The first thing that strikes our minds whenever we have to search for something is Google❗. Have you ever wondered what Google is? It is a search engine. Have you ever thought about the working of search engines like Google? 🤷♀️

Usually, search engines and search portals are misunderstood to be the same thing. This blog will discuss the idea behind search engine vs portal. Let’s get started!✅
Search Engine⭕

Before jumping to the search engine vs portal directly, let us discuss the search engine in detail✍.
We have to do a lot of web searches in our day-to-day lives. There should be a dedicated system designed to carry out these searches. This system should ensure that the required information is provided to the user from the internet. This system that is specifically made to carry out searches is called a search engine. Some examples of search engines are Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

Example 2:


The user types in the topic that is to be searched for. Many web pages are listed at the backend of search engines using some particular keywords. The search engine matches the words typed in by the user with the keywords and returns the matching webpages.
Goals Of a Search Engine📃
🎯The goal of the search engine is to fulfill the user's information requirement in the minimum possible time.
🎯The search engine has to provide reliable information.
🎯The order of webpages returned by the search engine should be in accordance with the query typed by the user.
A common term that we encounter while exploring the search engine is SEO. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. There are tons and tons of information present these days. Similarly, there are numerous web pages for the same information. Naturally, every web page wants to improve its ranking and visibility in the search engine. This will help them increase the traffic on their website and engage more people.