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Commonly Asked Soft Skills Interview Questions
1.Tell us about yourself.
2. Which skills would you say are critical for working with a team?
3. Tell me your biggest strength.
4. Which one do you prefer and why: teamwork or working alone?
5. Do you prefer written or verbal communication?
6. What is your biggest weakness?
7. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
8. What makes you angry?
9. Would you still work for the company if you win a huge lottery?
10. According to you, what is the difference between hard work and smart work?
11. What are the things you like to do outside work?
12. Why did you apply for this job?
13. How would you handle the situation if your thoughts conflict with your coworker?
14. How do you prioritize your tasks when you have multiple deadlines to meet?
15. What is the most significant problem you solved in the workplace?
16. How do you explain new topics to coworkers unfamiliar with them?
17. How would your friends describe you?
18. Are you aiming for further studies?
19. Are you good at time management?
20. What motivates you? 
21. What qualities should a leader have, according to you?
22. Would you rather work for money or job satisfaction?
23. How would you deal with an angry, irritated client?
24. Do you have serious medical issues?
25. Are you open for rotational shifts?
26. Can you tell me about a time when things didn't go according to plan? How did you cope?
27. Are you looking for other jobs?
28. Tell us about something you were asked to do that you have never done before. How did you react, and what did you learn?
29. What would be your dream job?
30. What do you think of taking risks?
Last Updated: Jun 18, 2024

Soft Skills Interview Questions

Author Sagar Mishra
1 upvote


Soft skills are essential in every industry and role, making you a productive and communicative team member. Highlighting these skills during an interview can impress hiring managers and help you secure your desired job.

Soft Skills Interview Questions

In this blog, we will discuss some Soft Skills Interview Questions that will help you to conquer your interview.

Commonly Asked Soft Skills Interview Questions

1.Tell us about yourself.

Ans. This is the most important question in the interview that can decide your image on the interviewer. As we all know - "First impression is the last impression," so it is a must to give an impactful answer to this question. So, let's discuss this answer in our Soft Skills Interview Questions.
Saying "Hello, I'm Ashish, and I'm a good presenter" right away is not an excellent way to start. Tell a brief story that shows your command of a specific soft talent if you can. Or mix your soft skills into your summary of prior work experience.

2. Which skills would you say are critical for working with a team?

Ans. This question should be answered like this:
For me, time management, communication, and conflict resolution are three essential skills while working with a team.
I place a high value on communication and time management skills in the work as they can affect the team's productivity and output.

3. Tell me your biggest strength.

Ans. Of course, now is the time to highlight any technical skills related to the position. Don't forget to include soft skills as well, though. Please choose one or two, and then explain their value. Instead of simply stating that critical thinking is vital in marketing, clarify why it is crucial to use these abilities when deciding who your target audience is.

4. Which one do you prefer and why: teamwork or working alone?

Ans. Depending on the task, When it comes to brainstorming, teams can produce people's skills and develop great ideas with multiple inputs. However, I do prefer working on my chores alone as well, as, in many ways, a team's success often depends on each individual's ability to work alone.

5. Do you prefer written or verbal communication?

Ans. "I feel that written communication can sometimes lead lines to be crossed because of lack of tone, variation, expression, and body language. When it's possible, I'll always pick verbal conversations."

6. What is your biggest weakness?

Ans. You can expect a few behavioral interview questions to come up, whether this is your first job interview or your thirty-first. Select a case when soft skills were necessary to win the day to answer. A conflict between teams would be an ideal discussion topic.

7. Where do you see yourself in the next five years?

Ans. Your goals and how this position would fit into them are crucial to the interviewer. They are interested in your career plans as they want to hire someone who is proactive, motivated, and likely to stay on the job and put in a lot of effort. It is usually a good idea to phrase the response in a way that will leave the interviewer feeling as though he is meeting the ideal choice for the relevant position.

8. What makes you angry?

Ans. Take note not to respond to such a question with a loud voice. Keep your cool and provide honest responses.
As an example, whenever someone accuses me of something I haven't done, I typically lose my cool. But I try to keep a cool head and only speak when absolutely necessary.

9. Would you still work for the company if you win a huge lottery?

Ans. One feels super happy after winning a big lottery. But it doesn't satisfy me in any way. Simply because I have some money does not grant me the right to stay at home and waste my time. I don't believe that winning the lottery would ever compare to the feeling of satisfaction that comes from achieving goals.

10. According to you, what is the difference between hard work and smart work?

Ans. Hard work includes investing a lot of time and effort into reaching a specific target. On the other side, smart work would require less effort to achieve the same result. However, both are necessary since many new areas require a lot of work, while well-established ones may be managed smartly.

11. What are the things you like to do outside work?

Ans. The recruiter simply wants to get to know you better. Thus, there is no right solution to this query. Pick a couple of your favorite hobbies and use soft skills that come naturally rather than straining your brain for a clever response.

12. Why did you apply for this job?

Ans. The answer to this interview question should be simple if you read the job description and did your research on the company. Give examples of aspects of the job description or org. Such as the chance to work in a collaborative environment. Or say - "with a team that aims to create the highest quality work that you found appealing."

13. How would you handle the situation if your thoughts conflict with your coworker?

Ans. This is an important question from an interview point of view. Let us discuss this in our Soft Skills Interview Questions.
Your present and previous working relations with coworkers and managers will be reviewed by the interviewer. They want to know if there are deadlocks or if conflicts are quickly addressed through talk or another method.

14. How do you prioritize your tasks when you have multiple deadlines to meet?

Ans. Hiring managers usually ask how you prioritize tasks to get a sense of your hard skills. Mention the organizing tools you've used for your projects and how they've helped you choose which chores to focus on.

15. What is the most significant problem you solved in the workplace?

Ans. This is an important question from an interview point of view. Let us discuss this in our Soft Skills Interview Questions.
Interviewers use your response to this question to learn more about how you approach a real issue. Talk about a situation you directly assisted in fixing that had a good outcome.

16. How do you explain new topics to coworkers unfamiliar with them?

Ans. Employers judge how well you get along with coworkers by asking you questions about your communication skills. Give an example of a time when you had to introduce a new topic, and then explain how you would use your communication abilities moving forward.

17. How would your friends describe you?

Ans. This query can be phrased in a few different ways, such as "How would your coworkers describe you?" or "How would your friends or coworkers describe you in three words?" In spite of how it is framed, this soft skills interview question offers the ideal chance to discuss the positive qualities you possess.

18. Are you aiming for further studies?

Ans. This question is meant to assess how committed you are to the team and the task at hand. Don't go overboard and give a strong yes. You need to convince the interviewer that you won't leave the company to look for other employment possibilities.

19. Are you good at time management?

Ans. I'm a proactive person that makes it a point to do my tasks on time. I usually set priorities and finish my tasks in that order. Our semester exams just so happened to fall on the same day as my participation in the XYZ competition. I set up my tasks so that I could complete both of them. I also performed well on my semester exams, placing among the top X competitors in the Y competition.

20. What motivates you? 

Ans. I am a very goal-oriented individual. To get the desired result is what drives me most. Even if I like working on the project alone, I become more energized by the energy of working in a team. It's exciting to collaborate closely with others who have the same aim. As part of a focused team effort, I enjoy accepting and conquering that challenge.

21. What qualities should a leader have, according to you?

Ans. A leader should possess a variety of skills, including the ability to organize a team and have a deep understanding of people and their behavior at different times. He should be able to identify people he can trust and stand out in a crowd. Also, be able to instruct a group of people and many other traits.

22. Would you rather work for money or job satisfaction?

Ans. I place more value on job satisfaction. If I don't like the job in the first place, working purely for the money may not be gratifying. The money would likely come along, but job pleasure keeps me active.

23. How would you deal with an angry, irritated client?

Ans. Soft skills candidates will face interview questions. It is designed to evaluate how effectively they can deal with coworkers with ideas and beliefs that differ from theirs. Make sure not to draw attention to any unfavorable aspects of the scenario.

24. Do you have serious medical issues?

Ans. This is another question that comes up during a stress interview. Make sure you don't say anything that would lead the interviewer to believe you'll be late for work. Do not bring up illnesses like the common cold or a fever.

25. Are you open for rotational shifts?

Ans. This is one of the often asked topics in Soft Skills Interview Questions for new hires. The answer should be like this: 
“Since I have no trouble staying up late, working shifts would not be a problem for me.”

26. Can you tell me about a time when things didn't go according to plan? How did you cope?

Ans. Employers don't want an applicant who caves into the sometimes expected pressures at work. This question is directly aimed at that as employers are looking for applicants who can swiftly and easily adjust to new conditions.

27. Are you looking for other jobs?

Ans. Because that is both my area of interest and my area of qualification, I have been seeking everything your company offers. I would not need to look for other opportunities if I were hired for this role.

28. Tell us about something you were asked to do that you have never done before. How did you react, and what did you learn?

Ans. This question is designed to test the candidate's capacity for adaptation. A candidate who exhibits this quality can assist business expansion. Such a candidate will maintain composure under pressure and be open to using novel methods and tools when performing his or her job. When issues develop, they are also more likely to come up with workable solutions. They will readily welcome new team members and change their working style when necessary.

29. What would be your dream job?

Ans. An ideal job interview question for freshers calls for a reasoned response. Answer this question by defining your notion of the perfect workplace rather than focusing on receiving a six-figure salary, flex hours, and regular vacation time. 
Next, make sure your solution fits with the corporate culture. a business that offers chances for career growth. 
Another quality to watch out for is the capacity to utilize skill sets to the advantage of the company's overall growth.

30. What do you think of taking risks?

Ans. I decided to take a chance on the basis of wisdom. While testing is a fantastic approach to learning and introducing new concepts, it also calls for extreme caution. There was a time we were working on our project when we needed to add an entirely new module to make it a big success. We had to learn as we went because we were all new and inexperienced.


We have discussed the topic of Soft Skills Interview Questions. We have seen different types of Questions that are asked in the Interview exam.

We hope this blog has helped you enhance your knowledge of Soft Skills Interview Questions. If you want to learn more, check out our articles Google Interview QuestionsSAS Interview QuestionsOperating System Interview QuestionsCapgemini Interview Questions, and many more on our platform Coding Ninjas Studio.

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