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Spring Cloud Interview Questions
Last Updated: Jun 20, 2024

Top Spring Cloud Interview Questions

Author Gaurav joshi
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Giving a software engineer interview is not an easy task, no matter how many years of experience we have in these fields. Whether freshers or experienced software professionals preparing for spring cloud interview questions is paramount, this article will discuss all vital Spring Cloud Interview Questions previously asked by major tech companies. We will learn about Spring cloud interview questions and answers that help beginners and experienced professionals.

So how this article on Spring Cloud Interview Questions helps a software developer. These Spring Cloud Interview questions are suitable for revising essential Spring cloud concepts before interviews. As we all know, today is the world of cloud computing, and most of the new development in java is happening on Cloud only like AWS, GCP, and Azure. That's why Java developers need to learn about cloud frameworks and libraries. Similarly, major tech companies expect freshers to have some introductory knowledge on these subjects. So in the next section, we will see Spring Cloud Interview Questions in detail.

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Spring Cloud Interview Questions


1. What is Spring Cloud?

Spring Cloud is a set of tools used by developers to quickly build some common patterns in distributed systems such as service discovery, intelligent routing, configuration management, circuit breakers, etc.

2. What are some features of Spring Cloud?

Spring Cloud framework comes with many features; we have listed some of the most common ones which greatly help in developing cloud-native apps and Microservices: 

a. Service registration and discovery
b. Routing  
c. Load balancing and circuit breakers  
d. Distributed and versioned configuration 
e. service-to-service calls 

3. What do you understand by load balancing?

Load balancing is a technique used to improve the distribution of workloads across many computing resources, such as a computer cluster, CPUs, network lines, and disk drives. In simple words, Load Balancing helps us improve workloads' distribution across several computing resources. Types of load balancers:-


4. What is the significant difference between Spring Boot and Spring cloud?

A significant difference between the Spring-Boot and Spring Cloud is that Spring Cloud is a microservice management coordination framework and is used to integrate and manage individual microservices. On the other hand, Spring boot helps us to develop these microservices.

5. What is Hystrix?

Hystrix is a fault-tolerance and latency library designed to isolate access points to remote systems, stop cascading failures and third-party libraries, and enable resilience in complex distributed systems where failure is common and cannot be avoided.

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6. What is Hystrix Circuit Breaker? Explain its need.

Hystrix breaker is nothing but implementation of circuit breaker pattern provided in Netflix's Hystrix library. If any method uses the circuit-breaker, Hystrix looks up for failing calls to that method. If failures build-up to the threshold, Hystrix opens the circuit. As a result, the subsequent calls automatically fail.
The primary purpose of the Hystrix circuit breaker is to provide time to the first-page method or any other methods called by the first page, causing the exception to recover. Due to fewer loads, chances for the exception to recovery also increase.

7. What are service registration and discovery? How to implement it in the spring cloud?

Since the development and deployment of services are getting increased, adding and modifying these attributes is becoming more complicated. Some services decline, while certain may change the locations. Manually changing attributes may cause problems. Eureka service registration and discovery can help in situations of changing attributes. Since all services are registered on the Eureka server and found by calling the Eureka server, there is no need to deal with any changes and processing of the service location.



8. What is Spring Cloud Consul?

Product of HashiCorp, Spring Cloud Consul, provides an easy way by which one can register instances as consul agents, and that instances can be further discovered by clients using spring beans. Spring Cloud Consul provides simple annotations through which we can quickly enable and configure the common patterns like Service Discovery, Distributed configuration, and Control Bus inside your application and build large distributed systems. It provides the following significant features:

a. It helps us to provide service discovery 
b. It helps us support client-side load-balancer, i.e. Ribbon via Spring Cloud Netflix. 
c. It supports distributed configuration: using the consul key/value store. 
d. It supports a dynamic router and filter, i.e. Zuul via Spring Cloud Netflix.

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9. How does Spring Cloud GatewayLimit request payload size?

The GatewayFilter takes a RequestSize parameter. It is the permissible size limit of the request defined in bytes. So When the request size exceeds the permissible limit (By Default, it's set to 5MB), the RequestSize GatewayFilter factory restricts a request from reaching the downstream service. 

10. What is RAD Model?

RAD stands for Rapid Application Development model and is based on prototyping and iterative model with a little less specific planning. Software Development with RAD approach means putting less emphasis on planning tasks and more on developing and coming up with a prototype.RAD must be used only when the system can be modularized and delivered incrementally. We should use it only if the budget permits automated code-generating tools.

11. Mention Some Spring Cloud Annotations? 

Some of the essential Spring cloud annotations for developers  

12. Mention Some Services that provide service registration and discovery

Eureka and Zookeeper are some of the services that provide service registration and discovery.

13. Mention some benefits of Eureka and Zookeeper

Significant benefits offered by Eureka are that it guarantees high availability and usability, while Zookeeper guarantees consistency and partition fault tolerance.

14. What do you understand by PCF?

PCF stands for Pivotal Cloud Foundry. Pivotal Cloud Foundry is an open-source service, multi-cloud, which allows development teams to run their applications on various on-demand cloud computing platforms (IaaS or PaaS), Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and more. 

15. What is the use of the spring cloud bus?

The spring cloud bus is a helpful feature to refresh configurations across multiple instances. It helps link the nodes of a distributed system with a lightweight message broker. We could then use this broker to broadcast state changes (such as configuration changes) or other management instructions.

16. Explain Netflix Feign and mention its uses.

Netflix Feign is a Java to HTTP client binder. JAXRS-2.0, WebSocket, and Retrofit inspire it. Netflix feign is used to reduce the complexity by binding denominator uniformly to HTTP APIs regardless of the RESTfulness.

17. What is a microservice? 

Microservices are also known as microservice architecture. Microservices is an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of multiple services. Microservices advocates are dividing a single application into a set of small services. Each service runs in its process. Services coordinate with each other to provide the users with the ultimate value. Lightweight communication mechanisms are used to communicate with each other. 

18. Which design pattern is used in microservice? 

Multiple design patterns like  Aggregator Microservice Design Pattern Proxy Microservice Design Pattern  Branch Microservice Design Pattern Shared Data Microservice Design Pattern Chained Microservice Design Pattern Asynchronous Messaging Microservice Design Pattern 

19. What is a service fuse, and explain your understanding of service degradation?

The service fuse mechanism is a microservice link protection mechanism that responds to the avalanche effect. When a microservice is made unavailable or takes a long time to respond, the microservice gets downgraded. A call to the microservice of the node will be fused, and it will quickly return the error response information. We Consider Service degradation generally from the overall load. Whenever a service gets broken, it will no longer invoke the server, and the client could prepare a local fallback callback and return a default value. In doing so, although the level drops, it is still available anyway, which is better than just hanging it out. The below image explains the different types of fuses.

20. What is a spring cloud ribbon?

Spring Cloud Ribbon is a client-side load balancer that helps control clients' behaviour of HTTP and TCP. Feign already uses the Ribbon, so if we need to use @FeignClient, this section automatically applies.

21. What is Eureka in Spring Cloud?

Eureka Server, also known as Discovery Server, is an application that holds all the information related to the client service applications. Every Microservice registers into the Eureka server, and the Eureka server knows all the running client applications on each port and their IP addresses.

22. Mention some features of using spring boot?

 Features of using Spring Boot are: Auto-configuration Starter dependency Spring initializer 

23. What is Spring Cloud CLI? 

Part of Spring Cloud Platform, Spring Cloud CLI is a set of extensions for the Spring Boot CLI. Spring Cloud CLI makes running Spring Cloud server apps possible, and write Spring Cloud apps in Groovy scripts and run them from a shell. 

24. Mention Some of the Key Server Side features provided in the spring cloud config framework?

Spring Cloud Config framework provides the following features for server-side applications. 

1. It gives the ability for any Spring Boot application to be embedded with the config server using the annotation @EnableConfigServer 
2. It allows the server applications to encrypt and decrypt property values. 
3. For managing external configuration, it provides a resource-based HTTP API.

25. Mention Some of the Key Client-Side features provided in the spring cloud config framework? 

Spring Cloud Config framework provides the following features for client-side applications. 

1. It provides the ability for client applications to bind to the Config Server and initialize Spring Environment with remote property sources 
2. It allows client applications to Encrypt and decrypt property values. 

26. What are Spring Cloud Connectors? 

Spring Cloud Connectors are a part of the Spring Cloud platform that simplifies the process of connecting to services in cloud platforms. Users can use one of the provided cloud connectors or write one for their cloud platform. It provides built-in support for commonly-used services such as relational databases, MongoDB, Redis, and RabbitMQ. 

27. How to include Eureka in our Project? 

For Client Side Eureka in our Project, we need to use spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client dependency and @EnableEurekaClient annotation on the Spring Boot Application class. For the Eureka Server Side in your Project, use spring-cloud-starter-eureka-server dependency and EnableEurekaServer annotation on the Spring Boot Application class. 

28. What is ZUUL? 

Developed by Netflix, Zuul is a Java Virtual Machine-based router and server-side load balancer included in the Netflix OSS Package.

29. Mention some filters provided by Zuul. 

Following are the filter types provided by Zuul that correspond to the lifecycle of a request. 

PRE Filters - Filters execute before routing to the origin server. 
ROUTING Filters - These filters handle routing the request to an origin.  
POST Filters - These filters execute after the request is routed to the origin. 
ERROR Filters - These filters execute when an error occurs during any one of the phases. 

30. Explain the purpose of @EnableDiscoveryClient annotations. 

@EnableDiscoveryClient annotation is provided by Spring Cloud Commons library. It looks for implementations of the DiscoveryClient interface using 'spring. factories'.DiscoveryClient implementations are Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka, Spring Cloud Consul Discovery, and Spring Cloud Zookeeper Discovery.

So that's all about the top frequently asked Spring Cloud Interview Questions. You could revise these Important Spring Cloud interview questions before attending any Java and Spring framework interview. As already said, Spring cloud is complex, especially for beginners. Hence it's also a good idea to spend some time learning Spring cloud.

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This article extensively discussed the most crucial spring cloud interview questions and explored each question briefly.

After reading about the spring cloud interview questions, are you not feeling excited to read/explore more articles on the topic of Spring? Don't worry; Coding Ninjas has you covered. See Introduction to Spring BootSpring Boot ArchitectureSpring Tool SuiteSpring Vs Spring Boot, and Spring MVC. Understanding these topics becomes a must to get a better hold of spring cloud interview questions.

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