Last updated: Jun 13, 2022

Sensors and Actuators

One of the main components of IoT devices is its hardware part, as the very definition of IoT refers to the link between hardware and software, but how do you actually link these two, processors or computers only process the signals and computations digitally, but where do they actually pick up physical signals or provides the response which processor gives?? This work is done by Sensors and Actuators, read this section to know more about these physical components which form a major part of IoT.
What is a control system? MEDIUM
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Sensors Characteristics EASY
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Choosing the best sensor for the job EASY
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Choose the right Actuator
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Sensors vs Actuators
This blog discusses sensors and actuators in IoT. It highlights the key differences between the two along with their applications.

Types of Sensors

As we have studied sensors in the previous section, we're gonna be looking at some of the sensors which are widely used making IoT projects and have become a standard in these cases. Sensors are like sensory organs of our body, they are very delicate and should be handled very carefully, similar to organs in our body. They come with certain specifications and should, and these specifications should be kept in mind while working on these sensors. Let's take a look at some of these Sensors in this section
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Author Harsh
DHT based temperature sensing
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BMP Pressure Sensing
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Infrared Sensors MEDIUM
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Accelerometers and Gyroscopes
In this article, we will learn about Accelerometers and Gyroscopes sensors, their types, and their applications.
Author Harsh
Image Sensors
In this article, we have discussed the definition of an Image Sensor, its components, working, advantages, and disadvantages along with its applications.
Motion Sensors
This blog will help you know about Motion Sensors and how they can be customized to perform particular functions. We will also discuss PIR motion sensors and their working and applications and furthermore about active motion sensors.
Current Sensors
This blog will help you know about Current Sensors which are devices used to measure the current passing through wires and then we will discuss how these sensors work and the types of current sensors and their applications.