Python is an extremely powerful and versatile language. It has a wide range of functions and applications. Even after this, Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn.
This article will discuss a program to create a simple calculator in Python.
Simple Calculator in Python
Building a simple calculator in Python is a good way to familiarize yourself with some basic Python concepts. While creating a simple calculator in Python, we will use some of the most basic features of Python.
Features such as if-else conditional statements, function calls, and other fundamental elements are used in the program to create a simple calculator in Python.
There are different ways to create a simple calculator in Python. Let us discuss some of them here.
We will create a command line application for a simple calculator in Python rather than a GUI(Graphical User Interface) application.
Using Conditional Statements
We will code for a simple calculator in Python program to create a simple calculator in Python utilizing only if-else conditional statements.
# Program for a Simple Calculator in Python
while True:
# Options
"Enter 1 to ADD Two Numbers:\n"\
"Enter 2 to SUBTRACT Two Numbers:\n"\
"Enter 3 to MULTIPLY Two Numbers:\n"\
"Enter 4 to DIVIDE Two Numbers:\n"\
"Enter q or Q to Exit")
# Operation to be performed
operation = input()
# Exit Condition for Calculator
if operation == 'q' or operation == 'Q':
# Take the numbers as input
num_1 = float(input("Enter the First Number: "))
num_2 = float(input("Enter the Second Number: "))
operation = int(operation)
# Addition
if operation == 1:
result = num_1+num_2
print(f"{num_1} + {num_2} = {result}\n")
# Subtraction
elif operation == 2:
result = num_1-num_2
print(f"{num_1} - {num_2} = {result}\n")
# Multiplication
elif operation == 3:
result = num_1*num_2
print(f"{num_1} X {num_2} = {result}\n")
# Division
elif operation == 4:
# Division by Zero Error
if num_2 == 0:
result = num_1/num_2
print(f"{num_1} / {num_2} = {result}\n")
# Invalid Input
print("Enter a Valid Option!!!\n")
Enter 1 to ADD Two Numbers:
Enter 2 to SUBTRACT Two Numbers:
Enter 3 to MULTIPLY Two Numbers:
Enter 4 to DIVIDE Two Numbers:
Enter q or Q to Exit
Enter the First Number: 7
Enter the Second Number: 8
7.0 + 8.0 = 15.0
Enter 1 to ADD Two Numbers:
Enter 2 to SUBTRACT Two Numbers:
Enter 3 to MULTIPLY Two Numbers:
Enter 4 to DIVIDE Two Numbers:
Enter q or Q to Exit
Also see, Nmap commands
Using Conditional Statements and Modular Functions
Instead of directly writing the code for each operation, we can create functions for each operation to make the code more modular.
Here is a flowchart for the simple calculator in Python program we are going to code:
Now, let us take a look at the program.
# Program for a Simple Calculator in Python
# Addition Function
def addition(num_1, num_2):
return num_1+num_2
# Subtraction Function
def subtraction(num_1, num_2):
return num_1-num_2
# Multiplication Function
def multiplication(num_1, num_2):
return num_1*num_2
#Division Function
def division(num_1, num_2):
return num_1/num_2
while True:
# Options
"Enter 1 to ADD Two Numbers:\n"\
"Enter 2 to SUBTRACT Two Numbers:\n"\
"Enter 3 to MULTIPLY Two Numbers:\n"\
"Enter 4 to DIVIDE Two Numbers:\n"\
"Enter q or Q to Exit")
# Operation to be performed
operation = input()
# Exit Condition for Calculator
if operation == 'q' or operation == 'Q':
# Take the numbers as input
num_1 = float(input("Enter the First Number: "))
num_2 = float(input("Enter the Second Number: "))
operation = int(operation)
# Addition
if operation == 1:
result = addition(num_1,num_2)
print(f"{num_1} + {num_2} = {result}\n")
# Subtraction
elif operation == 2:
result = subtraction(num_1,num_2)
print(f"{num_1} - {num_2} = {result}\n")
# Multiplication
elif operation == 3:
result = multiplication(num_1,num_2)
print(f"{num_1} X {num_2} = {result}\n")
# Division
elif operation == 4:
# Division by Zero Error
if num_2 == 0:
result = division(num_1,num_2)
print(f"{num_1} / {num_2} = {result}\n")
# Invalid Input
print("Enter a Valid Option!!!\n")
Enter 1 to ADD Two numbers:
Enter 2 to SUBTRACT Two Numbers:
Enter 3 to MULTIPLY Two Numbers:
Enter 4 to DIVIDE Two Numbers:
Enter q or Q to Exit:
Enter the First Number: 55
Enter the Second Number: 132
55.0 - 132.0 = -77.0
Enter 1 to ADD Two numbers:
Enter 2 to SUBTRACT Two Numbers:
Enter 3 to MULTIPLY Two Numbers:
Enter 4 to DIVIDE Two Numbers:
Enter q or Q to Exit:
Enter the First Number: 12
Enter the Second Number: 5
12.0 X 5.0= 60.0
Enter 1 to ADD Two numbers:
Enter 2 to SUBTRACT Two Numbers:
Enter 3 to MULTIPLY Two Numbers:
Enter 4 to DIVIDE Two Numbers:
Enter q or Q to Exit:
Simple Calculator in Python Using eval()
We have now created a Simple Calculator in Python using basic programming concepts in Python. However, to evaluate more complex expressions, Python also has an inbuilt function called eval().
Mathematical expressions can be passed to this function in the form of a string to obtain results. Expressions consisting of variables (which have been declared before in the program) can also be evaluated using this function.
This has a rather simple implementation to it as well.
# Simple Calculator in Python
expression = input("Please Enter The Expression to be Evaluated: ")
result = eval(expression)
print(f"The Expression {expression} Gives the Result: {result}")
Test Case 1:
Input: 12+(2*4/5)
Expected Output: 13.6
Please Enter The Expression to be Evaluated: 12+(2*4/5)
The Expression12+(2*4/5) Gives the Result:13.6
Test Case 2:
Input: 14/(12/6 - 2)
Expected Output:
Since the expression (12/6-2) results in a 0, the program should give a zero division error.
Please Enter The Expression to be Evaluated: 14/(12/6 - 2)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 4, in <module>
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ZeroDivisionError: float division by zero
You can try it on online python compiler.