Table of contents
Uses of Cloud Anchors
Hosting and Resolving Cloud Anchors
Requirements to Set Up Cloud Anchors
Frequently Asked Questions
What is cloud computing?
What is IoT?
What is Cloud Services?
What is Augmented Reality?
What is AR used for?
Last Updated: Mar 27, 2024

Setting Up Cloud Anchors

Author Rajat Agrawal
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Cloud Anchors connect physical sites to digital material that anybody with a suitable mobile device may access. Cloud Anchors are anchors hosted on the ARCore Cloud Anchor API or the ARCore Cloud Anchor service. Through this API, users may exchange experiences inside the same app. 

Cloud Anchors

In this blog, we will learn about the requirements to set up cloud anchors.

Uses of Cloud Anchors

Some of the uses of Cloud Anchors are given below:-

Uses of Cloud Anchors

Hosting and Resolving Cloud Anchors

To host and resolve Cloud Anchors, ARCore links to the ARCore Cloud Anchor API, enabling these shared experiences. This requires a functional Internet connection.

Here is an overview of how hosting and resolving work:-

  • The user establishes a local anchor in their environment.
  • The anchor has been hosted; ARCore uploads the data from that local anchor to the ARCore Cloud Anchor API, which then returns a special ID for that anchor.
  • Other users receive that particular ID from the app.
  • The anchor has been resolved. Using the ARCore Cloud Anchor API, users whose devices own the specific ID can rebuild the same anchor.



ARCore employs a 3D feature map of the area around an anchor to set up and host it. Before the host call, the device's back camera needs to map the area in and around the centre of interest from various viewing angles and locations in order to produce this feature map. The ARCore Cloud Anchor API then develops a 3D feature map of the area and provides the device with a specific Cloud Anchor ID.



When another user in the same environment aims their device's camera towards the location where the Cloud Anchor was hosted, a resolve request triggers the ARCore Cloud Anchor API to compare visual features from the scene against the 3D feature map that was built. ARCore uses these comparisons to determine the user's exact location, orientation, and posture with respect to the Cloud Anchor.

Requirements to Set Up Cloud Anchors

An API Key is required to use your project's ARCore Cloud Anchor API.

  • Get an API Key. See If you have never used API keys before, you should start by setting them up in the Google Cloud Platform Console Help Center.
  • Turn on the ARCore Cloud Anchor API for your Google Cloud Platform project.
  • Add your API key to the project.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is cloud computing?

Cloud computing is known as the on-demand availability of computer system resources, particularly data storage and processing power, without direct active supervision by the user.

What is IoT?

The term IoT stands for "Internet of things", which refers to actual physical items that have sensors, computing power, software, and other technologies and can link to other systems and devices via the Internet or other communication networks and exchange data with them.

What is Cloud Services?

The term "cloud services" refers to a wide range of services supplied on demand to businesses and customers over the internet. These services are created to offer quick, inexpensive access to resources and applications without the need for internal hardware or infrastructure.

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality is a real-world interactive experience in which things in the actual world are improved with computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes spanning many sensory modalities such as visual, aural, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory.

What is AR used for?

Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that allows users to superimpose digital material (images, audio, and text) on top of a real-world environment.


In this article, we have extensively discussed the requirements to set up cloud anchors in your application. Do check out the blog on Passion for AR & VR leads to Snake Snack Game blog if you are interested in learning more about Augmented Reality. You can also refer to the official documentations BlenderAugmented realityNVIDIAAR, and Mesh to learn more about Augmented Reality.

If you want to learn more, check out our articles on What Is Web2Py?What is Sinatra?Why To Use Web2py?Postbacks and Internationalization in web2pyThird Party Modules In Web2pyTasks In Web2py, and  XML in Web2py.

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