Last updated: Nov 14, 2022

Server Management

Server Management is one of the core concepts when it comes to the management and monitoring of the hardware, software, and function running on the servers. In order to accomplish the goal of high efficiency we need to manage our servers. Therefore, it is very necessary to know how to manage the configurations and operating systems simultaneously. Hence, here comes the concept of server management, and this section deals with the operating system, management of the functions inside and all the software and hardware runs on the server.
Kubernetes Architecture EASY
This article will discuss the Kubernetes architecture and its components in detail.

Linux Fundamentals

Linux is in high demand when it comes to industry because of the high portability feature that it offers. Also, it's an open-source platform that supports numerous roles. Hence, working on Linux and having a knowledge of its commands is highly required when we deal with the domain of DevOps. This section has all the details moving from basics to advanced as well as the key commands.
What is a System Call in Linux? MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn about the system calls in Linux with appropriate examples and usage with their commands.
Introduction to Linux
In this blog, we will study the evolution, working, and advantages of using Linux.
Best Linux Distros of 2023 EASY
Discover the Best Linux distros of 2023, offering unparalleled performance, security, and user experience. Linux distribution is an operating system made from a software collection. Read on!
File Management in Linux EASY
This article highlights the file structure and its features. We will also learn about the commands for different operations performed on a file in Linux.
How to Execute Python Script in Linux EASY
By the end of this article, you will learn various ways to run Python scripts, from the command line to IDEs and code editors, and even interactively using Python’s built-in features.
How to Kill a Process in Linux EASY
This article covers the concept of the procedure of killing a process in Linux.
Basic File Management Commands in Linux EASY
This blog will discuss basic file management commands in Linux with their syntax and examples.
SCP command in Linux EASY
Secure Copy Protocol in Linux is a secure and efficient command to share data and files in an operating system.
Untar Command in Linux EASY
In this blog, we will learn about Untar Command in Linux. We will understand its core concepts, its usage, and much more for better understanding.
How to Install Chrome on Linux EASY
This article teaches two ways to install Google Chrome on Ubuntu Linux.
Ping Command in Linux EASY
The ping command is an important tool for network troubleshooting and diagnostics in the UNIX and Linux world.
File Permissions in Linux MEDIUM
File permissions in Linux provide a secure method to store files and are an important part of Linux. This article discusses it in detail.
Linux Environment EASY
This article discusses the Linux Environment and how it works.
Linux Utilities EASY
In this article, we will learn about the utilities or commands which are used in Linux.
Linux Security
In this article, we will study the need to provide security in Linux OS and the methods to achieve it.
Linux Kernel
In this blog, we will study about components of Linux Kernel and what it is.
Linux File Tree EASY
This article will have a detailed description of the Linux file Tree, the Hierarchical Structure followed in Linux, and the tree command used in Linux.
wq Command in Linux EASY
In this blog, we will learn about wq Command in Linux. We will learn about its characteristics, features, and much more for better understanding.
How to Check SD Card in Linux? EASY
In this article, we will discuss how to check SD card in Linux. We will discuss all the steps and commands to check the SD card in Linux.
Linux - Process Management MEDIUM
This article incorporates information about the processes in Linux and how to manage them.
Network Troubleshooting Tools in Linux EASY
This article discusses the network troubleshooting tools available in the Linux operating system.
Linux - Vi Editor EASY
We will look into Linux - Vi Editor. Vi Editor means visual editor allowing the user to read a file, create a file or modify the existing one.
Linux - Shell Variables EASY
This blog will discuss the shell variables in linux and managing the environment variables in the shell and then discuss some of the frequently asked questions.
rsync command in linux EASY
In this blog, we will learn about rsync command in linux. We will understand its core concepts,and learn about its advantages, disadvantages and much more for better understanding.
Linux - Special Variables EASY
This blog will discuss the special variables in Linux. We will see them in detail and discuss some examples to understand them better.
Linux - Commands and Arguments EASY
In this article, we will study the commands and arguments in the Linux Operating System.
Overview of Kali Linux
This article will cover all the information you need to know about Kali Linux
Linux - I/O Redirection EASY
In this blog, we will discuss I/O redirection with a brief description of the standard streams.
Linux - Using Arrays EASY
This article discussed the different ways in which we can declare, access, and perform different operations on arrays in Linux.
Linux - Filters EASY
This article incorporates information about the Linux filter commands and how to use them
Desktop Environment for Linux Cheat Sheet EASY
In this article, we will discuss the graphical user interface and the various desktop environments with their advantages and disadvantages.
Linux - Basic Operators EASY
Different shells in Linux have different operators. This article discusses the basic operators in Linux in the Bourne Shell or Bash, the default shell in Linux.
Linux- Shell Loops EASY
This article incorporates looping statements in shell programming in detail. It also includes an example to demonstrate the use of looping statements.
Linux - Shell Loop Control EASY
This blog will discuss the blog about the linux-shell control and first we discuss how to declare loops in linux, and then study about the linux shell loop control.
Linux Shell Substitution EASY
This article will briefly discuss shell scripting and then intensely discuss the substitution methods used in shell scripting.
Linux Shell Quoting Mechanism MEDIUM
This article incorporates information about the shell quoting mechanism in Linux and how to use it.
Linux - Shell Functions EASY
This blog will explain what shell functions are in Linux and how we can declare, pass the parameters and return values from these functions.
In this blog, we will learn about Cygwin. We will understand its core concepts, advantages and disadvantages, and much more for better understanding.
Linux File System EASY
In this blog, we have discussed Linux File Systems with a brief description of the various types of Linux File Systems.
Linux User Administration MEDIUM
This blog discusses the Linux User Administration and the commands to work with it.
Linux - System Performance
This article incorporates information about the Linux system performance commands and how to implement them.
Linux System Logging
This article explains the Linux System logs, what these are, their usefulness, and the way we generate them.
Linux - Signals and Traps EASY
In this blog, we have discussed Linux signals and traps with a brief description of the various types of Linux signals and traps
Linux - Networking MEDIUM
This blog gives a list of commands that can be used for configuring and troubleshooting networks in the Linux environment.
Linux - Commands List
This blog will teach you the most commonly used commands in Linux OS. These important commands are helpful for both beginners and professionals.
Chmod command in Linux with Examples EASY
The chmod command in Linux is used to modify the access mode of a file. Change mode is abbreviated as the chmod command in Linux.
 chown command in Linux MEDIUM
The "chown" command in Linux lets you change ownership of files or directories. Easily manage permissions by specifying a new owner, facilitating control and access for a smoother system administration.
Linux Screen Command MEDIUM
In this article, we will learn the Screen command, its several options, and the shortcuts keys options available in it with the help of examples.
Linux File Globbing EASY
In this article, we will look at what Linux File Globbing is and some of the most commonly used globbing patterns.
Linux - Decision Making EASY
This article incorporates looping statements in shell programming in detail. It also includes an example to demonstrate the use of looping statements.
Linux - Builtin Functions MEDIUM
This blog will teach you about builtin functions in Linux. You will also learn how to customize the existing functions to behave as you want.
Linux - File Security MEDIUM
In this article, we will discuss file ownership in Linux, file permissions, and some commands related to file security.
Linux - Memory Management
This blog will discuss Linux memory management. We will discuss many memory management concepts like KSM, NUMA cache, and many more in this blog.
Author Harsh
Linux - Control Operators
This blog will explain what control operators are in Linux and how we can use control operators in Linux.
Author Harsh
Linux Regex EASY
This article will explain concepts and methods of regex in Linux commands. Here we will discuss Linux Regex in commands like grep, rename, and sed.
Linux - Process Commands HARD
This blog explains various process commands in Linux, including their syntax and the various associated options.
Linux Crontab and At HARD
This blog explains the crontab and at commands in Linux, along with commands related to them, that are used for process scheduling.
Linux -Man Pages EASY
In this article, we will discuss the man pages in Linux. We will discuss various sections of man pages. Further, we will cover commands such as man -a, man -f, man -k etc.
Linux - Tools EASY
In this article, we will discuss the basic tools available in Linux to perform basic operations file and locate files, set time and date, sleep mode etc.
Linux - Groups MEDIUM
This blog will explain Linux groups and how we can create new groups and add users to those groups. We will discuss commands such as groupadd, usermod, groupmod, etc.
Author Harsh
Linux - Server Administration MEDIUM
This blog will teach you how to install the ubuntu server on a virtual machine, install guests, set up the KVM and configure the networking settings.
DHCP Server in Linux EASY
In this article, we will learn about the DHCP Server in Linux in a detailed manner with how we can set up the a DHCP Server in Linux.
Linux - Error Codes MEDIUM
This blog will explain the many types of Linux error codes and we will also see how we can retrieve error information.
Author Harsh

Shell Scripting

In order to perform repetitive and time-consuming tasks we write commands and for that command, a line interpreter is required. Hence, shell scripting is one of those where we write the script in one go which in return saves time and helps us perform server operations like file manipulation, folder management, etc. Hence, this section contains it all.
In this blog, we will learn about Shell Scripting. We will also discuss its various aspects and basic terminologies in detail.
Shell Scripting - Functions & Variables MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss several functions and variables of Shell Scripting with examples. We will also learn in brief about Shell Scripting.
Shell scripting - If Statement EASY
This blog explains how to use conditional statements in shell scripting such as if-then, if-else, if-elif-else statements. These statements are also called control flow statements.
Shell Scripting - The Case Statement EASY
This blog will discuss the topic of the Case Statement, which includes the definition of case statements along with the explanation and example.
Shell Scripting - Read User Input EASY
Learn how to handle user input in Bash scripts, including reading input, storing it in variables, taking input from the command line, and input validation.
Advance Bash Scripting Guide MEDIUM
In this blog, we will discuss about advance bash scripting guide. We will also explore how to write a bash script and why it is important.
Shell Scripting - File test operators MEDIUM
This blog explains the details of a few operators that can be used to test various properties in shell scripting.
Shell Scripting - How to append output to the end of text file MEDIUM
This blog explains the details of how to append output to the end of a text file in shell scripting.
Shell Scripting - Logical 'AND' and 'OR' Operator EASY
This blog will discuss the Logically 'AND' & 'OR' Operators in Shell Scripting. We will discuss using multiple logical OR & AND in one line statement.
Shell Scripting Arithmetic Operations EASY
This blog will discuss arithmetic operations in shell scripting. We will also discuss the Linux expr command and each arithmetic operator with examples.
Comments And Variables in Shell Scripting EASY
In this article, we have discussed how to add single-line and multiple-line comments and how to use variables in shell scripting.
Signals and Traps in Shell Scripts
In this article, we will discuss what are signals in shell scripts. We will also discuss what are traps in shell scripts and
Shell Scripting - While Loop EASY
We will discuss the while loop, its syntax, and boolean operators for conditioning. We will also implement a while loop in a limit and an infinite loop.
Shell Scripting - Until, Select and For Loop EASY
We will discuss the until, select and for loop in shell scripting. We will discuss syntax and examples for each type of loop.
Shell Scripting - Pass Arguments to a Bash-Script HARD
This blog explains how to pass arguments to a bash script and access them inside the bash script using various methods.