Hello, Ninja! 🥷This blog will discuss some critical Date functions in SQL Server.
SQL Server is a relational database management system developed and maintained by Microsoft. Its primary duties are storing, retrieving, and altering data in response to requests from other software programs. SQL Server has appeared as one of the most significant Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) with many applications. Because it is such an important subject, technical interviews frequently include questions regarding SQL Server.
If you are unfamiliar with SQL, don't worry. You may check our SQL articles, which will assist you in learning and understanding SQL at all levels.
So let's go down to the SQL Server Date functions without spending any more time. 😃
SQL Server Date Functions

The date and time functions allow us to handle date and time data effectively. When dealing with the database, it is essential to match the date and time functions format when putting data into the table. The date and time functions will be thoroughly covered in this blog. We may filter valuable data from a large amount of data using various built-in methods in SQL Server. It might help create and maintain a sizable database.
In SQL Server, many different data types may be utilized as the date in our table. 'YYYY-MM-DD' and 'DD-MM-YYYY' are the two most common date formats. We occasionally also need to use the data stored in our database to save time. We need tools in these situations to retrieve the time and date independently. The time and features of SQL Server come in handy here.
Additionally, it is advised that the novice exercise caution while utilizing date or time in the database because these are susceptible to throwing exceptions if not appropriately handled.
Data and Time format in SQL Server
The date and time formats used by SQL Server are as follows:
Need of Date and Time functions in SQL Server📅
Numerous date and time operations are available in SQL Server. The purpose of including them is to guarantee that the date and time module is used when creating and using databases.
Categories of SQL Server Date and Time functions

🔅 Returning the Date and Time Parts
🔅 Returning the System Date and Time Values
🔅 Returning the Modify Date and Time Values
🔅 Returning the Date and Time Difference Values
🔅 SET or Return Session Format Functions
🔅 Returning the System Date and Time Values
🔅 Returning the Values of the Date and Time from Their Components
Returning the Validate Date and Time Value
The computer's operating system, on which SQL Server is installed, is the source of all system date and time information.
Functions that return system date and time functions are
1.GETUTCDATE: The current UTC date and time values are obtained using this function as an integer.
2. GETDATE: The system's current date and time on which the SQL Server is installed may be obtained using this method.
3. SYSDATETIME: The system's current date and time may be obtained using this function with greater fractional second accuracy and without taking the time zone offset into account.
4. SYSUTCDATETIME: Using the UTC timestamp as an integer, this method retrieves the system's current date and time value.
5. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP: The current date and time values without the time zone offset may be obtained using this function.
We are Returning the Date and Time Parts.
A part of the date and time can be extracted using the date and time functions indicated in the table below in terms of the day, month, year, hour, minute, second, week, nanoseconds, etc.
Functions that return system date and time functions are
1. DAY: This function extracts the day value from the provided dates as an integer.
2. MONTH: This function extracts the month value from the provided dates as an integer.
3. YEAR: The year value from the provided dates is obtained as an integer using this function.
4. DATENAME: Using this method, a character string representing a day, month, or year of the date may be obtained.
5. DATEPART: This function may obtain the date section as an integer number.

Returning the Date and Time Difference Values ⏳
This returns the difference between date and time. The method used to determine the dates that differed:
DATEDIFF: This function will calculate the difference between the two input date components.
Returning the Modify Date and Time Values
We use this to manipulate or change the system/input timestamp values. Functions to manipulate the system input timestamp values are
1. SWTICHOFFSET: This function changes a DateTime offset value's timezone offset while keeping the UTC value intact. In SQL Server, the SWITCHOFFSET() capability can be utilized to return a datetimeoffset esteem that is transformed from the put-away time region offset to a predefined new time region offset.
2. TODATETIMEOFFSET: The DATETIME2 value is converted into a DATETIMEOFFSET value. The SQL Server DateTimeOffset information type stores the date and time alongside the Time Zone Offset. It is like both DateTime and DateTime2 information types. Then again, the DateTime and DateTime2 don't store the Time Zone Offset. Likewise, DateTime is less exact than DateTime2.
3. EOMONTH: With the given date and an optional offset, this method returns the month's final day. Returns the chronic number for the last day of the month, the demonstrated number of months prior or after start_date. Use EOMONTH to compute development dates or due dates that fall on the previous day of the month.
4. DATEADD: The new date value is returned by this function after adding an integer value to the date portion of the input dates. You can utilize the DateAdd capability to add or deduct a predetermined time stretch from a date. For instance, you can use DateAdd to compute a date 30 days from today or 45 minutes from now. To add days to date, you can utilize Day of Year ("y"), Day ("d"), or Weekday ("w").
Set or Return Session Format Functions

To set the date and time values for a particular session, use the following functions:-
1. SET DATEFIRST: The first day of the week is set using this method to a value between 1 and 7. The SET DATEFIRST capability sets the principal day of the week from 1 to 7. To know the ongoing first day of the week, @@DATEFIRST is utilized.
2. SET DATEFORMAT: When DateTime or smalldatetime data is input, this function establishes the order of the date parts (month, day, and year). To refresh with the ongoing date and time: UPDATE table_name SET date_field = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP; To refresh with particular date esteem: UPDATE table_name SET date_field = 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.
3. SET LANGUAGE: The language for the system and system messages is set using this function.
Validation of Date and Time values
We can use the following date function to check whether the specified date format is valid or not in SQL Server. The correct date format is yyyy-mm-dd.
ISDATE: This function determines whether the dates entered follow the accepted format for date, time, or datetime values.
Constructing Date and Time from their Parts
To build the date and time from its component components, we may utilize SQL Server's following date function.
1. DATEFROMPARTS: With the help of this function, you may extract a date value from the given day, month, or year. The DATEFROMPARTS() capability returns DATE esteem that guides to a year, month, and day values. The DATEFROMPARTS() capability acknowledges three contentions: a year is a whole number articulation that makes plans for a year.
2. DATETIME2FROMPARTS: This function converts the date and time parameters into a DATETIME2 value. DATETIME2FROMPARTS returns invalid if something like one required contention has a null worth. Notwithstanding, if the accuracy contention has a null price, DATETIME2FROMPARTS will raise a blunder.
3. DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS: This method uses date and time inputs to generate a DATETIMEOFFSET value. DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS expects a time region offset of 00:00 - at the end of the day, no time region offset. For indicated offset contentions, DATETIMEOFFSETFROMPARTS anticipates values for the two ideas, and the two qualities are positive or negative.
4. TIMEFROMPARTS: This method is used to precisely extract a time value from the time components. The parts contention relies upon the accuracy contention. For instance, if accuracy is 7, each portion addresses 100 nanoseconds; on the off chance that accuracy is 3, each part addresses a millisecond. If the worth of accuracy is zero, the worth of portions should likewise be zero; in any case, a mistake is raised.

MySQL Date Functions📑
The accompanying table records the main implicit date capabilities in MySQL:

To get a rundown of all legitimate date and time designs, you could utilize the code beneath and change the @date to GETDATE() or some other date you need to utilize. This will yield simply the legitimate configurations. 🧑💻
DECLARE @counter INT = 0
DECLARE @date DATETIME = '2006-12-30 00:38:54.840'
CREATE TABLE #dateFormats (dateFormatOption int, dateOutput nvarchar(40))
WHILE (@counter <= 150 )
INSERT INTO #dateFormats
SELECT CONVERT(nvarchar, @counter), CONVERT(nvarchar,@date, @counter)
SET @counter = @counter + 1
SET @counter = @counter + 1
IF @counter >= 150
SELECT * FROM #dateFormats
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