results pages. Off-page SEO is out of your control. In this blog series we'll learn off-page SEO concepts in detail. Let's start with off-page SEO.
Off Page Optimization
This article incorporates information about off page optimization and its techniques.
SEO Page Rank
This article discusses SEO Page rank and its importance, determines criteria, and strategies to improve ranking, followed by FAQs.
SEO Link Popularity
This blog will discuss SEO link popularity, SEO, link popularity separately and some methods we can use to increase the popularity.
SEO Social Bookmark Submission
In this blog, we have discussed in detail how to submit an SEO Social Bookmark Submission.
SEO Blog Submission
This article will discuss SEO Blog Submission in detail, including benefits and drawbacks.
SEO Article Submission
In this blog, we have discussed in detail SEO Article Submission. We will also discuss the advantages and some tips for article submission.
SEO Forum Posting
In this article, we look into SEO Forum Posting and get to know a little better about SEO and forum Posting.
Search Engine Submission
This article discusses search engine submission and its importance along with things to keep in mind while making submissions.
How do I submit my website to search engines? EASY
In this article, you'll learn about submitting websites to search engines and checking whether the website is being indexed or not.
RSS Feed Submission
In this blog, we will learn about RSS Feed Submission and its working.
Press Release Submission
In this article, you’ll learn about PR website services for your Press Release Submission.
Off Page SEO Techniques
This blog will dive deep into off page SEO(Search Engine Optimization) techniques.