Table of contents
What is the Simplification of CFG?
Removal of Useless Symbols
Elimination of ε Production
Removing Unit Productions
Need of Simplifying CFGs
Benefits of Simplifying CFGs
Disadvantages to simplification of CFGs
Tips to minimize the disadvantages of simplifying CFGs
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the formula of CFG?
Why simplify context-free grammar?
How can context-free grammar be simplified?
How many ways are there to simplify CFG?
What is the formula for CFG?
What are the steps in simplification of CFG?
Last Updated: Jun 11, 2024

Simplification of CFG(Context-Free Grammars)

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Context-Free Grammars (CFGs) represent languages efficiently. Often, CFGs contain redundant symbols, increasing grammar length. Simplifying CFGs removes unnecessary symbols, maintaining language equivalence. Simplifying is essential for later normalization. This article explores CFG simplification.

Simplification of cfg

In this article, we will discuss the simplification of CFG, explore techniques to streamline grammatical structures, and optimize language representation.

Also see, Turing Machine in TOC.

What is the Simplification of CFG?

Simplification of Context-Free Grammars (CFGs) refers to the process of reducing grammatical rules and symbols to their minimal necessary form while preserving the language generated by the grammar. This involves removing redundant or unnecessary symbols, rules, and productions without altering the language accepted by the grammar.
Context-Free Grammar can be made simpler by removing all the extraneous symbols while yet preserving a converted grammar that is equivalent to the original Grammar.

  1. Each variable (i.e., non-terminal) and terminal of G is used to derive some word in language L.
  2. There should not be any production like X → Y when X and Y are non-terminal.
  3. If ε is not in L, then the production X → ε is unnecessary.

Let’s discuss all the 3 types of reduction processes in detail.

  1. Useless productions 
  2. ε productions
  3. Unit productions
Simplification of CFG

Removal of Useless Symbols

If a symbol does not exist on the right-hand side of the production rule and does not participate in the derivation of any string, that symbol is considered a useless symbol. Similarly, if a variable does not participate in the derivation of any string, it is useless. 


For example, simplify the below-given Grammar G:

S → aaB | abA | aaS  
A → aA  
B → ab | b  
C → ae 


In the above example, first, find the useless productions,

  1. The variable 'C' will never appear in the derivation of any string, so the production C -> ae is useless. Therefore, we will remove it, and the other productions are written so that variable C can never reach from the initial variable 'T.'
  2. Production A -> aA is also useless because there is no way to end it. If it never ends, it can never produce a string. As a result, this production can never participate in any derivation.


The process to remove the above found useless productions:

  1. To eliminate useless productions like A -> aA, we first find all variables that will never lead to a terminal string, such as 'A.' We remove all of the productions in which variable 'B' appears. As a result, the modified grammar:
S → aaB | aaS   
B → ab | b  
C → ae


2. Then we try to find all the variables that can never be reached from the initial variable S, such as 'C.' We remove all of the productions in which variable 'C' appears.

The grammar G is now free of all the useless productions.

S → aaB | aaS  
B → ab | b  

Also read - Arden's theorem

Elimination of ε Production

Productions of type 'A ->ε' (also known as null productions) is called ε productions. These productions can only be eliminated from grammars that do not generate ε (an empty string). 

Steps to remove Îµ Productions

Step 1:- First, find all nullable non-terminal variables that derive ε. A variable 'A' is nullable if ε can be derived from 'A.' For any productions of type 'B -> A1A3A3...An', where all 'Ai's are nullable, 'B' is also nullable.

Step 2:- Construct all productions A -> x for each production A -> a, where x is obtained from a by eliminating one or more non-terminals from step 1.

Step 3:- Now, join the result of step 2 with the original production and remove Îµ productions. 

Confused? Let’s understand with an example,


Consider the Grammar G:

S -> ABCd                        
A -> BC                                
B -> bB | Îµ                      
C -> cC | Îµ  


Find all of the nullable variables. Variables 'B' and 'C' are nullable because they have ε on the RHS of their production. Variable 'A' is also nullable because both variables on the RHS are nullable in A -> BC. Variable 'S' is similarly nullable. As a result, variables 'S,' 'A,' 'B,' and 'C' are all nullable.

Let's make a new grammar. 

  • We begin with the initial production. Include the initial production as it is. Then we generate all available combinations by replacing the nullable variables with ε. 
  • As a result, line (1) is now:
    • 'S -> ABCd | ABd | ACd | BCd | Ad | Bd |Cd | d.' 
  • We apply the same logic to the following lines, but we do not include 'A -> ε.' We eliminate all productions of the type 'V -> ε.' 


The new grammar is now –

S -> ABCd | ABd | ACd | BCd | Ad  |  Bd  |Cd | d
A -> BC | B | C
B -> bB | b
C -> cC | c

Removing Unit Productions

Unit productions are those in which one non-terminal produces another non-terminal. Unit productions are productions of the type 'A -> B.'

To eliminate unit production, take the following steps:

  1. Step 1:- To remove A -> B, add the production A -> a whenever Y -> a appears in the Grammar.
  2. Step 2:- Remove A -> B from the grammar.
  3. Step 3:- Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all unit productions have been removed.


S → 0A | 1B | C  
A → 0S | 000  
B → 11 | A  
C → 01  



S -> C denotes a unit production. However, before we remove S -> C, we must consider what C provides. As a result, we can add a rule to S.

S → 0A | 1B | 01  


Similarly, B -> A is a unit production; we can change it as

B → 11 | 0S | 000  


As a result, we can finally write CFG without unit production as

S → 0A | 1B | 01   
A → 0S | 000  
B → 11 | 0S | 000   
C → 01  

Read About - Context-Free Grammar and Language

Need of Simplifying CFGs

The need for simplifying Context-Free Grammars (CFGs) arises due to various reasons, including:

  • Readability: Simplification enhances the clarity and comprehensibility of the grammar, making it easier for developers and analysts to understand and work with.
  • Efficiency: Simplified CFGs reduce the complexity of parsing algorithms, leading to faster parsing times and improved performance.
  • Optimization: By removing redundant symbols and rules, simplification optimizes the grammar structure, resulting in more efficient language recognition and generation.
  • Maintainability: Simplified CFGs are easier to maintain and update, facilitating modifications and enhancements to the language specification over time.
  • Standardization: Simplification is often a prerequisite for transforming CFGs into standardized forms, such as Chomsky Normal Form (CNF) or Greibach Normal Form (GNF), which have specific syntactic properties and benefits.

Benefits of Simplifying CFGs

  • Improved Readability: Simplified CFGs are easier to understand and analyze, making it more manageable for developers to work with complex grammars.
  • Enhanced Debugging: Fewer rules and symbols reduce the chances of errors in the grammar and make debugging and troubleshooting more efficient.
  • Better Performance: Simplified CFGs often lead to faster parsing and processing of input, resulting in improved performance for language processing tasks.

Disadvantages to simplification of CFGs

  • Loss of Expressiveness: Over-simplification may lead to a loss of expressive power in the grammar, limiting its ability to describe complex languages accurately.
  • Reduced Precision: Simplifying CFGs may result in less precise parsing, potentially allowing ambiguous or unintended interpretations of input.
  • Increased Complexity: Overly simplified grammars might require more complex semantic analysis to capture the intended meaning of sentences.

Tips to minimize the disadvantages of simplifying CFGs

  • Careful Refinement: Instead of excessive simplification, refine the grammar thoughtfully to strike a balance between simplicity and expressiveness.
  • Thorough Testing: Extensively test the simplified CFG to ensure it accurately handles a variety of inputs and edge cases.
  • Documentation: Provide comprehensive documentation for the grammar to clarify any potential ambiguities or limitations resulting from simplification.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the formula of CFG?

A four-tuple G = (N,Σ, S, P) is a context-free grammar (CFG) G. Where N is a finite set. Σ is a finite set. P defines the set of production rules. And S is the start non-terminal. 

Why simplify context-free grammar?

In a CFG, it is feasible that not all of the production rules and symbols must be used to derive strings. Because not all grammar is streamlined, some grammar may contain superfluous symbols (non-terminal). Adding extra, pointless symbols lengthens the grammar.

How can context-free grammar be simplified?

Remove redundant symbols and rules while preserving language equivalence, aiming for minimal necessary form.

How many ways are there to simplify CFG?

Simplification techniques include removing unit productions, unreachable symbols, and useless symbols, optimizing grammar structure.

What is the formula for CFG?

CFG is defined as a 4-tuple (N, Σ, P, S), where N is non-terminals, Σ is terminals, P is productions, and S is start symbol.

What are the steps in simplification of CFG?

1. Remove unreachable symbols.
2. Eliminate epsilon productions.
3. Remove unit productions.
4. Eliminate left recursion.
5. Factor and merge common productions.


In this article, we learned about simplifying the Simplification of CFG(Context-Free Grammars). We learned that in simplified Context-Free Grammar, we remove all the unnecessary symbols from the Grammar, maintaining the meaning the same as that of the original Grammar.

We learned that we could simplify Context-Free Grammar in three ways.

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